
tóu zī rén
  • investor
  1. Thomas是一名活跃的天使投资人和顾问。

    Thomas is an active angel investor and startup advisor .

  2. 同样大赚特赚的还有北加州的迈克尔?伯里(MichaelBurry),他以前是医生,后来改行做了股票投资人,患有亚斯伯格综合症(Asperger'ssyndrome)。

    So did Michael Burry , a doctor-turned-stock investor in northern California with Asperger 's syndrome .

  3. 我们不得不热炒这部电影以吸引投资人。

    We had to hype the film to attract the financiers

  4. 我给每个投资人都传真了一份合同。

    I faxed a copy of the agreement to each of the investors

  5. 已接触过100多个买主或投资人,不过没人愿意接受。

    Over 100 buyers or investors were approached , but there were no takers

  6. 无论投资人何时投资,詹金斯都会让他们得到回报。

    Jenkins would reward all investors , no matter when they made their investment .

  7. 公司和许多潜在的投资人举行了磋商。

    The company talked with many potential investors

  8. 由于缺少优质股,一些投资人不愿涉足股票市场。

    The shortage of good stock has kept some investors away from the stock exchange .

  9. 斯威夫特说,生物科技领域的投资人越来越精明了,这也为我们获得一个更专业的投资基金提供了机会。

    Swift said the growing sophistication among biotech investors presented an opportunity for a more specialist investment fund .

  10. Leah反思了一件触发她恐惧的事情,那时她的投资人威胁要关掉她的工作室:“我当时要应对的可能是我人生当中最大的恐惧,”她说。

    Leah reflects on one incident that triggered her fears , when her investors threatened to shut her down : " I was probably up against the most fear I 've ever had , " she says .

  11. 公司IPO后,投资人的上述信息获取权即终止。

    These information rights shall terminate upon the IPO of the Company .

  12. ChrisDixon是Hunch的联合创始人,同时也是一位活跃的天使投资人。

    Chris Dixon is co-founder of hunch , and is an active angel investor .

  13. 特斯拉公司的CEO、科技投资人伊隆o马斯克表示,人工智能领域的研究有可能召唤出人类无法控制的恶魔。

    Tesla Motors CEO and technology investor Elon Musk said research in the area could be like summoning the demon that is beyond control .

  14. 在最新的一轮成功筹资之前,韦丝找到了一名值得信赖的投资人——电子商务风投公司ForerunnerVentures的柯尔斯顿o格林。

    Before her most recent fundraising round , Weiss found a trusted investor in Forerunner Ventures " Kirsten Green .

  15. 结合《收费公路管理条例》和我省有关高速公路项目投资人招标的有关规定,对公路BOT投资建设模式中的特许经营竞标管理问题进行了探讨。

    Combined with the relative specification of expressway project bidding , the paper discussed the competitive bidding management of BOT construction model .

  16. 分析师们,包括瑞银的JonathanAnderson开始思索,新兴市场现在是不是已成了不会将投资人套住的“特富龙”。

    Analysts began asking whether emerging markets were now " Teflon ", as Jonathan Anderson of UBS put it .

  17. 公式,给出了期权价格满足的BlackScholes方程,通过求解BlackScholes方程的终值问题,给出了一个独立于每个投资人风险偏好的欧式期权的公平价格BlackScholes公式。

    By computing its terminal value , the model gives a fair price of European option - Black-Scholes formula independent on every investor ' risk aversion .

  18. 据报道,像红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)、老虎环球资本管理公司(TigerGlobalManagement)、KhoslaVentures合伙人凯斯•拉博伊斯和投资人罗恩•康威等支持者至今已合计投资8000万美元。

    Backers like Sequoia Capital , tiger global management , Khosla ventures partner Keith rabois , and Ron Conway have chipped in a reported $ 80 million to date .

  19. 甲骨文收购希柏半年后,我就去了InterWestPartners投资公司,转行当了专业投资人。

    Six months after Siebel was acquired by Oracle , I joined interwest partners as an investor .

  20. 今年二月,在一位花旗银行(Citibank)调查分析师的带领下,一群投资人访问了苹果公司(Apple)。

    In February of this year , a group of investors visited apple as part of a " bus tour " led by a research analyst for Citibank .

  21. 另外,业务规范监管局将负责投资人的保护,并且将履行目前由美国证券交易委员会(sec)履行的许多职能。

    Also , a conduct of business regulator would be responsible for investor protection . This agency would perform many duties currently done by the securities and Exchange Commission .

  22. 如果它们升值的速度比GDP快很多,或者意味着投资人预期GDP增长率将显著提高(发生在成熟的经济体的可能性极低),或者意味着这些资产被定价过高。

    If their value rises a lot faster than GDP , that either suggests investors expect the GDP growth rate to rise substantially ( unlikely in a mature economy ), or that the assets are overvalued .

  23. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)获悉,这间公司刚刚从贾斯汀•比伯那里获得了110万美元的种子期投资,其他的投资者还有风险投资人舍文•皮西弗,拳击手佛洛依德•梅怀瑟和天使投资人汤姆•麦金纳尼。

    Fortune has learned that Bieber recently led a $ 1.1 million seed round for the company , whose other investors include venture capitalist shervin pishevar , boxer Floyd Mayweather and angel investor Tom McInerney .

  24. 乔什•斯蒂尔曼,涉猎广泛的天使投资人,包括投资团购聚合网站Yipit

    Joshua stylman , wide ranging angel investor including in yipit

  25. 让我们深入了解人称“硅谷教父”的科技天使投资人罗恩•康威,他曾向《财富》(Fortune)表示,自己目睹了硅谷近70%的新创企业交易。

    An in-depth look at tech angel investor Ron Conway , aka the " godfather of Silicon Valley , " who once told fortune he sees roughly 70 % of all start-up deals in the area .

  26. 我相信“信息进化论”,但是我们不能指望投资人也像达尔文一样,去预测某家公司的CEO会选在哪一天、选择哪个平台去发布消息。

    I believe in information evolution , but am not so Darwinian as to think that investors should be expected to divine which outlet a company CEO will choose to utilize on a given day .

  27. 亿万富翁投资人乔治•索罗斯曾经将黄金称为“终极泡沫”,他早在5月份就减持了黄金上市交易基金SPDRGoldTrust(GLD)。

    Billionaire investor George Soros , who called gold " the ultimate bubble , " cut his holdings in the SPDR gold trust ( GLD ) as early as may .

  28. 那些注重模式识别的风险投资人很难无视这样一点:拥有MBA学历的企业家们创立的伟大科技企业少之又少。

    For venture capitalists who pray at the alter of pattern recognition , it would be hard to ignore how few massive tech successes have been founded by entrepreneurs with MBAs on their resumes .

  29. 该公司表示,如果某支ETF基金的股票代码起得好,那么在交易员和机构投资人翻阅基金目录的时候,他们就会优先想到这支基金。

    The company said that cleverly named ETFs will come quicker to traders ' and institutional investors ' minds as they sift through lists of funds .

  30. 阿灵顿曾是硅谷的一名律师,2005年创办TechCrunch之前,也曾是一名天使投资人。

    Arrington , a onetime Silicon Valley attorney , was an occasional angel investor before founding techcrunch in 2005 .