
  • 网络Consumer Price;CPI
  1. 消费品价格指数(CPI)同比增长率放缓至1.4%,这是2009年11月以来的最低通胀率。

    CPI slowed to 1.4 per cent year over year - the slowest since November 2009 .

  2. 二是竞争性产品供给弹性大,一般消费品价格普遍而又持续上涨的可能性较小,而由金融投机引发的初级产品价格暴涨成为推动CPI和PPI上升的丰要原因。

    Secondly , the competitive products have so great supply elasticity that the universal and sustained rise for general consumer prices has a small possibility . The primary commodity prices inflation caused by financial speculation is the main reason for rising in CPI and PPI .

  3. 以快速消费品价格得出结论应该谨慎。

    Care is needed when drawing quick conclusions from fast-food prices .

  4. 消费品价格指数及耐用品订货指数的公布。

    When US consumer prices and durable goods orders will be released .

  5. 正如按消费品价格指数测算的那样,通货膨胀下降了。

    Inflation , as measured by the consumer price index , fell .

  6. 欧洲经委会/劳工组织消费品价格指数联席会议

    Joint ECE / ILO Meeting on Consumer Price Indices

  7. 上个月中国消费品价格加速上涨。不过,生产商的通货紧缩却进一步加剧。

    Chinese consumer prices accelerated last month but the deflationary slump for producers deepened .

  8. 消费品价格在上涨。

    Prices for consumer goods are going up .

  9. 现在,每天都在上涨的日常消费品价格使中国消费者苦恼不已。

    For now , many Chinese consumers are irked by rising prices for everyday necessities .

  10. 另一个重要因素,是投资品价格相对消费品价格不断降低。

    Another important factor was the falling price of investment goods relative to consumption goods .

  11. 世界银行表示,许多发展中国家遭遇不断高涨的消费品价格通胀。

    The world bank said many developing countries were imperilled by soaring consumer price inflation .

  12. 而上游资源价格的上升,必然会推动下游消费品价格的上升。

    And the rising of prices of the resources will promote the prices of consumer goods .

  13. 略论生态消费品价格

    The Price of Green Consumer Goods

  14. 有网友写道:美国和中国的消费品价格不一样呀。

    The price of consumer goods [ in the U.S. and China ] aren 't the same .

  15. 只要原料成本不下降,消费品价格也不会下降。

    So long as the costs of raw materials keep up , prices of consumer good will keep up , too .

  16. 但其他人则意识到,通过增加贸易和降低消费品价格,亚洲对全球的福祉做出了贡献。

    But others recognise the contribution that Asia makes to global wellbeing through increased trade and lower prices for consumer goods .

  17. (经济学)与消费品价格下降或货币购买力的增加相联系的或趋向引起这样的情况。

    ( economics ) associated with or tending to cause decreases in consumer prices or increases in the purchasing power of money .

  18. 去年由于高油价导致消费品价格上扬,通过膨胀率曾攀升到5.2%,创16年新高。

    Inflation soared to a16-year high of5.2 per cent last year as higher oil prices fed through into higher prices for consumer goods .

  19. 虽然消费品价格只是有限地上涨,但工业产品和资产价格已经出现了更快增长的苗头。

    Although consumer prices are rising only modestly , there are signs of faster increases in the prices of industrial goods and assets .

  20. 首先,消费品价格降低相对提高了人们的生活水平,特别是贫困家庭的生活水平。

    Above all , the declining price of consumer goods relatively improves the living standard of most people , particularly the financially needy .

  21. 历史表明,新兴市场在商品和消费品价格上升时期表现异常良好。它们是传统的通货膨胀受益者。

    History shows that emerging markets do exceptionally well in periods of rising commodity and consumer prices . They are a classic inflation play .

  22. 发改委物价司副司长刘振秋表示成品油价格上涨对消费品价格的影响很小。

    Liu Zhenqiu , vice-director of the NDRC 's price department , said the impact of the price hikes on consumer prices will be limited .

  23. 近期物价的上涨,特别是粮食、蔬菜等居民生活消费品价格的快速上升,给居民生活带来了巨大压力。

    Sharply rising prices , especially the consuming goods such as grain , vegetables and so on , have brought pressure to residents ' ordinary life .

  24. 以中国为例,随着通胀水平达到两年多以来的高点,中国最近采取了消费品价格管控措施。

    With inflation at its highest level for more than two years , China , for instance , has recently resorted to controls on consumer items .

  25. 7年过后,工资水平仍未超过危机前的水平,而消费品价格到2010年第四季度才终于回升到危机前的水平。

    Wages were no higher than their pre-crisis level seven years later ; consumer prices regained their pre-crisis level only in the final quarter of 2010 .

  26. 他们原本预期以更高的食物和商品价格为代表的通胀会最终消退,但是取而代之的是这些价格的上升向其它消费品价格的渗入。

    Higher food and commodity prices were expected to drop out of the inflation figures eventually , but instead seem to have leached into other consumer prices .

  27. 然而,在经历资产价格膨胀的各个国家,我们仍然没有看到消费品价格下降或者货币升值(因为它们通常是固定的)。

    But again , we do not witness consumer prices falling , or currencies rising ( because they 're usually fixed ), in the various countries experiencing asset-price booms .

  28. 体育消费品价格、性别和运动参与积极程度是影响大学生体育消费的主要因素。

    The price of sports consumption , sex and how involved they are in sports activities are the major factors that may affect the consuming behavior of college students .

  29. 消费品价格上涨,以最快的速度在两年十月,建设,央行添加到上个月的加息情况。

    Consumer prices rose to the fastest pace in two years in October , building the case for the central bank to add to last month 's interest-rate increase .

  30. 上世纪90年代末,财政紧缩成为压低实际利率的主要因素。另一个重要因素,是投资品价格相对消费品价格不断降低。

    In the late 1990s , fiscal tightening became the main force driving down real rates . Another important factor was the falling price of investment goods relative to consumption goods .