- 网络soil flow;Flowing soil;boiling

The two basic forms of penetration destroy are canal gush and soil flow .
Based on a double foundation characteristic , two schemes of high pressure ejecting grout plank wall and ballast for preventing piping and soil flow were investigated .
( iii ) the final form of seepage failure is mass-flow ;
Formation Mechanism and Treatment to Flowing Soil
The study is of much significance to engineering problems such as piping , sapping , and heat conduction .
This formula can be used not only the slope seepage field , but also the sewer blind ditch project essay .
Flowing soil is one of the moat familiar kind disaster related to ground water during all kinds of engineering buildings .
In addition , it also proves that the piping failure can turn into soil-flow failure with the washout of movable grains .
The earth seepage failure includes four types . It 's about mass flow 、 piping 、 contact mass flow 、 contact rush .
Flow soil is a deformation caused by seepage . The fine sandy soil whose critical ratio to wreck is between 0.9 to 1.73 has a low ability of anti-seeping .
The role of the filter layer is filtered the soil and drainaged , to prevent hydraulic structures from suffered the canal gush , soil flow and other seepage damage .
When rainstorms persist , such soils will start to slide down the slope and be eroded , and furthermore , they rush down and form slurry , thus giving rise to slope mudflow .
Have a compare between the predicted results and experimental slope phenomenon , the results show that the platform flow of soil destruction formula groove more accurately predict of the form and location of landslide .
Based on the analyses of the occurring , developing and failure mechanism of piping in a dike , a new filter structure , namely a filter mattress with a pressure reducing layer , a filter layer and a protective layer , is designed .
The author in the process of investigation found that the failure of the filter material , except of the flowing soil and contact flow soil , contained the filter cake jams , the filter layer breakdown and " stagnation " three failure mode .
The displacements of soil and the porous fluid pressure satisfy Biot consolidation theory .
The instability of pipelines directly installed on the seabed is a " fluid-pipe-soil " coupling problem .
In this paper , two kinds of new technology of construction of bored pile in plastic soil sand backfilled base are advanced practically , especially , the new method-double protecting tube of construction in the sand backfilled base is expatiated on .
Different flowers and plants were planted in simulated vertical flow flower constructed wetlands . The effects of flowers and plants of constructed wetland on the purifying efficiency of wastewater for COD , BOD_5 , TN and TP were studied .
Measuring seepage coefficient of soil by flow pump
And some accidents have taken place when soil nailing was used for deep foundation pit supporting with soft soil layers .
During initial reservoir development period , the result of well stimulation using conventional fracturing , limited entry fracturing and mud acidizing is poor .
About the system entropy value , the 6 cropping pattern of rice paddy are all minus entropy value , and only cowpea / ginger / fragrant taro pattern and maize / cabbage / pakchoi pattern is minus entropy value in the 6 cropping pattern of dry land . 2 .
Application of Horizontal Chemical Churning Pile to Flow Plastic Clayey Soil
Application of Groundwater Non-stable Liquid Theory in Infiltration Concretion of Saturated Soil
Construction of Bored Piles in Geologic Conditions of Drift Sand and Soft Soil
A significant preferential flow was produced in the nature soil , but in the sieved soil , it remained as a steady seepage .
The hysteretic time of leaking is related to the concretion degree of clay . We have put forward a method of calculating the hysteretic time of leaking by adopting one-dimensional concretion theory .
Deep foundation trenches in shallow rocks in some cities along a seashore like Qingdao , Dalian , Zhuhai things like that often need to be dug or exploded into hard rock , there are heaving sand , soft soil , groundwater upon it .
Simulation of soil arching by particle flow code was proven feasible through comparison of the results of trapdoor simulated by particle flow code with those of trapdoor tests .