
ɡuó jì shōu zhī bù pínɡ hénɡ
  • adverse balance of payments;balance of payments deficit;unfavorable balance of payments
  1. 缓解国际收支不平衡,实现增长的重新平衡

    Offset margin of BOP , achieve new growth equilibrium

  2. 当前经济运行存在的突出问题是投资规模偏大、货币信贷投放偏多和国际收支不平衡矛盾加剧。

    The major problems now are excessive investment , excessive money issuance and imbalance of international payment .

  3. 我们看到在这个危机的酝酿过程中,国际收支不平衡很严重。

    What we saw in the buildup to this crisis was a very extraordinary period of international imbalances .

  4. 好消息是对于国际收支不平衡的国际担忧没有很多人想象的迫切。

    The good news is that international concerns about global imbalances may be much less pressing than many think .

  5. 要了解国际收支不平衡到底有没有扩大,你得先知道误差到底误在哪里。

    To understand whether global imbalances really are widening or not , you need to know where the errors lie .

  6. 当前影响金融市场稳定最明显的因素是国际收支不平衡,亦即是美国的经常帐赤字。

    The most obvious factor weighing on financial markets is the external imbalance , specifically the current account deficit of the United states .

  7. 中国央行在本月的一份报告中表示,虽然国际收支不平衡不能单纯依靠货币升值来解决,但更具弹性的人民币汇率会有助于经济结构调整。

    The PBOC said in a report this month that while international imbalances could not be resolved solely through reliance on Renminbi appreciation , a more flexible currency could help restructure the economy .

  8. 中国经济十多年来的持续高速增长,在带来国内居民财富增长的同时,宏观经济方面也产生了国际收支不平衡的问题。

    After more than ten years of high-speed developing , China economy not only bring the quick increase of China residents ' fortune , but also bring the question of Imbalance of China balance sheet .

  9. 文章指出:我国国际收支双顺差的不平衡问题是制度、政策、结构和特定发展阶段所形成的,具有一定的长期性、客观性和趋势性。

    The imbalance of double surpluses in China 's payments of balance is the result of the combined force of the country 's system , policy , structure and certain development stage .