
fēi jī zhì zào yè
  • aircraft industry;aviation industry
  1. 介绍了工业工程在飞机制造业中的应用,以及现代航空制造业发展的特点,阐述了工业工程在航空制造企业改造过程中的指导作用。

    IE in aviation industry and its uses are introduced in the paper , its guiding role is described in adjustment and optimization of the industrial structure in aviation industry .

  2. 对飞机制造业来说这段时间过得很艰难。

    These are hard times for the aircraft industry .

  3. 飞机制造业仍旧举步维艰,发展速度之缓很让人头疼。

    Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace .

  4. 莱特兄弟是早期飞机制造业的探索者。

    The Wright brothers pioneered in early aviation .

  5. 中国的飞机制造业也在不断发展空中客车(airbus)于10月份宣布,在华开设首家工厂。

    There is also growing construction of aircraft in China Airbus announced its first plant in the country in October .

  6. 碳纤维不仅用于制造钓鱼竿和网球拍,还大量应用于飞机制造业,如梦幻波音喷射客机787(Boeing787Dreamliner)以及一级方程式赛车车体制造。

    Carbon fiber has found its way into fishing rods and tennis rackets , and in larger quantities into airplanes like the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the bodies of formula one racecars .

  7. AK4-1材料的高筋条壁板条拉伸成型,目前在我国飞机制造业中,不论结构还是材料、工艺成型都是全新的。

    In our manufacture , HFP stretch forming is first both in process and in material ( AK4-1 ), and it is a key role in aircraft manufacture in out country .

  8. 飞机制造业大型共性支撑平台的技术方向

    Technique Direction of Large-scale Supporting Platform for Aircraft Manufacturing Industry

  9. CAD/CAM在飞机制造业的应用与发展

    Application and Development ofCAD / CAM In Aircraft Manufacture

  10. 中国干线飞机制造业发展模式研究

    A Study on the Developmental Modal of China 's Artery Airplane Manufacturing Industry

  11. 德国飞机制造业的巨大希望就是欧洲空中客车公司。

    The great white hope for the German aircraft industry was the European airbus .

  12. 复合材料制造技术现状及在飞机制造业中的应用

    Status Quo of Compound Material Manufacturing Technology and Its Application in the Airplane Manufacturing Industry

  13. 他们说这将使商业和机器制造业发生彻底的改变&尤其是汽车和飞机制造业。

    They say it will revolutionise both the commercial and engineering industries-particularly car and aeroplane manufacturing .

  14. 有些人甚至不知道中国还有自己的飞机制造业。

    Some people don 't even know that China also has its own plane manufacturing industry .

  15. 拉弯是一种重要的型材弯曲工艺,被广泛应用于汽车和飞机制造业。

    Stretch bending is an important bending process of extrusion and widely used in automotive and aircraft industries .

  16. 飞机制造业噪声及噪声敏感与作业工人听力损伤关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship between Noise in Aircraft Manufacturing as Well as Noise Sensitivity and Workers ' Hearing Loss

  17. 54岁那一年,他决定全身心投入飞机制造业。

    At the age of 54 , he decided to focus his energies on developing the budding field of aviation .

  18. 它以不可思议的高代价,复制出一个飞机制造业的供应链,而整个供应链一直处于追赶之中。

    It produces an incredibly expensive duplication of an aircraft industry supply chain , all of which is always playing catch-up .

  19. 至于737系列机型何去何从,飞机制造业还在等待波音的决定。

    The industry is waiting for Boeing to make a decision on what to do with its 737 family of aircraft .

  20. 作为一个事实问题的,飞机制造业使用的总比例很小云杉是精。

    As a matter of fact , the aircraft industry uses a very small percentage of the total spruce that is milled .

  21. 随着航空科技与飞机制造业的快速发展,飞机在可靠性和安全性方面有了很大程度的提高。

    With the rapid development of aviation technology and aircraft manufacturing industry , the reliability and safety of aircraft has been improved greatly .

  22. 西雅图超音速队由于波音公司地处西雅图,西雅图一直是飞机制造业的中心。

    TheSeattleSupersonics : As a result of its association with Boeing , Seattle has long been a center of the airplane manufacturing industry .

  23. 大型飞机制造业的迅速发展,促进了大跨度飞机维修库屋盖网架结构的应用。

    The fast development of the large airplane manufacturing industry promotes the study and design of the roof covering space truss of long-span hangar .

  24. 但是,大飞机制造业对于中国来说是一个新兴产业,其发展策略的选择非常重要。

    But , the large aircraft manufacturing industry is a new industry in China , so , the choice of its development strategy is very important .

  25. 旧中国几乎没有机器制造业,更没有汽车制造业和飞机制造业,而这些现在都建立起来了。

    In the old China , there was hardly any machine-building industry , to say nothing of the automobile and aircraft industries ; now we have all three .

  26. 据统计,在美国的汽车制造业,机械加工中钻孔工序的比重约占50%;而在飞机制造业,钻孔工序所占的比重则更高。

    According to statistic , in the field of automobile manufacturing in Unite States , drilling accounts for fifty percent of machining ; and more in aeroplane manufacturing .

  27. 本文运用价值链理论,从技术创新和产业组织两个方面提出了大飞机制造业发展的策略。

    From the value chain theory , this paper proposed the development strategies of large aircraft industry based on the two aspects of technological innovation and industrial organization .

  28. 全球飞机制造业巨头波音和空客的角逐又成为本次航展的焦点,中国参展公司也在设法分得一杯羹。

    While Chinese companies are trying to get a piece of the action , the competition between global aircraft giants Boeing and Airbus have again become the focus at the show .

  29. 2001年的911恐怖袭击导致飞机制造业陷入全球性低迷,紧固件生产商相互整合,产能和工人数量均有所下降。

    The worldwide downturn in the aircraft industry caused by the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001 led to consolidation among fastener makers , along with reduced capacity and smaller workforces .

  30. 飞机制造业赖以生存的根本并非大型越洋机型,而是每天多次往返于纽约与休斯顿之间,或伦敦、马德里之间的小型客机。

    What keeps these aircraft industry going are the small jets that whisk people several times a day from New York to Houston or from London to Madrid & not the big transatlantic jets .