
  • Slots;Slot machine;one-arm bandit
  1. 要了解老虎机的本质,全部一个需要知道是赢取的标志组合根据RNG任意地被引起。

    To understand the nature of a slot machine , all one needs to know is that the winning symbol combinations are randomly produced according to the RNG .

  2. 例如,老虎机就是变化比率强化。

    So , for example , a slot machine is variable ratio .

  3. 大量硬币从吃角子老虎机中倾泻而出。

    Coins cascaded from the fruit machine .

  4. 不可思议的是他终于开始转运了,当他把那个硬币丢进老虎机,竟然中了大奖。

    Believing that his luck has finally changed , he puts the quarter in a slot machine and hits the jackpot .

  5. 全球多数地区似乎都会以某种方式受到新加坡老虎机的影响。

    Most parts of the world seemed to be affected , one way or another , by the spinning fruit machines of Singapore .

  6. 老虎机是我们所知道的最容易上瘾的一种赌博形式。而来自于“编码并修正”编程会带来类似的不可预测的好处,这意味着它同样让人容易上瘾。

    Slot machines are known as the most addictive form of gambling , and the similarly unpredictable rewards from code-and-fix programming mean that it could be equally addictive .

  7. 让人难以理解的是,寻找了游艺城各个角落,都没有“老虎机”的丝毫痕迹,难道是谎报?

    Hard to understand is that every corner of the city to find the entertainment , not " slot machine " of the slightest trace , is it false ?