
  1. 一个重要的问题是,在中国国家物资储备局(StateReserveBureau)去年大量抛售铜库存后,中国是否会开始重新增加库存。

    One important issue is whether China will start to re-stock after heavy selling by the State Reserve Bureau last year .

  2. 华尔街的交易一开始,伦敦的一些经纪商就宣布将在本周内大量抛售BP公司的股票,这样的抛售往往使股市停板。

    Brokers in London reported heavy turnover in BP shares this week , usually towards the closing of trading , when dealings on Wall Street are beginning .

  3. 继西方的交易所交易基金(ETF)投资者大量抛售黄金之后,金价去年下跌28%。

    Gold fell 28 per cent last year following a large sell-off by western investors in the exchange traded funds .

  4. 进口商们在圣诞节前大量抛售廉价玩具。

    Importers flooded the market with cheap toys just before Christmas .

  5. 美国为了填补创纪录的财政赤字而大量抛售国债。

    The U.S.government is selling huge amounts of debt to finance record-high deficits .

  6. 比如,去年夏天,他们就曾以一种非常不利于市场稳定的方式,大量抛售欧元区资产。

    Last summer , for example , they dumped eurozone assets en masse in a distinctly destabilising way .

  7. 交易员说,随着时间的流逝,担忧情绪看起来在不断自我加剧,人们开始大量抛售股票。

    As the day progressed , traders say , fear seemed to feed on itself , and people began selling stocks wholesale .

  8. 首先,随着央行大量抛售囤积的债券,债券市场可能会崩溃。

    For a start , the bond market would likely crash as the central bank rapidly disposes of its pile of accumulated bonds .

  9. 星期一,亚洲投资者大量抛售金融业股票,他们担心全球金融系统中的坏帐,以及是否有足够的资本。

    Investors in Asia sold a lot of financial stocks Monday worried about bad debts and capital adequacy in the global banking system .

  10. “新韩投资公司”的股票分析家沈载晔(译音)表示,对全球经济的忧虑促成了股票和韩元的大量抛售。

    Shim Jae-yob , an equities strategist at the securities brokerage firm Shinhan Investment , says global economic concerns prompted the stocks and currency sell-offs .

  11. 这场危机已经触发了货币的迅速贬值,以及在外国证券和股权投资商大量抛售其所持证券的同时出现的股票市场价格的大幅度下跌。

    The crisis has triggered quick depreciation of currencies and major declines in stock market prices with foreign investors in securities and equities selling off large shares of their holdings .

  12. 交易量最大的商品原油以及投机气氛最重的商品铜,同时被大量抛售显然不是巧合。

    It is surely no coincidence that the two commodities to suffer most in the recent sell-off are oil , the most-traded commodity , and copper , where speculative excess seemed greatest .

  13. 交易员表示,其它因素也造成了市场下跌,包括钢铁股遭大量抛售,以及美元对日元跌至两周最低点。

    Traders said the decline was the result of other factors as well , including heavy selling of steel stocks and a fall in the dollar to its lowest against the yen in two weeks .

  14. 如此一来,本来就丧失信心的投资者便大量抛售股票和债券,使得金融资产进一步下跌,公司又计提更多的减值准备。

    In this way , the investors who lost the confidence will be selling a large number of stocks and bonds , making a further decline in financial assets , the company has additional provision for impairment .

  15. 泰国政府政策突然转向之前,泰国央行、政府和股市官员进行了紧急磋商,原因是惊慌不已的投资者大量抛售股票,导致泰国股市一度下跌19%。

    The sudden reverse followed crisis talks between the central bank , government and stock market officials after Thai shares tumbled by as much as 19 per cent at one point as shocked investors rushed to dump stocks .

  16. 大量抛售仍在持续,导致市场下跌8.3%,创下今年二月底以来的最大单日跌幅。上证综合指数在今年二月底曾单日下跌9%,并被外界视为惊动了从纽约到孟买在内的全球市场。

    Heavy selling continued and the market dropped 8.3 per cent , the biggest one-day fall since the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index lost 9 per cent and was blamed for spooking markets from New York to Mumbai at the end of February .

  17. 洪灏认为创业板仍有机会,但他预计今年下半年上海证券交易所将走出低迷,因遭到大量抛售而远比创业板更便宜的那些股票将吸引资金。

    While still seeing opportunities on ChiNext , he expects Shanghai will shake off its slump in the second half of the year , drawing money to stocks that due to intense selling are ' so much cheaper ' than their peers on ChiNext .

  18. 研究报告在未公开发布之前,相关信息以及核心观点已经流向市场。证券机构的特定客户率先买入被推荐的个股,等评级发布之后,这些特定客户开始大量抛售股票,造成提前反应。

    Before the release of research report , information related to core viewpoint has flown to the market , particular customers of securities institutions bought in , and after the release of the ratings , these particular customers began to dump , thus resulting in the ahead of reaction .

  19. 对于投资者来说,大量赎回可能使基金经理将面临大量抛售股票的困境,这样就会导致基金净值的损失,影响到投资者的收益。

    If massive redemption occurs , the fund managers have to sell a large amount of stocks , which will lead to the net loss of the fund that directly detriments the investors ' interest .