
  • 网络Excess Liquidity;excessive liquidity
  1. 第二章是关于流动性过剩理论及其相关实证研究的文献综述以及向量自回归(VAR)方法在研究流动性过剩问题中的应用的文献综述。

    The second chapter is about the literature review of excess liquidity and the VAR methods and empirical studies on both of them .

  2. 流动性过剩的影响及对策研究综述

    Review on the Impact of " Excess Liquidity " and Countermeasures

  3. 以此为起点,笔者对中国货币政策传导机制进行了SVAR实证研究,进一步探讨了流动性过剩的原因及解决方案。

    Starting from this the authors make an empirical SVAR study of the transmission mechanism of Chinese monetary policy and explore the causes and countermeasures of liquidity surplus .

  4. 存贷差和外汇占款以及M2与M1差额的不断拉大等都不是流动性过剩的直接成因,而是由于货币政策没有及时对经济发展出现的变化作出反应造成的。

    Rather than difference between deposits and loans , occupying foreign exchange , or increasing gap between M2 and M1 , it is the direct source for Chinese liquidity surplus that monetary policy did not react in time to the changing economic situations .

  5. 当前我国金融运行中存在着银行流动性过剩的突出问题,其主要表现为存差持续扩大、超额准备金居高不下、M2与M1持续背离、货币市场利率持续走低等。

    A prominent issue in present China 's financial operation is that there exists excessive liquidity within banking industry , the main exhibitions of which are : Enlarging loan-deposit gap , high excessive reserve , deviated M2 and M1 , and decreasing interest rate of money market , etc.

  6. 外汇占款与我国银行体系流动性过剩分析

    Position for Forex Purchase and Excess Liquidity of Chinese Banking System

  7. 完善我国资本市场可有效缓解流动性过剩

    Improving Chinese Capital Markets to Effectively Alleviate China 's Excess Liquidity

  8. 财富贮藏、货币需求和流动性过剩内生机制

    Wealth Storage , Money Demand and Excess Liquidity Endogenous Mechanism

  9. 浅析我国的流动性过剩现象和通货膨胀

    An Analysis on the Excess Liquidity and Inflation in China

  10. 超额货币;货币流动性过剩;资产价格;

    Missing Money ; Excess Monetary Liquidity ; Asset Prices ;

  11. 流动性过剩:基于中国二元经济结构的解析

    Excess Liquidity : an Analysis Based on China 's Dual Economic Structure

  12. 流动性过剩与中国商业银行的经营结构转型

    Excess Liquidity and Operation Structural Transformation of Chinese Commercial Banks

  13. 当前商业银行流动性过剩的成因与对策探析

    Analyses on Causes and Countermeasures to the Excessive Liquidity of Commercial Banks

  14. 流动性过剩已导致资产泡沫再度抬头。

    The excess liquidity has led to the resurgence of asset bubbles .

  15. 流动性过剩的成因、影响及对策分析

    Analysis on Origins , Influence and Countermeasures of Excess Liquidity

  16. 以往流动性过剩局面的终结很可能带来更多糟糕的意外。

    The unwinding of past excesses may well bring more unpleasant surprises .

  17. 刍议我国商业银行流动性过剩问题

    Discussions on the Fluidity Surplus of Commercial Bank in China

  18. 流动性过剩与房地产泡沫关系的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Excess Liquidity and Real Estate Bubble

  19. 商业银行流动性过剩问题的再认识

    Views on the Liquidity Surplus Problem for Commercial Banks

  20. 论银行体系的流动性过剩

    On the Liquidity Surplus in China 's Banking Sector

  21. 通胀预期、流动性过剩与中国通货膨胀的动态性质

    Expectation , Excess Liquidity and Inflation Dynamics in China

  22. 流动性过剩条件下中国资本市场稳定性研究

    Study on Stability of the Capital Market in China under the Excess Liquidity

  23. 流动性过剩的问题正变得越来越难以忽视。

    Pockets of excess are becoming harder to ignore .

  24. 模型结果显示:各银行普遍存在流动性过剩问题。

    The results showed that : the problem of excess liquidity is widespread .

  25. 房地产泡沫;流动性过剩;政策;

    Real Estate Bubble ; Excess Liquidity ; Policy ;

  26. 我国资金流动性过剩与房地产价格关系研究

    Research on the Relationship of Excess Liquidity with Real Estate Price in China

  27. 商业银行流动性过剩成因考察

    Causal Study on Liquidity Excess of Commercial Banks

  28. 流动性过剩与我国房地产价格上涨:理论及对策

    Excess Liquidity and Rising Prices of Real Estate in China : Theory and Measures

  29. 产能过剩与银行流动性过剩

    Overplus Productive Capacity vs. Surplus in Bank Fluidity

  30. 流动性过剩如何解决

    How to Solve the Problem of Overplus Liquidity