
  1. 詹姆斯托宾(jamestobin)曾提议对外汇交易征税,以稳定浮动的汇率,并在一个金融日益一体化的世界里,实现更大的国家货币政策自主权。

    James Tobin proposed a tax on foreign exchange transactions to stabilise floating exchange rates and achieve greater national monetary policy autonomy in a world of increasing financial integration .

  2. 第二章,介绍美国国家货币政策的信号功能。

    Chapter Two introduces the signaling function of American monetary policy .

  3. 西方国家货币政策中介目标的历史演进及其启示

    Western country currency policy agent target 's historical evolution and its inspiration

  4. 西方国家货币政策目标的选择;

    The choice of the Monetary Policy target which western countries make ;

  5. 从货币主义的理论和实践看中西方国家货币政策

    Seeing Monetary Policies of Sino-western Countries from Monetarism Theory and its Practices

  6. 利率历来都是市场经济国家货币政策的重要中介目标。

    The interest rate is always an important intermediate goal of the national monetary policy of market economy .

  7. 金融市场是西方发达国家货币政策发挥作用的主要中介,这也是现代市场经济条件下货币政策传导的主要方式。

    Financial market is the leading intermediate by which the developed western countries play the role of monetary policy .

  8. 债券市场作为国家货币政策的重要载体是金融市场的重要组成部分。

    Bond market , as an important carrier of national monetary policy , is always an essential component of financial market .

  9. 亚行表示,发达经济体经济低迷,加上亚洲国家货币政策趋紧,将拖累地区经济增长。

    The Manila-based bank said regional growth would be constrained by anaemic economic activity in the advanced economies and the impact of tighter monetary policy in Asia .

  10. 同时对货币政策利率传导机制的定义及分类给予明确说明并较详细的分析国外发达国家货币政策利率传导的先进经验。

    Meanwhile the paper gives the definition and classification of interest rates on monetary policy transmission mechanism and analysis the advanced experience of developed countries monetary policy transmission .

  11. 在当代西方国家货币政策实践中,公开市场业务与法定存款准备金、再贴现被称为货币政策的三大法宝。

    In the monetary policy practice of contemporary western country , open market service and legal capital reserve rate , re-discount are called " three main and effective tool " of monetary policy .

  12. 尤其进入2011年以来,国家货币政策趋紧,银行业进入加息周期,贷款成本大幅提高。

    In particular , entering 2011 , the State monetary policy is becoming tight , the bank industry has entered an interest rate hike cycle , and the cost of loan is substantially increasing .

  13. 托宾税从未得以实施,从其公开的目标来看,这样倒也好:它可能会加大汇率的波动,并且从本质上讲不太可能增强国家货币政策的自主性。

    The Tobin tax was never implemented , which is just as well from the perspective of its declared objectives : it could have increased exchange rate instability and was unlikely materially to enhance national monetary policy autonomy .

  14. 事实上,中央银行正在感到越发不安,因为各个国家货币政策的混合效果有可能导致全球市场的泡沫化,当泡沫破裂使,这将可能产生更高的通货膨胀或者金融危机。

    Indeed , there is growing unease among central bankers that the collective effect of national monetary policies may have contributed to today 's frothiness in markets round the world and that this may lead to either higher inflation or a financial crisis when bubbles eventually burst .

  15. 近年来在主要工业国家的货币政策执行中,利率期限结构正扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    In these years , the term structure acts an important part in the monetary policy .

  16. 基于ERM&Ⅱ机制的中东欧国家货币汇率政策分析

    An Analysis of Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy of CEE countries : Base on ERM - ⅱ Mechanism

  17. 其他国家的货币政策没有这么严格,但是也仍然也在干预以阻止其认为的过渡升值压力。

    Others have less rigid currencies but still intervene to stem what they regard as excessive upward pressure .

  18. 通常来看,各市场经济国家的货币政策存在过两种类型:相机抉择型和规则型。

    Usually come to see , the market economic countries exist two monetary policy types : camera choice type and rules type .

  19. 西方发达国家对货币政策中介目标的选择基本上经历了从数量指标到价格指标的转变过程。

    The intermediate targets of the monetary policy of main western countries covered a process of converting from quantity type instrument to price type instrument .

  20. 利率作为国家货币金融政策的重要组成部分,是国家宏观金融调控的主要手段之一。

    Interest rate as an important part of monetary and finance policy of china , is one of main measures of macro-control of finance of china .

  21. 第二个争议点是发达国家的货币政策,尤其是央行可能会很快开始印发纸币来购买政府债券这一预期行为。

    A second flashpoint is the rich world 's monetary policy , particularly the prospect that central banks may soon restart printing money to buy government bonds .

  22. 虽然我们可以讨论发达国家的货币政策方针,但迫切需要采取紧缩政策的,最显然的就是新兴市场央行了。

    While we can debate the course of monetary policy for the advanced economies , the most obvious candidates for immediate tightening are the emerging market central banks .

  23. 美联储制定这个国家的货币政策,但除了其主席和理事会必须由政府指派外并不接受政府的操纵。

    The Fed conducts the nation 's monetary policy , but faces no regulation from the government aside from the appointment of its President and Board of Governors .

  24. 在市场经济较发达的国家,货币政策已经不是中央银行对货币供应过程的一种简单操控,而是一个完整的货币政策运行系统。

    In developed market economies , the monetary policy is not only a simple manipulative process of money supply by central banks , but an all-round policy operational system .

  25. 本文在对西方一些货币政策传导机制理论及对西方主要发达国家的货币政策传导机制进行分析的基础上,对我国1984年以来的货币政策传导机制及其效果进行了分析。

    In this paper , the monetary transmission mechanism of China will be analyzed based on the analysis of its theory and practice in the major western developed countries .

  26. 黑田东彦表示:许多国家在货币政策上面临日益加剧的两难局面&如何选择恰到好处的组合政策,从而在不过度放缓经济增长的情况下,遏制日益加剧的通胀。

    Many countries face a growing dilemma on monetary policy : how to gauge the right mix to control rising inflation without excessively slowing economic growth , Mr Kuroda said .

  27. 在此基础上,对西方主要国家的货币政策传导机制模式进行了比较分析,从中归纳出了货币政策传导机制发挥作用的主要环境条件。

    Basing on it , a comparative analysis of the monetary policy transmission mechanism mode in western countries has been carried out to summarize the main environmental conditions in which monetary policy functions well .

  28. 西方国家对货币政策的研究是依据其成熟的市场经济体制以及高度发展的金融市场体系的,市场化的货币政策操作发挥了很好的宏观调控的作用。

    In Western countries , the study of monetary policy is based upon ripe market economic system and developed financial market system , and the market-oriented monetary policy has reached a good effect in macro economic control .

  29. 2008年以后的信贷宽松带来一系列后续影响,包括信贷水平高企,人们担忧房地产泡沫和不良贷款问题,以及经济过热期的投资项目盈利能力不足等,受此影响,很多新兴市场国家的货币政策操作空间缩小。

    Many have less room for financial manoeuvre owing to the after-effects of the post-2008 easing , including higher levels of credit , fears of real estate bubbles and bad loans , and a legacy of unprofitable boom-time investments .

  30. 首先采用理论归纳法,总结了西方发达国家的货币政策传导机制理论,认为货币政策一般通过利率渠道、银行信贷渠道、资产价格渠道和汇率渠道传导。

    Firstly , I use theories-induction method to summarize the monetary policy transmission mechanism theory of western developed countries , and conclude that monetary policy generally transmits through rate channels , bank credit channels , asset prices and exchange channels .