- 名Permeable layer;permeable stratum

Application of Single Neuron PID Algorithm for Pressure on Reverse Osmosis System Water pressure outside pressure tunnel under water-tight layer and effective stress of seepage
Method for the Analysis of Hydrogeologic Parameters in Aquifer and Aquitard
An aquiclude stores water but does not transmit significant amounts .
Model Test Research about the Fixing Methods of Tunnel 's Water-tight Layer
An Analytical Solution for Solutes Concentration Distribution Model in Impermeable Stratum in Homogeneous Soil
Study on control of secondary salinization within development experiment area with method of impermeable layer-blasting
The engineering geological condition of dike foundation is divided into four types : binary beds .
If the water-tight stratum had already existed , what the groundwater pressure distribution regular in it .
The main environmental media , such as air , coastal water , soil , sediment and film were included in the model .
Oil Displacement Efficiency of Some Combinational Chemical Flooding Solutions on Heterogeneous Sandstone Reservoir Models of Different Permeability and Permeability Variation Coefficient Water pressure outside pressure tunnel under water-tight layer and effective stress of seepage
Three dimensional visualization of geology constructed-model is used to display the exploration data graphically , which is an important means to learn the geo-body structure and understanding the distribution of permeable zones in geothermal fields , and provide useful information for exploration and assessment of reservoirs .
Generally taking account of all the factor , the project that subgrade height take 1.5m depth are proposed , the method laying the water percolation insulating layer in the lower part of subgrade are adopted if necessary .
On Types of Permeable Pavement Layed on Sidewalk A Test Section Construction and a Ponder of Perviousness Sidewalk for the Park of World 's Fair in Shanghai
Model test mainly divided into three parts , there were clay soil 's permeability coefficient test , clay soil 's initialized hydraulic slope test and groundwater pressure distribution regular test in water-tight clay soil stratum .
At the river embankment of Guangji in Anqing , the upper layer at the foundation part of embankment sections is weak pervious overburden and the strong pervious sand bed is in lower layers and they are typically double layer structure foundation .
One-dimensional consolidation of layered and visco-elastic ground under arbitrary loading with impeded boundaries
Analytic Study on Ground Consolidation by Shaft of Un-Striking through Semi-Permeable down Horizontal Bed
Chosen sites - which have included disused oil and gas wells - have relied on layers of impermeable capping rocks to hold down the carbon dioxide .
The paper develops the analytic theory of ground consolidation bb shaft of un-striking through semi-permeable down horizontal bed . And it analyses the basic consolidation shape of this kind of ground .
Design Method and Applications of Permeable Bituminous Surface
Study on the Mechanical Characteristic of the Rubber Asphalt Permeable Stress-absorbing Layer and the Combination Optimization of Pavement Structure
For deep and pervious soil foundation under earth-rockfill dam , a concrete diaphragm wall must be provided to control seepage .
A new design method based on voidage of coarse aggregates for grading of permeable bituminous surface course is presented in this paper .
The inner side wall is the water-permeating layer , of which the permeation coefficient is increased along with the increasing of the height of the water-containing cavity .