
  • 网络Underdeveloped Area
  1. 结论在育龄妇女中开展TT接种,是老少边穷地区消除新生儿破伤风最快速、经济、有效的策略。

    Conclusion TT immunization for children-bearing women was the most rapid , economic and effective strategy in undeveloped and remote area .

  2. 新疆天山南北坡分布大面积的荒漠戈壁,一般属于老少边穷地区,经济与技术基础薄弱,既需要加大资金和技术的投入,更需要找出适合当地社会经济条件的生态治理技术和模式;

    There large area desert distributes around the north and south side of Tianshan Mountains in which economy and technology are very unsubstantial .

  3. 目的探索适合我国广大农村,特别是老少边穷地区肺结核病患者的有效管理方式。

    Objective To seek for an effective case-management method to be used in villages , especially in remote and poor areas of our country .

  4. 沅水流域作为典型的老少边穷地区,文化上的边缘地带,具有明显的旅游区位和资源优势,大力发展旅游产业相得益彰。

    As a typical poverty-stricken area and cultural frontier , the region alongside the Yuan River has obvious advantages in location and resources for developing tourism .

  5. 特别是在老少边穷地区开发利用风景名胜资源,开展旅游活动,对于带动当地经济文化发展,尽快脱贫致富,起到了十分明显的促进作用。

    To exploit and use resources of famous scenery to develop tour can greatly help local economy and improve those people living standard in poor and remote areas .

  6. 认真落实西部大开发的各项政策和措施,促进老少边穷地区发展。

    The various polices and measures for developing the western region must be carried out in earnest to stimulate the development of old revolutionary base areas , areas inhabited by ethnic minority groups , border areas and poverty-stricken areas .

  7. 多年来,我国出台了义务教育教师流动的相关政策,引导和激励义务教育教师合理流动,支援老少边穷地区和农村地区的教育,改造薄弱学校。

    Over the years , China has introduced the relevant policies of the turnover of teachers in compulsory education , to guide and encourage the rational flow of compulsory education teachers to support the education of the poor and remote areas and rural areas to transform weak schools .

  8. 由于大多数少数民族居住在老少边穷的地区,各方面的条件相对落后,农业经济增长率低下,农业技术进步的贡献率相对发达地区低。

    Because the majority national minorities live in the whole family remote and poor area , various aspects condition relative backwardness , the agricultural economy rate of increment is low , the agricultural technology progresses the technical progress factor relatively developed area is low .

  9. 提高教师自身的修养和素质,特别是加强对老少边穷教师缺乏地区的师资培训。

    Elevating the quality of teachers , especially in areas of lack of teachers .

  10. 目的及时掌握沿海产盐区、蔬菜加工区、老少边穷山区等特殊地区人群碘营养水平。

    Objective To investigate the iodine nutrition status of the residents in three low-iodized salt supply areas ( coastal salt producing area , vegetable processing area and remote poor regions ) .