
  1. 中国运输代理业的现状分析及发展对策

    Present Situation Analysis and Development Countermeasures for the Transportation Agencies In China

  2. 制度激励与中国运输结构变迁

    Institutional Incentives and Evolution of China 's Transportation Structure

  3. 中国运输区域划分方法

    Division method of transportation regions in China

  4. 中国运输机械进口公司

    China National Transport-Machinery Import corporation

  5. 这些公司也会向中国运输未加工鸡肉部分,在中国加工后再进口回美国。

    These companies also send over raw chicken parts they 'll process in China before importing back to the U.

  6. 这条运河竣工后将可降低从拉美向中国运输石油的成本。

    And when complete , the Nicaragua Canal should lower transport costs for shipping oil from Latin America to China .

  7. 中国运输服务贸易国际竞争力研究&基于进出口数据的指标分析

    Research on the International Competitiveness of China 's Service Trade in Transportation & An Analysis Based on the Import and Export Data

  8. 中国运输与物流业正在高速、持续发展,对于国外的优质产品和先进技术的需求持续高涨。

    In view of the maintained high-growth transport & logistics market , China sees the soaring demand for high quality products and advanced technologies from abroad .

  9. 位于石家庄的中国运输服务企业开元金融(Fincera)就是一个很好的例子。灰蒙蒙的石家庄是同样乏味的河北省的省会。

    One case in point is Fincera , a Chinese transportation services company based in Shijiazhuang , the drab capital of an equally unglamorous province , Hebei .

  10. 随着经济的迅猛发展,中国运输能力与需求的矛盾愈来愈突出,成为经济社会发展的瓶颈。

    With the rapid economic development , the capacity and demand of China transport meet contradictions . China transport become a bottleneck for economic and social development .

  11. 再者,学生亦可透过乘坐高铁,亲身体会中国运输科技的最新发展。

    The four hours journey of high speed rail from Guangzhou to Wuhan gave students a precious opportunity to experience the latest development of transportation technology in China .

  12. 单是可行性研究就将耗资9亿美元。这条运河竣工后将可降低从拉美向中国运输石油的成本。

    The feasibility study alone is set to cost $ 900m . And when complete , the Nicaragua Canal should lower transport costs for shipping oil from Latin America to China .

  13. 而当滇缅公路终于重新开通,可以为中国运输大量物资的时候,其他战场的形势发展使得盟军的兵锋已经直指日本本土。

    By the time the Burma Road reopened and supplies flowed freely across the border into China , operations in other theaters had shaped the course of the war against Japan .

  14. 我们的一们在墨西哥的员工说他已经在俄国到了一个货运公司,这个公司可以用除航空以外的其它方式从中国运输。

    Also please be informed one our employee in Moscow told he found a forwarder company in Russia which is able to deliver the goods from China using any kind of transport instead of aircraft .

  15. 一些钢铁企业认为,使用这些巨型船只最终可能意味着将向中国运输更多的铁矿石,最终也将意味着铁矿石的价格将更加便宜。中国钢铁产量占全球钢铁总产量的近一半。

    Some steelmakers have argued that use of these large ships ultimately could mean more abundant , and therefore less expensive , iron-ore deliveries to China , which makes nearly half the world 's steel .

  16. 介绍了经济组织理论在中国运输业正在进行和将要进行的经济改革中的应用,讨论了可能的研究领域和研究内容。

    This paper reviews the research results about the study field , presents the concept of Economic Organization theory , introduces the application on economic reforms which happened and are happening in China transport service , and discusses possible research field and content .

  17. 因此,本文第一章从物流概述、物流新技术以及中国运输物流发展之现状出发,引出运输物流合理化的论题。

    For this sake , the first chapter of this paper begins with the general idea of logistics and new techniques applied in it , then gives a brief account of the current situation of transportation logistics in China , which leads to the subject of rationalization of transportation logistics .

  18. 中国集装箱运输EDI系统的开发与建设探讨

    Development of EDI System of Container Transportation in DaLian of China

  19. 首次运用数据包络分析方法(DEA)对中国内河运输配置效率进行了实证研究。

    In addition , the first empirical study on Chinese IWT allocation efficiency using data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) is demonstrated .

  20. 随着中国综合运输市场的不断成熟和WTO的加入,中国铁路运输业正面临着日益严竣的竞争压力,迫切需要提升竞争实力。

    With the continuous maturing of the synthetic transport market of China and the China 's entry into WTO , Chinese railage trade is confronted with an increasingly critical competitive pressure , and urgently needs to enhance its competitve strength .

  21. 包括华为在内的科技企业和包括中国远洋运输集团(COSCO)在内的物流企业都在西班牙成立了运营中心。

    Technology companies , including Huawei , are among those to have a center in Spain , along with logistic companies such as COSCO .

  22. 而且我国加入WTO后,货运代理等服务市场逐步放开,国外的跨国公司凭借先进的服务理念、管理方式与运作技术,纷纷抢滩中国外贸运输市场,货运代理市场呈现出空前激烈的竞争态势。

    With entry into the WTO , freight forwarding market gradually opened up . Foreign multi-national companies with advanced services , management and operation technology , have swarmed into Chinese foreign trade transport market . Freight forwarding market has shown unprecedented fierce competition .

  23. 为迎接我国加入WTO,特撰此文将中国海洋运输货物保险条款(CIC)与伦敦保险协会海运货物保险条款(ICC)进行比较,以便正确学习和运用之。

    The essay is written , greeting China 's entry to WTO , to make comparison between China Cargo Insurance Clauses and London Insurance Institute Cargo Clauses in sea transport for the purpose of study and appliance .

  24. 中国远洋运输集团(cosco)昨日警告称,预期将宣布今年上半年亏损,这一消息突显集装箱航运集团所面临的糟糕市场状况。

    China COSCO warned yesterday that it expected to announce a loss for the first half of the year , highlighting the dreadful market conditions facing container shipping groups .

  25. 看看世界最大的干散货船舶运营商中国远洋运输集团(Cosco)吧。该公司的航海业根基如此深厚,以至于它把首席执行官首先称为船长。

    Consider China 's Cosco , the world 's largest operator of dry bulk ships , and a company so steeped in seafaring lore that it identifies its chief executive first as captain .

  26. 研制30t以上大轴重货车转向架是中国重载运输发展的下一个目标,其中对径向转向架的重载化改造是可行的路径之一。

    Developing big axle load freight bogie above 30t is the next target of China heavy haul , and the transformation to heavy haul on the steering bogie is a feasible path .

  27. 美国国务院推迟批准了一条将含油砂中提取的原油运送到墨西哥湾的跨国境输油管道,这在客观上增加了对另一输油管道的需要,该管道从Alberta到西海岸,以方便原油向中国的运输。

    Delays by the American StateDepartment in granting approval for a cross-border pipeline to carry crudefrom the tar sands to the Gulf Coast have prompted calls for apipeline from Alberta to the west coast , for shipment to China .

  28. 中国铁路运输企业运营模式研究

    Study on the Operation Mode of Railway Transportation Enterprise in China

  29. 中国铁路运输安全工作的回顾与思考

    Review and Thoughts on the Safety Work of China Railway Transportation

  30. 中国交通运输业发展的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Performance of Transportation Industry in China