
  • 网络Level of Effort;loe
  1. 结果表明,农田径流N、P的流失量与肥料投入水平有一定的正相关性,施肥后土壤地表径流中总P浓度比未施肥前成倍增加。

    The results show that excessive application of fertilizer was the primary cause of nitrogen and phosphorus loss from the farmland .

  2. 江苏省由于其中小企业发展实力较强,市场化进程较快和科技投入水平较高,因此FDI的技术外溢效应较强。

    Jiangsu owns the stronger SMEs , the quicker market advancement and the higher technology input lever . Therefore , the function of FDI is more .

  3. 在等量有机物料投入水平下,使用EM肥料处理比传统的有机肥料处理的原生动物要丰富,而且随着EM投入量和有机物料的增加,土壤原生动物有上升的趋势。

    In the same amount of organic material level , EM compost have more abundant protozoa than the traditional compost . further more as increasing EM and organic materials , the soil protozoa increasing .

  4. 当动态RD竞争处于稳定状态时,存在某一最优市场需求影响因子,可使得双寡头均衡利润最大,而双寡头均衡RD投入水平和均衡产量则随市场需求影响因子的增大而增大。

    When dynamic R & D competition is in a stable state , there will be a optimal market demand factor which can make the duopoly equilibrium profit biggest while the input level and balanced output get lager with the demand factor getting bigger .

  5. 阿克苏地区农业投入水平县域差异研究

    Research on County Differences of Investment in Agriculture of Aksu Region

  6. 深圳市科技投入水平分析

    An Analysis on the Level of Technology Input in Shenzhen

  7. 十年来,我们始终毫不动摇地坚持这一投入水平。

    We 've been unwavering on those for a decade .

  8. 肥料投入水平与养分资源高效利用的关系

    The Relationship between Fertilizer Input Level and Nutrient Use Efficiency

  9. 投入水平和建设规模逐年增加。

    Input level and scale of construction every year .

  10. 这一数字相当于2001年资金投入水平的五倍。

    That is five times the level of financing in two thousand one .

  11. 氮肥投入水平对蔬菜地硝态氮淋洗特征的影响

    Effect of N-Fertilizer Input Level on Characteristic of Nitrate Leaching in Vegetable Soil

  12. 对中国广义资本的投入水平进行测度与分析比较;

    Secondly , measuring and analyzing the investment level of generalized capital in China ;

  13. 农业投入水平变化;

    ( 4 ) the input level ;

  14. 高收入和低收入人群对家庭的资金投入水平还不清楚。

    The level of income that placed households in higher or lower groups was not clear .

  15. 同时,大学生学习投入水平在性别、年级、来源城乡及学科上存在显著差异。

    Significant differences exist in gender , grade , census , and discipline of the college students .

  16. 问题不仅包括资金的投入水平,还包括医疗体系的组织方式。

    Problems involve not just the level of funding but also the way the system is organised .

  17. 在演替过程中,物化资源投入水平不断增加,农业资源利用效率不断提高;

    Material resources input level in the change process is added , agricultural resources utilization efficiency is increased ;

  18. 富集倍数计算和皮尔逊相关分析表明这些元素来源于自然资源,可能与旱作农业上化学产品的投入水平低、以及旱农耕作区远离工业污染有关;

    It is possibly due to a lower input of agrochemicals and slight industrial pollution in this area .

  19. 希伯尔表示,美国奥委会早就知道,由于这种投入水平,中国在本届奥运会上会有强劲的表现。

    Mr Seibel said the USOC always knew the Chinese would have a strong games because of such investment .

  20. 南方水田农用化学品投入水平及分析&以湖北湖南农户调查为例

    Farm-Chemical Input in Paddy Farmland in Southern China & A case of survey on farmers in Hubei and Hunan

  21. 实施投入水平、实施过程又对IT应用绩效产生显著的正向影响(说明当实施成本系数小于临界值时,不存在信息技术生产率悖论);

    The level of resources allocated to IT implementation and implementation process have significant positive effect on application performance ;

  22. IT采用动因对IT采用层次、实施投入水平都产生显著的正向影响:这些结论和理论分析的结果一致;

    The adoption motivation has significant positive effect on the adoption level and the level of resources allocated to IT implementation ;

  23. 实施科教兴国战略必须切实提高我国的科技投入水平

    The S. & . T.Input Level Have to Be Really Raised in Implementing the Strategy of Invigorating China Through Science and Education

  24. 因此,帮助新生代的员工应对职业生涯初期的角色压力问题,提高工作投入水平已迫在眉睫。

    It is imminent to help the newcomers to deal with the role stress problem and improve job involvement level in early career .

  25. 除劳动外,这些山区资源投入水平很低,因而边际报酬高。

    Except labour , the input levels of resources are very low in the area , with a result of high marginal returns .

  26. 随着我国医院信息化的投入水平和医疗卫生服务质量的不断提高,客户关怀系统在未来将成为医院信息系统的核心组成。

    With the progress of hospital information management inland , Client Care System will become the core concept of HIS in the future .

  27. 在我们的动态的局部均衡权衡模型中,个人投入水平是任职期限制度的内生产物。

    In our dynamic partial equilibrium tradeoff model , the level of individual investment is an inside outcome of the leader position system .

  28. 同一农田投入水平下,据耕地自然因素对粮食产量的不同影响及耕地因素组合类型,合理调整投入方向,粮食增产效果更显著。

    Reasonably adjusted input based on differences in the influence of natural factors on grain yield and different factor combinations can increase yield significantly .

  29. 工作1-2年的员工工作投入水平最高,工作6-8年的员工工作投入水平最低。

    Work 1-2 years of job commitment level is the highest , work 6-8 years ' job commitment level is the lowest . 4 .

  30. 但在政府领域,虽说我们付出了巨大努力,但与美国相比投入水平仍然很低。

    But for us on the government side there is a huge effort which is made but which is very low compared to the US .