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fēi chí
  • Gallop;speed along;hell;belt;scorch;dart on;dash forward;go at a gallop;go at express speed
飞驰 [fēi chí]
  • [speed along] 以高速度运动

  • 一家晚报的几辆货车在全城飞驰,分送刚印出的报纸

飞驰[fēi chí]
  1. 一辆警车鸣着警报器飞驰而过。

    A police car raced past with its siren wailing .

  2. 快艇擦着波浪飞驰而去。

    The speedboat took off , skimming the waves .

  3. 他们正以大约一小时80英里的速度沿路飞驰。

    They were bombing down the road at about 80 miles an hour .

  4. 他沿山坡飞驰下来,撞在了一个电话亭上。

    He came barreling down the hill and smashed into a phone booth .

  5. 她驾车飞驰而去。

    She drove off at a furious pace .

  6. 一辆失控的汽车朝我们飞驰而来。

    A runaway car came hurtling towards us .

  7. 汽车沿公路飞驰而去。

    The car scorched off down the road .

  8. 赛车从我们身边飞驰而过。

    The racing cars zapped past us .

  9. 他像疯了似的驾车飞驰。

    He drove like a madman .

  10. 火车飞驰着。

    The train was flying along .

  11. 汽车飞驰而去,留下我在那里大声咒骂。

    I was left shouting abuse as the car sped off

  12. 这是一条繁忙的道路,每隔几分钟就有汽车飞驰而过。

    It was a busy road , cars flashed by every few minutes .

  13. 豪华轿车沿公路飞驰而去,那真是卷起一路风尘。

    The limousine sped off down the road in the proverbial cloud of dust

  14. 他被飞驰而来的火车头撞死了。

    He was killed by an onrushing locomotive .

  15. 在坡道上,自行车手飞驰着超越了一辆辆汽车,靠着惯性一路疾冲下山。

    On the descents , cyclists spin past cars , freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed .

  16. 另一辆车从交叉路口飞驰而出,撞到了他们汽车的尾部。

    Another car shot out of a junction and smashed into the back of them .

  17. 他当时驾驶着一辆梅塞德斯赛车以每小时100英里时速度飞驰,险些出事。

    He was driving a Mercedes racer at 100 mph and almost came to grief .

  18. 他停都不停地冲过交叉路口,然后错拐进了一条单行道逆向飞驰。

    He zoomed through junctions without stopping and sped the wrong way down a one-way street .

  19. 他驱车飞驰而去。

    He drove off at high speed

  20. 汽车向前飞驰。

    The car leapt forward .

  21. 汽车飞驰而过,卷起一阵尘土。

    A car sped past , raising a cloud of dust .

  22. 船只在河上飞驰而过。

    Ships raced along on the river .

  23. 火车呜的一声飞驰而过。

    The train zoomed past .

  24. 汽车飞驰而过。

    A car sped by .

  25. 卡车飞驰而过,他及时躲让开了。

    He dodged in time to avoid the speeding truck .

  26. 这辆车又小又简单,但在我的想象中,它是一辆在赛道上飞驰的高速赛车。

    The car was small and simple , but in my imagination it was a high-speed racing car , speeding along the race road .

  27. 我把油门一踩到底,车子飞驰下去。

    I just put my foot on the gas and started to drive away .

  28. 我喜欢最后期待。我尤其喜欢它们飞驰而过时发出的嗖嗖声

    I love deadlines . I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by .

  29. 10年间,京沪高铁在中国高铁发展史上创造多项成绩,飞驰出一道亮丽轨迹。10年间,京沪高铁累计安全运送旅客13.5亿人次。

    A total of 1.35 billion passenger trips have been made safely on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway since it went into operation 10 years ago .

  30. 当她们驾车在Gergaresh区的主干道行驶的时候,(从后面)三辆车飞驰而过,吓得她们赶快减速。

    As they drove up the main road in Gergaresh they were forced to slow down as three cars sped past them .