
  1. 中医药对外教育产业化发展思路对外教育政策既是一种针对教育活动的教育政策,也是一种规范涉外活动的外交政策。我国对外教育政策研究

    Our thoughts on industrialization of external education of Chinese medicine

  2. 涉外活动中的服饰从文体角度谈涉外经济合同的汉英翻译

    Discussion on Translation of Economic Contract Concerning Foreign Affairs from Chinese into English Combining the Literal Style

  3. 国际贸易实务课程是一门具有涉外活动特点的实践性很强的综合性课程,也是国际贸易专业的核心课程。

    International Trade Practice is a comprehensive subject . As the core of International Trade Speciality , it is extremely related to foreign affairs and needs much practical experience .

  4. 随着中国在国际事务和世界经济中的地位不断提高,交替传译正被广泛应用于演讲、授课、高级会议和新闻发布会等涉外活动中。

    As China assumes an increasingly important role in international affairs and global economy , consecutive interpretation is widely used in political talks , business meetings , lectures and press conferences .

  5. 《国际贸易实务》是一门研究国际间商品交换过程的学科,是一门具有涉外活动特点的、实践性很强的综合性应用科学。

    " International Trade Practice " is a study of the process of international exchange of commodities subject , are one with the characteristics of foreign-related activities , a highly comprehensive practical application of science .

  6. 制定涉外经济活动中的公证行政法规之我见

    My View on Making Notary Administrative Law and Regulation involving Foreign Economic Activities

  7. 浅析涉外经济活动中知识产权保护存在的问题与对策

    Analyses on problems & tactics of protection of knowledge right in foreign economy activities

  8. 当国家作为民事法律关系的主体参与涉外民事活动时,其法律地位如何?

    What is the legal status of a country when it acts as a subject in the intemational civil activities ?

  9. 国际贸易实务课程具有理论与实践结合紧密、涉外经济活动特点明显、政策性与实践性很强、职业特色极为突出等特点。

    International trade actual practice combines theory and practice with the clear high vocational feature in foreign economic activity and strong policy and practice .

  10. 管理开发区的进出口贸易、对外经济技术合作和其他涉外经济活动;

    To administer the import & export , the economic and technological cooperation with the outside and other foreign-related economic activities in the DDZ .

  11. 在涉外商务活动中,因各国间的文化差异造成的冲突愈加明显,这为商务英语教学提出了更高的要求。

    In the foreign business activities , because of cultural differences among countries in the conflict caused more obvious , which made for business English teaching higher requirements .

  12. 当今世界,随着世界经济的发展和全球化合作联系日益密切,各国之间的种种涉外交流活动的开展日见频繁,这极大地推动了对口译人才的需求量。

    Nowadays , with the development of world economy and increasingly closer global cooperation between different countries , the foreign exchange activities become more frequent , which has greatly promoted the demand for interpreters .

  13. 越来越多的高职高专毕业生也得以在跨国公司就职,同时也有机会参与到在中国本土进行的一系列涉外交际活动。

    More and more higher vocational college graduates get a position in multinational companies , and also have the opportunity to participate in a series of intercultural communicative activities , most of which take place in China .

  14. 外资法律作为我国调整涉外经济活动的重要法律,是我国法律体系不可分割的部分,对我国经济的发展起到了重大作用。

    As a special legal system in regulating foreign investment relations , and the unseparated part of Chinese law system , the foreign investment law of our country has played a very important role in developing our economy .

  15. 在我国对外开放继续深入和国际交往日益增多的今天,调整和规范涉外警务活动的法律仍然为数不多,而且相关法律也成为了空白区域。

    The laws to adjust and standardize the policing activities concerning foreign interests are still precious even on today when the reform and open-up policy continues pursuing deeply and the international communication increases rapidly , and some relative laws become bland areas .

  16. 反垄断法的涉外适用涉外活动中的服饰

    A Study on the Extraterritorial Application of Antitrust ( Competition ) Law

  17. 只有认识并重视这些文化差异才能在涉外的商务活动中成功地进行跨文化交际。

    You can have successful cross cultural communication with the emphasis on these cultural differences in business activities .

  18. 禁止任何个人采取欺骗手段或者以营利为目的从事或者变相从事涉外婚姻介绍活动。

    No individual person shall be allowed to engage , either openly or in disguise , in matchmaking activities with foreign nationals by deceptive means or with the objective of seeking profits .

  19. 当今,随着互联网及其相关产业的迅速发展,与互联网有关的涉外民商事活动也日趋增多,发生在该领域的民商事纠纷也相继增多,由此引发的涉网涉外民商事诉讼便大量产生。

    In the process of the development of the Internet and its related industries , foreign-related civil and commercial activities through the Internet have been flourishing and the related cases are growing rapidly .

  20. 口岸农业是为涉外农业生产经营活动提供服务的口岸流量经济。

    Port agriculture is the port flux economy providing the service for the production and management activities of importing / exporting agriculture .

  21. 文章从国际商务谈判行为、国际商务管理、涉外商务交往中的时间观和空间观等几个方面分析了中西文化差异对涉外商务活动的影响。

    This paper makes an analysis of the influences of the differences between Chinese and western cultures on foreign-related commercial activities in the light of international commercial negotiations , international business administration , the sense of time and space in commercial contacts with foreign countries , etc.