
  • 网络overheated investment;high demand for investment
  1. 论投资过热与经济增长

    On High Demand for Investment and Economic Growth

  2. 投资过热也不容忽视,应扩大试点范围,对投资正确引导,均衡投资,避免盲目集中投资;

    High demand for investment is not to be neglected , which should extend experimental unit scope , lead a right invest , balance investment , avoid blindness concentrated investment ;

  3. 针对目前国内碳酸二甲酯(DMC)投资过热的现象,在分析DMC国内外市场、产业主要特征及存在问题的基础上,提出国内DMC发展建议。

    In view of overheat investment situation for DMC , analyzed DMC market at home and abroad , indicated existing situation and problems in China , together with some countermeasures .

  4. 这些人中包括现任美联储主席伯南克(BenBernanke)。伯南克当时认为,日本央行应聚焦于战胜通缩,而不是担心房地产市场的泡沫和产业的投资过热。

    Among them was Ben Bernanke , now chairman of the Federal Reserve , who thought the bank should concentrate on defeating deflation rather than worrying about bubbles in the property market or overinvestment by industry .

  5. 对中国钢铁业投资过热的思考

    Consideration on Overheated Investment in Iron & Steel Sector in China

  6. 尽管如此,投资过热正在持续损害全球增长最快的重要经济体。

    Nevertheless , hyper-investment keeps roiling the world 's fastest-growing major economy .

  7. 企业固定资产投资过热的公司治理解释

    Discussion about the Corporate Governance Of Fixed assets over-investment

  8. 电解铝行业投资过热问题与宏观调控

    Investment Overheating Issue and Macro-Control in Electrolytic Aluminium Industry

  9. 宏观经济的投资过热与企业的非效率投资是密不可分的。

    It is inseparable between overheating investment of Macro-economy and non-efficiency investment of companies .

  10. 如何治理投资过热?

    How to deal with overheat investment ?

  11. 第三方面,对当前突出的房地产投资过热进行了探讨。

    The third part discusses the reasons of the excessive investment in real estate industry .

  12. 论述了地方政府的扶持、企业预算软约束与投资过热的关系。

    Discusses the relation between local government fostering , soft restriction on business budget and overinvestment .

  13. 由于当时正值宏观经济软着陆时期,出于对投资过热、通货膨胀、中央财政收入增长缓慢、财政资金紧张等综合因素的考虑,我国选择了生产型型增值税。

    Considering over-investment , inflation , slow growth of central government revenue , the production-based VAT was chosen .

  14. 近年来,出现了投资过热和市场波动剧烈的不成熟市场运行行为。

    In recent years , there have been over-investment and market operation of the market volatile immature behavior .

  15. 固定资产投资过热和粮食价格上涨是引起通货膨胀的两个重要因素。

    The increasing price of grain and investment of fixed assets are two main factors which cause the inflation .

  16. 随着2009年经济刺激政策的实施,部分地区和部分行业出现了政府主导的投资过热。

    With the implement of 2009 economic stimulus policy , some areas and some sectors appear government-led investment overheating .

  17. 目前,房地产是中国投资过热的源头,已经成为不争的事实。

    It has become an unarguable reality that current realty is the headstream that makes Chinese investment to be exorbitantly hot .

  18. 但近几年房地产行业出现了房价过快上涨,投资过热等现象。

    But in recent years , something happened such as the house prices soaring up and the over-investment of real estate industry .

  19. 许多发展中国家都在经历著资本的大规模涌入阶段,这导致了投资过热以及外汇储备急剧增加。

    Many developing economies have experienced a flood of capital inflows , leading to an overheated investment climate and piles of reserves .

  20. 这一调控手段的推出,对于抑制我国局部地区经济过热以及房地产投资过热等方面起到了一定作用。

    This regulation means of launch , to restrain our local overheating and overheated real estate investment has played a certain role .

  21. 当前,中国经济运行中的投资过热,对经济的健康发展产生了危害。

    At present , the superheating of investment in China 's economic operation has done harm to the healthy development of economy .

  22. 2007年之前为抑制房地产行业投资过热,国家颁布实施了一系列相关政策抑制投资过热。

    Before 2007 , the state has promulgated and implemented a series of cooling-related policies to curb the overheated real estate investment .

  23. 目前宽带网发展中的主要问题是骨干网投资过热和非理性的社区宽带圈地运动。

    Today , the main problems in developing broadband networks includes excessive investment on backbone networks and irrational invasion into community broadband market .

  24. 此外,房地产价格的波动是伴随着我国当前经济投资过热、消费不足的现实情况相紧密联系的。

    In addition , the fluctuations in property prices is always accompanied by the current economic overheated investment and the insufficient consumption closely .

  25. 中国如今正在呈现货币过剩的几乎所有的预期后果&爆炸性增长、资产泡沫、投资过热和通胀。

    China is now exhibiting nearly all the expected consequences of excess money & explosive lending growth , asset bubbles , overinvestment and inflation .

  26. 近年来,我国房地产投资过热,危及国家经济的健康发展及社会的稳定,国家加大了对房地产市场的宏观调控力度。

    In recent years , the real estate investment of China is overheating , which threatens the healthy development of national economy and social stability .

  27. 近两年房地产投资过热、房地产价格增长过快引起了全社会的关注。

    Over-investments in real estate and rapid increases in the price of realty during the last two years have aroused the attention of the whole society .

  28. 经济学家认为,经济温和增长是个好势头,更有可持续性,并且还可加速经济结构重组,防止投资过热。

    The moderate growth was welcomed by economists , as they said the rate was more sustainable and would help accelerate economic restructuring and prevent overheating .

  29. 企业是经济发展的主体,是市场经济中最重要的组成部分,宏观经济层面的投资过热现象与微观层面的企业过度投资行为有着密切联系。

    Enterprise is the main entity in economic development . " Investment overheats " in the macro level is closely related to over-investment in the micro level .

  30. 然而,伴随着中国城市化进程的进一步加快,住房市场也出现投资过热的现象,城市住房可支付问题日益突出。住房问题成为社会广泛关注的问题。

    However , with the rapidly civilization progress , over-investing and unaffordable problems occurred in housing market , which makes housing problem the hot sports of society .