
ɡuó jì bǐ sài
  • international;international match;international tournament;international competition
  1. 埃文斯已经多次在国际比赛中获奖。

    Evans has medalled at several international events .

  2. 他将被禁赛4年,禁赛期间不能参加任何国际比赛。

    He will be banned from international competition for four years .

  3. 他是一位有才华的运动员,既参加国内比赛,也参加国际比赛。

    He 's a talented athlete who competes nationally and internationally .

  4. 在与哪个国家的比赛中伊恩·赖特打进了他在国际比赛中的首粒进球?

    Against which country did Ian Wright score his first international goal ?

  5. 邓迪联队的戴夫·鲍曼首次亮相国际比赛。

    Dundee United 's Dave Bowman makes his international debut .

  6. 斯科特·黑斯廷斯中止合同,结束了他的国际比赛生涯。

    Scott Hastings has called time on his international career by cutting short his contract .

  7. Cap指足球运动员参加国际比赛的场次,首发和替补上场都算,一次国际比赛就算一个帽子。

    Cap is the participation1 of a player in an international match , whether as a starter or substitute : one cap equals one international appearance ;

  8. 这个用法最早来源于英国,当时英国球员每参加一次国际比赛就会得到一顶帽子。

    the term ’ s origin is from the United Kingdom , where players used to be given a cap for every international game they play .

  9. 跳伞运动也称skydiving。国际比赛包括3项个人项目和1项至两项集体项目。

    Parachute jumping is also known as skydiving . International meets generally include three individual events and one or two team events .

  10. Kaakour先生、Mushantaf先生和BecharaPerini女士的商标在国际比赛中获了奖。

    The labels of Mr Kaakour , Mr Mushantaf and Ms Bechara Perini have won awards in international competitions .

  11. 直布罗陀是英国在伊比利亚半岛的海外领土,西班牙一直声称对其拥有主权。当直布罗陀试图加入FIFA时,西班牙威胁从欧冠联赛和国际比赛中撤回所有西班牙球队,包括巴塞罗那和皇家马德里这样的强队。

    When Gibraltar , a British overseas territory on the Iberian Peninsula claimed by Spain , tried to join FIFA , Spain threatened to pull all of its teams including the powerhouses of Barcelona and Real Madrid from the European Champions League and international football .

  12. 利用过去一周多国际比赛间歇的机会,丹尼·帕切科接受了我们的采访,分享了今年夏天他在西班牙U19国家队的经历。

    With many of our players away on international duty over the last week or two , we took the opportunity to chat to Dani Pacheco about his summer with Spain U19s .

  13. 下半场刚刚开始,吉奥瓦尼·多斯桑托斯(GiovanidosSantos)就从禁区外一个刁钻的角度地射门成功,这是他两年来在国际比赛中首次射门得分;兴奋感消退后,墨西哥人在很长时间里成功地防住了荷兰队。

    Giovani dos Santos scored his first international goal in two years with a wicked shot from outside the penalty area just after halftime , and once the euphoria subsided , the Mexicans packed in and held off the Netherlands for so long .

  14. 向澳洲挺进,然后是夏威夷国际比赛。

    Headed over to the Australian and then the hawallan internationals .

  15. 我没有国际比赛任务,假期也随之开始。

    I finished international duty and I am now on holiday .

  16. 在那次国际比赛中,他们夺得了第一名。

    They carried off the first prize at the international tournament .

  17. 目前俄罗斯的田径运动员已遭到禁止参加国际比赛的处罚。

    The country 's athletes are currently banned from international competition .

  18. 第一次正式国际比赛是在1954年赫尔辛基举行。

    The first international competition was held in Helsinki in 1934 .

  19. 中国女子滑冰运动员在国际比赛巾已获得许多奖牌。

    Chinese women skaters have won many medals in international competitions .

  20. 这是在国际比赛中最常见的作弊形式。

    This is the most common form encountered in international tournaments .

  21. 近年来,这里举行过多次国际比赛。

    In recent years , it has held many international competitions .

  22. 每年有很多国际比赛在华盛顿举行。

    Many international matches are held in Washington every year .

  23. 国际比赛是5天的康希尔决赛。

    On an international level , 5-day Cornhill Test Matches .

  24. 他将不会到法罗群岛参与国际比赛。

    He won 't travel for the international in the Faroe Islands .

  25. 从国际比赛规则的变化看竞技健美操的发展趋势

    Developmental tendency of athletic calisthenics as seen from changes of international rules

  26. 一位前苏联跳水运动员因在一次国际比赛中试跳该动作而身亡。

    A former Soviet diver died attempting it in an international competition .

  27. 在上海的一次国际比赛中他率队击败了泰国、乌兹别克斯坦和伊拉克。

    Uzbekistan and Iraq in an international tournament in Shanghai .

  28. 保龄球选手和和航海运动员也在国际比赛中取得一些成功。

    The bowlers and sailors have achieved some successes in the international competitions .

  29. 泰国拳击手在国际比赛中表现优异。

    Thailand boxers have done well in international competitions .

  30. 他在14岁时赢得了国际比赛冠军,从此开始了职业生涯。

    The younger musician started winning international competitions at the age of 14 .