
  • 网络expiration date
  1. 其到期收益不仅与期权到期日的标的资产价格有关,而且还依赖期权合同期内标的资产在某段时间内或整个合同期内的平均价格。

    Its terminal payoff is not only connected with the price of underlying asset on the expiration date , but also depends on average price over a part or the whole of the life of the options .

  2. 看涨期权赋予买方以权利,但不必负有义务,在期权到期日当天或者到期之前,按照敲定的价格买进相关期货合约。

    A call is an option that gives the buyer the right , but not the price on or before the expiration date .

  3. 采用赫尔-怀特(Hull-White)短期利率模型,利用偏微分方程基本解方法,分别就标准型和资产交付日滞后于期权到期日类型的欧式附息票债券期权给出定价公式。

    The pricing of coupon-bearing bond option with delay in delivery is discussed , where the fundamental solution of partial differential equation is adopted and an explicit pricing formula of European option based on Hull-White model of short interest rate is exhibited .

  4. 不过,今天是期权到期日,上涨空间将限制在标普1350点以下。

    However , tomorrow is the option expiration day and the upside could be limited to S & P1350 .

  5. 这是对于期权在到期日价值可能高于立即行使价值的情况,给予期权卖方的一种补偿。

    This is the seller 's compensation for the possibility that the option will be worth more at the end of its life than if exercised immediately .

  6. 标准期权在到期日的价值与路径无关,只依赖于到期日的标的资产价格,因而难免有人操纵到期日的价格来从中套利。

    The value of the Standard options has nothing to do with the path , it relies only on the price of underlying assets on expiration date , so it is difficult to prevent people from manipulating the price on the expiration date to practice arbitrage [ 2 ] .

  7. 这笔交易之所以看起来很高明,是因为这种所谓欧式期权只能在到期日才能行使。

    The trade looks shrewd because these so-called European put options can only be exercised at maturity .

  8. 交换期权是一种合约,它使期权的持有人在到期日T时有权但非必须以一种资产变换另一种资产。

    Exchange option is a bind of agrement , it makes the people who own the option having the power that exchange a bind of asset by another bind of asset at maturity T.

  9. 第2章,系统地介绍了外汇期权相关的金融方面知识,包括外汇期权的基本概念、外汇期权交易的到期日损益分析、外汇期权定价、外汇期权的应用及外汇期权交易的风险等内容。

    Chapter 2 introduces financial knowledge of foreign currency option , including basic concept , trading profit and loss at maturity date , pricing , application , and trading risk .

  10. 回望期权就是其中的一种,它是一种路径依赖型期权,它在到期日的收益依赖整个期权有效期内标的资产价格所经历的最大值或最小值。

    One of them is the lookback options , they are path dependent options whose payoffs depend on the maximum or minimum of underlying asset price attained over a certain period of time .