
  • 网络State Administration of Radio, Film and Television;State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television;State Administration of Radio Film and Television;SARFT
  1. 据国营媒体《新京报》(BeijingNews)上周五报道,国家广播电影电视总局对电视剧制作公司和电视台提出了一些建议。

    The state-run Beijing News reported on Friday that the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television had offered ' suggestions ' to TV production companies and broadcasters .

  2. 为了满足用户随时随地看奥运的需求,国家广播电影电视总局于2008年在全国37个主要城市完成了CMMB网络建设。

    In order to meet the users ' demand of " anytime , anywhere to watch the Olympic Games ", the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television ( SARFT ) have completed the construction of CMMB networks in 37 cities during 2008 .

  3. 但中国国家广播电影电视总局(StateAdministrationforRadio,FilmandTelevision)的宗旨是建设文化产业,在寻求保持内容审查的同时,推动广电企业和内容制作商的发展。

    But the State Administration for Radio , Film and Television seeks to build a cultural industry and strengthen broadcasters and content producers while seeking to maintain content censorship .

  4. CMMB多媒体广播电视正式在这种情况下产生并走向成熟的。CMMB(ChinaMobileMultimediaBroadcasting)标准是国家广播电影电视总局推出的自主研发、具有自主知识产权的移动广播电视标准。

    CMMB has grown and become mature right under the circumstances . CMMB ( China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting ) standard is a mobile broadcasting television standard self developed by The State Broadcasting Film and Television Administration ( SARFT ), and SARFT owns its independent intellectual property rights .

  5. 国家广播电影电视总局

    " State Administration of Radio , Film and Television "

  6. 2003年是国家广播电影电视总局规定的广播产业发展年。

    National broadcasting film and TV bureau has named 2003 as the year of great development of broadcasting station .

  7. 据新华社报道,国家广播电影电视总局周二发布电视上星频道娱乐节目限制令。

    China 's television watchdog has capped the amount of entertainment programs that satellite channels can broadcast , Xinhua reported .

  8. 国家广播电影电视总局的一名发言人表示,一些在线节目内容粗俗下流,很暴力。

    A spokesperson from State Administration of Radio , Film and Television said that some online programs are vulgar , obscene and violent .

  9. 2010年03月17日中国国家广播电影电视总局现在有了一个新的平台来发展和宣传中国的电影产业。

    2010-03-17 The State Administration of Radio , Film and Television ( SARFT ) has a new tool for developing and promoting the Chinese film industry .

  10. 中国主要的媒体监管和审查机构国家广播电影电视总局上周叫停即将开播的一系列新的歌唱类选拔节目。

    China 's major media regulator and censor last week put a stop to the slew of new singing competitions soon to hit China 's airwaves .

  11. 王烁(音译),北京第二外国语学院毕业年份:2013年工作单位:国家广播电影电视总局工作:职员月薪:3000元

    Wang Shuo , Beijing International Studies University Graduation Year : 2013 Employer : State Administration of Radio , Film and Television Job : clerk Monthly salary : 3,000 yuan

  12. 对于有较多吸烟镜头的电影、电视剧,将不准参加国家广播电影电视总局举办的各类评优活动。

    Films and television shows containing too many scenes of people smoking are not allowed to participate in any awards events held by the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television .

  13. 是由中央电视台投资组建、经国家广播电影电视总局授权的中国付费电视集成运营中心。

    China DTV Media Inc. , Ltd. ( CDM ) is a pay TV broadcasting platform invested by China Central Television and authorized by the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television .

  14. 据国家广播电影电视总局表示:这一数据与去年同期相比增长了约60%.

    This is an increase of about 60 percent from the same period last year , according to the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television ( SARFT ) .

  15. 从一条匿名的微信账号消息透露,新规定表示:国家广播电影电视总局不允许视频网站未经审查就引进海外剧集。

    The State Administration of Radio , Film and Television won 't allow imported TV series to be available on video websites before they are censored , according to a new regulation revealed by an unnamed Wechat account .

  16. 合营企业制作电视剧须按国家广播电影电视总局有关规定另行申领《电视剧制作许可证》。影视片译制工艺先进,制作精良,在国内外影坛获得好评。

    If a joint venture intends to produce television dramas , it must separately apply and obtain a Television Drama Production Permit in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television .

  17. 尽管《非诚勿扰》之后在内容上受到新的限制,但据新华社援引中国国家广播电影电视总局的话报道,该节目在最新的清理整顿中得以保留。

    Though If You Are the One faced new content restrictions after that broadcast , it was spared the latest culling , according to Xinhua , which quoted the State Administration of Radio , Film , and Television , known as Sarft .

  18. 上个月,国家广播电影电视总局、北京市版权局及其他新媒体版权所有人和出版商发起了一项行动,禁止在互联网上非法分享音乐、视频内容。

    Last month , the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television , along with the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Copyright and several new media copyright owners and publishers , launched a campaign to end illegal sharing of music and video online in China .

  19. 中国国家广播电影电视总局目前正在与中央电视台、北京、上海和其他三个地区的地方电视台联手推进这一项目。

    The State Administration of Radio , Film and Television , China 's broadcasting regulator , is working on the project with the country 's state broadcaster , China Central Television , and with regional TV stations from Beijing , Shanghai and three other areas .

  20. 随着海外电视真人秀的授权翻拍节目在我国越来越流行,国家广播电影电视总局要求,7月1日起,所有电视台必须停止播放未经审批的引进境外版权模式节目。

    With authorized remakes of foreign TV reality shows gaining popularity in China , the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television ordered that all television stations must stop airing unapproved programs that are based on overseas formats starting July 1 .

  21. 该交易是最近好莱坞与中国之间一系列合作中的最新一笔。据中国国家广播电影电视总局的数据,去年中国电影票房收入增长29%,至人民币131亿元(合20.8亿美元)。

    The deal marks the latest in a recent spate of tie-ups between Hollywood and China , where box-office revenue climbed 29 % to 13.1 billion yuan ( $ 2.08 billion ) last year , according to China 's State Administration of Radio , Film and Television .

  22. 在周一发布的通知中,国家广播电影电视总局和国家互联网信息办公室要求视听网站、门户网站对网站上播放的电视剧和微电影负责,并要求它们在播放这些内容前对内容进行审查。

    In a directive issued on Monday , the State Administration of Radio , Film and Television and the State Internet Information Office ordered video sites and Internet portals to take responsibility of the serials and micro films broadcast on their sites and to censor the contents before airing them .

  23. 中国电影监管机构国家新闻出版广播电影电视总局不予置评。

    China 's film regulatory agency , called the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television , declined to comment .

  24. 国家新闻出版广播电影电视总局对于电影档期的安排有最终决定权,该局没有立即回复记者的置评请求。

    The State General Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television , which has ultimate say over film release schedules , did not immediately respond to a request for comment .

  25. 根据国家新闻出版广播电影电视总局发布的数据显示,近三个月在广东省和江苏省,网络售票占据了总售票数的70%。

    In Guangdong and Jiangsu provinces , online ticket sales accounted for more than 70 percent of tickets sold in the last three months , according to statistics published by the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television .

  26. 媒体监管者称网上视频也将使用电影和电视的审查方法。这是国家新闻出版广播电影电视总局局长蔡赴朝所说的。

    The top media regulator will use the same censorship policies for online video content as it does for traditional TV shows and films , said Cai Fuchao , director of the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television .

  27. 根据中国国家新闻出版广播电影电视总局的数据显示,我国2月份电影票房相比2014年同期增长近70%,比北美同期超出约2.5亿美元。

    The box office , nearly 70 percent higher than in February 2014 , topped the North American market 's by about 250 million US dollars , according to the State Administration of Press , Publication , Radio , Film and Television ( SAPPRFT ) .