
cǎi piào
  • lottery ticket;raffle ticket;lotto;ticket
彩票 [cǎi piào]
  • [lottery ticket] 其上印有编号的一种票券。它售给想靠碰运气而得彩金的人。以售得之款的一部分作为彩金,分头彩、二彩等各种等级。抽彩方法通常是以转动摇彩转筒以决定中彩的彩票

彩票[cǎi piào]
  1. 她买了张彩票,中了3,300多万美元。

    She bought a lottery ticket and won more than $ 33 million .

  2. 其中可以使用的奖品之一是彩票,奖金有10美元、50美元或100美元不等,在劝说人们少吃点这一问题上,这和那些实实在在的礼物一样有效。

    One of the prizes used was a lottery ticket , with a S10 , $ 50 or $ 100 payout , and this was as effective as a tangible gift in persuading people to eat less .

  3. 彩票抽奖为数百万人提供正当娱乐。

    The lottery provides harmless fun for millions .

  4. 有三张中奖的彩票。

    There are three winning tickets .

  5. 想象一下中个5,000英镑的当地彩票头奖吧。

    Imagine winning the local lottery first prize of £ 5,000 .

  6. 我母亲买了很多彩票,一心希望能中大奖。

    My mother bought lots of tickets and lived in hope of winning the prize .

  7. 彩票收入用于发展体育和娱乐产业,同时还用来充实国库。

    The proceeds from the lottery go towards sports and recreation , as well as swelling the coffers of the government

  8. 这张彩票没中奖。

    The ticket has drawn no prize .

  9. 人们排起了长龙买彩票。

    People stood in a long queue to buy lottery tickets .

  10. 她买彩票中了头奖,烧得不知怎么才好。

    She 's forgetting herself because she has hit the jackpot .

  11. 他们在足球彩票上赢了很多钱。

    They had a big win on the football pools .

  12. 我很幸运的获得了名为“希望”(在教育上帮助杰出学生)的彩票资助奖学金来支付自己的学费。

    I was lucky enough to have my tuition covered by a lottery-funded scholarship called HOPE ( Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally ) .

  13. 我们发现,对于那些中了50多万英镑的彩票得主,这种积极的影响确实是存在的,但六个月到一年时间以后,他们又会回到基准状态。

    We found that for some lottery winners who had won more than £ 500,000 the positive effect was definitely there , but after six months to a year , they were back to the baseline .

  14. 停顿了几秒钟,然后又说,“我买彩票赢了一万美元!“

    He waited for a few14 seconds and then said again , " I won15 ten thousand dollars buying the lottery16 tickets ! "

  15. 基于XML和J2EE的Web彩票发布系统

    Web Lottery Publication System Based on XML and J2EE

  16. 合理计算预期收益后,人们应该在前四组中选彩票A,在后六组中选彩票B。

    Figuring the expected payoff logically , one should choose lottery a the first four times and lottery B the last six .

  17. 在现有的技术体系下,结合Java编程技术,建立了彩票运维管理系统模型。

    Furthermore , under the current technical system , it established a lottery management system which combining the technology of Java program .

  18. scientificgames是美国最大的彩票公司之一,近年来,该公司一直在中国担任顾问和供应商。

    Scientific Games , one of the largest US lottery companies , has also been active as a consultant and supplier in China for several years .

  19. 抗氧剂TBM对彩票纸防褪色性能的影响

    Influence of antioxidant TBM on the anti-fading performance of sports lottery paper

  20. 用外语进行测试时,厌恶损失情绪的影响减少,测试对象更早地开始选择彩票B。

    When Costa and his colleagues had participants use a second language , the emotional effect of " loss aversion " dropped and the subjects switched to lottery B sooner .

  21. 通过对Logistic函数的改造,建立了评价彩票对彩民吸引程度的吸引力指数;

    With the " Charming Index " transformed from the Logistic function , we can evaluate how much a certain lottery attracts people .

  22. 特别是为描述某一彩票模式的吸引力,我们根据各奖项出现的概率、奖金额等因素引进了效用函数U,对彩票模式的合理性进行评价;

    To begin with , based on the probability and bonus amount of prizes , we introduce availability function U to evaluate the feasibility of lottery pattern .

  23. 作者将基于J2ME的Java手机软件这一思路与国内新兴行业枣足球彩票行业相结合,研发了足球彩票手机投注系统。

    The author combines the idea of Java mobile phone software based on J2ME with newly rising football lottery industry of China , develop the football lottery betting system in Mobile Phone .

  24. Kinney说他是在去Chevron食品市场买感冒药的路上买的这张彩票。

    Kinney says he bought the ticket at a Chevron Food Mart when he went out to buy cold medicine .

  25. 它将使用基类来生成彩票的第一部分,然后将生成mega号码并将其附加到彩票的字符串表示后面。

    It uses the base class to generate the first part of the ticket , then it generates the mega number and appends it to the string representation of the ticket .

  26. 在这个嵌入式操作系统中,作者首次采用了基于实时调度算法、彩票调度算法和Round-Robin调度算法相结合的调度算法,以适应目前广泛的多媒体应用。

    In this embedded OS , a new schedule algorithm based on real-time FIFO schedule , lottery schedule and round-robin schedule is used primarily for multimedia application .

  27. 最后,printTicket()将创建彩票的一个字符串表示。

    Finally , the printTicket () creates a string representation of our ticket .

  28. 看来,至少对于那些坚持要参与Facebook的IPO而不顾价格、估值,甚至不知这些概念什么意思的狂热散户投资者来说,买彩票的那种劲头又出现在了这宗IPO案之中。

    It would appear the same lottery-playing attitude has returned for the Facebook IPO , at least among frenzied individual investors clamoring to get in on the deal without regard to the price , valuation or even knowing what that means .

  29. 我国彩票立法基本问题研究

    The Research on the Fundamental Problems of Lottery Legislation in China

  30. 但是中国足球彩票的最终受益者应该是中国职业足球,世界各国都是以本国联赛作为竞猜对象的。

    However , Chinese Football Lottery should benefit Chinese Professional Football .