
dà zhuān yuàn xiào
  • Colleges and universities;universities and colleges;institution of higher education
大专院校 [dà zhuān yuàn xiào]
  • [institution of higher education] 高等院校的简称。专指专科学校

大专院校[dà zhuān yuàn xiào]
  1. 无论是Coursera还是提供在线课程的大学都不会向学生授予学分,但学生可向全美2000多所大专院校出示自己的Ace学分推荐。

    Students are not awarded credit by either Coursera or the university offering the course , but can present their Ace credit recommendations to more than 2000 US universities and colleges .

  2. 特别适用于大专院校的基础研究和生产企业的科研开发实验工作。

    Especially suitable for basic research of universities and colleges , and research development experimental work of production enterprise .

  3. 没有达标的大专院校不会获得教师培训的资格。

    Institutions that do not meet the standards will not be accredited for teacher training .

  4. 4.semestern.(尤指美国的大专院校的)学期每个学生一学期可能要修四五门课程。

    A student will probably attend four or five courses during each r.

  5. 方法:以北京和上海两所大专院校的本科生(n=466)为对象,用问卷调查方式进行研究。

    Methods : A survey research method was adopted in which standardized questionnaires were administered to 466 undergraduate students of a college in Beijing and a university in Shanghai .

  6. 可喜的是国内一些研究机构、大专院校也已经开始关注,并且着手研究道路交通标志识别系统(RSR),并且已经有一些初步成果。

    Fortunately , some research institute and university in our county have start pay attention to , and begin to study the road traffic sign recognition , and give some initial results .

  7. 培训结束后,来自Dumaguete市各大专院校的学生深刻地认识到了知识的力量。

    At the end of the day , the students from different colleges and universities in Dumaguete had become keenly aware of the power of knowledge .

  8. 大专院校体育专业与非体育专业男生对篮球运动兴趣的调研分析

    A Survey and Study on the Basketball Interest of College Students

  9. 我们鼓励大专院校发展杰出学科;

    We will encourage tertiary institutions to develop areas of excellence .

  10. 大专院校共雇佣84万名学者和教育家。

    The colleges and universities employ about 840,000 scholars and educators .

  11. 曾执教于中学及大专院校。

    He taught in some middle schools , colleges and universities .

  12. 大学本科或大专院校毕业(热爱机械工程)。

    University or technical college graduate ( Prefer Mechanical Enginering ) .

  13. 香港私立大专院校历史发展述评

    A Discussion about Historical Development of Hong Kong Private Colleges

  14. 大专院校篮球竞赛运动的现状及对策

    The Present Situation and the Countermeasures of College Basketball Competition

  15. 提高大专院校学生对由性接触传染的疾病和爱滋病的警觉;

    Increase the awareness of sexually-transmitted diseases and AIDS among tertiary students ;

  16. 本港的高等程度教育培训课程,由大专院校开办。

    Higher-level education and training are provided by the tertiary education institutions .

  17. 大部分的美国大专院校有春假。

    Most American colleges and universities take a spring break .

  18. 鼓励大专院校学生构思设计和推行朋辈教育计划;

    Encourage tertiary students to design and implement their own peer education programmes ;

  19. 英文报刊阅读在大专院校非英语专业学生英语学习中的领先作用

    The Leading Role of Reading English Newspapers and Magazines in Non-English Majors ' Study

  20. 大专院校的规划、建设和管理

    The Planning , Construction and Management of College

  21. 台湾省有7所大专院校设有森林系、科;

    Colleges have offered forestry departments and specialities .

  22. 台湾私立大专院校的发展进程及特点评析

    The development process and evaluation to characteristics of private higher educational institutions in Taiwan

  23. 广州地区大专院校课余休闲运动和体育俱乐部现状调查与分析

    Survey and Analyze about Leisure Sports of University Students and Status of Campus Sport Clubs

  24. 该软件主要应用于中小学校、大专院校的网络教学及职业培训等。

    The software is mainly applied in high schools , colleges or enterprises network training .

  25. 论大专院校的珠算教学

    On the Abacus Teaching in the College

  26. 对大专院校计算机基础教育现存问题的几点看法

    Some Problems Existing in Basic Computer Education

  27. 大专院校校园网解决方案

    Junior College and University Campus Network Solution

  28. 但是连大专院校也会烦恼!

    But colleges are worried , too .

  29. 充分发挥大专院校的作用,建立健全技术支持体系。

    Establish the perfect technological assistance system .

  30. 大专院校每年都要向社会输送相当数量的英语毕业生。

    A large number of college graduates of English major join in society every year .