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qī dài
  • expectation;expect;look forward to;anticipate;await;plan;wait in hope
期待 [qī dài]
  • [anticipate;await;expect] 期盼;等待

  • 期待炮弹爆炸

期待[qī dài]
  1. 我们以极大的兴趣期待着阅读这部小说。

    We anticipate reading the novel with great interest .

  2. 我期待他4点钟到达。

    I anticipate his arrival at four o'clock .

  3. 我们满怀信心地期待着完全康复。

    We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery .

  4. 新政策并没有带来所期待的经济复苏。

    The new policy did not bring the hoped-for economic recovery .

  5. 这正是我一直在期待的机会。

    This is just the opportunity I 've been waiting for .

  6. 我申请这个职位是希望多于期待。

    I applied for the post more in hope than expectation .

  7. 《星球大战》的第一部前传让影迷期待了多年。

    Fans waited for years for the first Star Wars prequel .

  8. 我们现在所能做的就是等候和期待。

    All we can do now is wait and hope .

  9. 他们期待着沿哥伦布的壮丽航程进行一次航行。

    They are hoping to retrace the epic voyage of Christopher Columbus .

  10. 他正期待着在电视上干出个名堂来。

    He 's hoping to make it big on TV .

  11. 有着一种期待和好奇的感觉。

    There was an air of expectation and great curiosity .

  12. 我们期待你这学期功课有进步。

    We shall be looking for an improvement in your work this term .

  13. 一天又一天我不知道该期待什么。

    I never know what to expect from one day to the next .

  14. 期待的人群中突然欢声雷动。

    A sudden roar came from the expectant crowd .

  15. 我期待着看你演出。

    I 'm looking forward to seeing you perform .

  16. 她急切期待着这次聚会。

    She was looking forward to the meeting enormously .

  17. 客人们即时安静了下来,期待着将要发生的事。

    An expectant hush fell on the guests .

  18. 居民焦虑地期待决定。

    Residents are anxiously awaiting a decision .

  19. 人们正急切地期待着她的最新小说。

    Her latest novel is eagerly awaited .

  20. 该党期待着在下次选举中获得对地方议会的控制权。

    The party is expecting to gain control of the council in the next election .

  21. 唱片店正期待着人们会争相抢购这张单曲唱片。

    Record stores are expecting a huge rush for the single .

  22. 那是一种对战争既畏惧又期待的心理。

    The mood is one of paranoia and expectation of war .

  23. 人们期待着贷款条件进一步放宽。

    People were betting on a further easing of credit conditions .

  24. 期待这场演讲能结束战争的希望很快便破灭了。

    Any hope that the speech would end the war was short-lived

  25. 这并不是我所期待的那种祥和平静的体验。

    It wasn 't the peaceful , composed experience I had expected .

  26. 他微微皱了下眉头,显然并不期待任何人回答他的反问。

    He grimaced slightly , obviously expecting no answer to his rhetorical question

  27. 他期待着与新首相共事。

    He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister .

  28. 嗯,我们期待着明天与他会面。

    Well , we shall look forward to seeing him tomorrow

  29. 佩罗期待着新一轮的竞选宣传节目的播出。

    Perot hoped to run another series of campaign infomercials .

  30. 她期待她父亲能够认罪。

    She wanted some admission of guilt from her father .