
  • 网络China's economic transformation
  1. 中国经济转型:社会资本视角

    China 's Economic Transformation : Social Capital Perspective

  2. 作为“十二五”规划的第一年,也是中国经济转型的新起点,总体上机遇大于挑战。

    As the first year of Twelfth Five Year Plan , and new beginning of China 's economic transformation , there will be more opportunities than challenges in2011 .

  3. 中国经济转型中城镇女性劳动供给行为分析

    Research on Female Labor Supply during Transition Period in Urban China

  4. 不确定条件下的事后约束对于中国经济转型的影响

    Influence of Afterward Constraints under Uncertainty on China 's Economic Transition

  5. 关于次贷危机冲击下中国经济转型的思考

    Thinking of China economy transferring under the strike of subprime crisis

  6. 中国经济转型期汇率制度的重新安排

    Study on new arrangement of exchange-rate system in process of economic transition

  7. 中国经济转型期嵌入内生增长模式的战略思考

    Strategic Thoughts on Embedding Endogenous Growth Model in China 's Transition period

  8. 中国经济转型中的二元财政结构研究

    China 's Dual-finance Structure in the Process of Economic Transition

  9. 中国经济转型与职工素质教育

    Economic Transformation in China and Quality-oriented Education of Staff Members

  10. 非国有经济的成长与国有企业的民营化&以中国经济转型为背景的分析

    Growing of Non-state Economy and Privatization of State-owned Enterprise

  11. 中国经济转型发展中的城镇贫困问题

    The Poverty-related Problems in China 's Cities in the Process of Economic Transition

  12. 中国经济转型绩效分析:1992&2006

    Analysis of China 's Transitional Economic Performance : 1992-2006

  13. 中国经济转型时期的汇率制度选择

    Selection of Chinese Exchange Rate Regimes in Economic Transition

  14. 中国经济转型中公共物品提供机制的演变与改革

    The Evolution and Reform of Public Goods Provision Mechanism in China 's Economic Transition

  15. 中国经济转型和市场竞争规则建设

    The Transformation of the Chinese Economic System and the Construction of Market Competition Regulations

  16. 文章分为四章,第一章是中国经济转型与经济法的概述。

    Chapter I is a brief introduction of Chinese economic transformation and economic law .

  17. 人民币升值逼迫中国经济转型

    Forced Economic Transformation by Rising Value of RMB

  18. 信用问题是中国经济转型中遇到的重大现实问题。

    The credit is a big realistic problem existing in China 's economic transition .

  19. 中国经济转型已经走过了30余载风风雨雨。

    Chinese economy reforming had already passed through 30 space years for repeated difficulties .

  20. 关于后奥运时期中国经济转型与建立中日环境合作机制的思考

    China 's Post-Olympic Economic Transformation and the Institutionalization of China-Japan Cooperation on the Environment

  21. 本文也证明了中国经济转型期失业的古典模型的性质。

    This paper also proves the unemployment characteristics of classical model in transitional China .

  22. 中国经济转型时期经济利益和谐的机制研究

    The Study on the Economic Interest Harmonization Mechanism in the Economic Transition Phase of China

  23. 高成本时代与中国经济转型&兼论节约型经济

    A Study of Chinese Economy Transition during High-cost Era and a Rough Analysis of Saving Economy

  24. 中国经济转型期技术进步影响因素及其阶段性特征检验

    The Influential Factors & Periodic Characteristics of Technical Progress during the Economic Transition Period of China

  25. 其他反映中国经济转型进展的重要指标同样存在矛盾。

    Other major indicators offer similarly contradictory perspectives on the progress of China 's economic transition .

  26. 完全市场经济还有多远&中国经济转型进程研究

    How Far Is It from Full Market Economy & Study on the Process of Economic Transition

  27. 分析并评价中国经济转型期的会计改革进程;

    To analyze and evaluate the process of accounting reform in China during the economic transition period .

  28. 投资银行的金融效率反映其在中国经济转型中所履行金融功能的状况。

    Financial efficiency of investment bank reflect its performing the financial function in the economy transformation of China .

  29. 因此,在中国经济转型的关键时期,优化贸易结构显得十分重要。

    Therefore , in China during the crucial period of economic transition , optimizing the trade structure is apparently important .

  30. 该章首先对国有企业变革的背景(即中国经济转型大背景)进行了简要的分析,以便为更深入的研究做出铺垫。

    Firstly , the author briefly introduces the background ( ie. transition economy ) of Chinese state-owned enterprises ' change .