
  1. 她到处旅行,为一个国际性公司工作。

    She gets about quite a lot , working for an international company .

  2. 对于具有广泛经营基础的国际性公司,培训中心还可提供重要的集中培训服务。

    For international companies with far-flung bases of operation , a central training hub can also offer an important sheep-dip service .

  3. 萨基姆集团是一家立足于高科技的国际性公司,2003年实现销售收入3180000000欧元和运营收入168000000欧元。

    Sagem group is an internationally based high-technology group that enjoyed consolidated sales of eur3.180 billion in2003 and operating income of eur168 million .

  4. 是一个充满活力的国际性公司,活跃于全球一些主要国家的成熟家纺服饰市场,包括中国、美国、欧洲、南美和南非等国家和地区。

    THOMAS BRYSON is a dynamic global player in the home apparel industry with established markets in the major countries in the world : China , USA , Europe , South Africa , South America .

  5. ICI是国际性集团公司,总部在英国;

    ICI is an international company , with headquarter in the UnitedKingdom .

  6. 会议口译另外一个重要的工作来源就是高端中介服务行业,比如说国际性公关公司与专业会议组织者(PCO)。

    A more significant source of work for conference interpreters is the higher-end intermediation service , like international PR companies and PCOs .

  7. 伊藤忠――黄帽子(中国)有限公司(CYH)就是领先进入中国市场的国际性大公司之一。

    CYH Co. LTD is one of the leader corporations which enter China market .

  8. 依托计算机技术的网络平台,将企业资源计划ERP和客户关系管理CRM进行整合和系统化,实现企业数据畅通和与客户的互动营销,以形成国际性工程公司的竞争优势。

    It is integrated and systematized with Enterprise Resource Plan and Customer Relationship Management based on the computer network for accomplishing the corporation with the smooth data flow and the interactive sales of clients , to form international engineering corporation competitive advantages .

  9. GHD作为一家以多元文化为特色的国际性大公司,为各种专业人员在各个领域间运用和发展各自的业务技能提供优良的机会。

    GHD has outstanding opportunities for professionals to apply and develop their skills across a broad range of industries , and within a culturally diverse international company .

  10. 发展至今已成为一间国际性集团公司。

    The company has now developed as an international enterprise .

  11. 当前,由于科技进步和竞争激励,世界日新月异,风起云涌,一些国际性大公司的首席执行官在位时间越来越短,走马灯式地换人。

    Nowadays , the world changed quickly owing to technical progress and fierce competition .

  12. 美国两家国际性通信公司合并,对处于霸主地位的AT&公司构成威胁。

    The two US international communication corporations merged , challenging the dominant AT & T Corp.

  13. 作为一家国际性跨国公司,我们对员工承诺良好福利并忠于员工。

    As a world-class multinational company , we are committed to the well-being and loyalty of its workforce .

  14. 历史的悠久、先进的科技、国际性的公司,我想所有的这些都是阿尔卡特光电子的优势所在。

    Michel : Long history , advanced technology , International company , I think all these are Alcatel Optronic 's advantage .

  15. 山城洛桑北靠阿尔卑斯山,南临日内瓦湖,很多国际性跨国公司的总部都设在这里。

    Lausanne was by the ALPS on the North , Geneva Lake on the South with quite a few international companies headquartered here .

  16. 曾担任过一家国际性贺卡公司的销售与开发董事的郝杰夫先生,凭借着多年来与各种不同领域公司的合作,他熟知那些资源性的企业所面临的主要困难。

    Having collaborated with a variety of companies during many years as sales and development director of an international greeting cards company , he knew the major difficulties faced by these frequently under resourced organisations .

  17. 不过,贝佐斯最终确信,利用他数十年来在把亚马逊打造成一个国际性科技公司的过程中所获得的技术专长和知识,他可以把邮报带入数字时代。他将邮报称作一家全国性机构。

    But Mr. Bezos was ultimately convinced that The Post , which he called a national institution , could be brought into the digital age by leveraging the technical expertise and knowledge that he had gained over his decades spent building Amazon into a global technology company .

  18. 这家公司太小,无法与国际性的大公司抗争。

    The firm is too small to contend against [ with ] large international companies .

  19. 这家公司太小,无法与国际性的大公司竞争。

    The firm is too small to contend against large international companies .

  20. 英国RMJM建筑设计集团是一家以设计为主导的国际性建筑设计公司。目前正为其上海代表处物色专业人才。

    RMJM , a design-lead international architectural design office is looking for talented people for its Shanghai representative office .

  21. 莎莉在国际性的设计公司工作。

    Sally works in an international design company .

  22. 国际性的烟草公司也在这样做。

    Global tobacco companies are doing likewise .

  23. 四元素,一家国际性的顾问公司,非常高兴地邀请有抱负的中国设计们发挥他们的创造力。

    Elements , an international consultant , is pleased to invite all aspiring designers in China to explore their creativity .

  24. 国内公司无力与国际性的大公司抗衡,造成民族工业的衰退。

    2 , Cause national industry decline , because domestic corporations are unable to contend with international big companies / multinational corporations ( MNC ) .

  25. 世界酒店业日益呈现出多样化、个性化、人文化的发展趋势,并且随着越来越多的国际性酒店管理公司入驻四川,建国国际酒店管理公司将面临着更多的挑战。

    World hotels are getting diversification , individuation and humanity . With more and more international hotel management companies enter into Sichuan , Jianguo International will face more serious challenges .

  26. 上海石化是中国最大的集油品、化工、化纤和塑料生产的综合性现代化石油化工企业之一,是中国首家股票同时在纽约、上海、香港三地上市的国际性股份有限公司。

    Shanghai Petrochemical Company Limited ( SPC ) is one of the most important modernized enterprise intergrated with production of oil refining , petrochemicals , chemical fiber and plastics . The stock of SPC is the first one in China which is exchanged in New York , Shanghai and Hongkong .

  27. 国际性物业顾问公司莱坊根据年度调查发布了全球最热门的五条私人飞机航线。调查,除了第一条之外,另外四条分别为迈阿密到纽约、纽约到洛杉矶、纽约到佛罗里达西棕榈滩以及伦敦到纽约。

    Rounding out the top five , according to the so-called " Wealth Report , " an annual survey produced by the real estate consultancy Knight Frank , are Miami to New York , New York to Los Angeles , New York to West Palm Beach and London to New York .

  28. 国际性扩张给该公司带来了文化方面的问题。

    Expanding internationally creates its own cultural problems .

  29. 国际性银行和跨国公司已经在抱怨,它们的业务受到了严重影响。

    International banks and multinational companies are already complaining that their businesses are being badly affected .

  30. 信用担保业历来是高风险行业,为中小企业提供贷款担保,风险更大。因此国际上商业性担保公司早已退出该领域,为中小企业提供信用担保的主要是政策性担保公司。

    Credit guarantee business is commonly acknowledged as a high risky business , and loan guarantee for SME bears much more risks .