
  • 网络transport service industry
  1. 最后,通过借鉴吸收加拿大和美国民航运输服务业的发展经验和教训,提出对我国民航运输业政府管制体制改革的一些建议。

    Thereafter , through use for reference and absorbing developmental experience and lesson of transport service of civil aviation of America and Canada , I propose to our country government regulation some suggestions of system reform on transport service industry of civil aviation .

  2. 因此,运用科学有效的激励方法,提高道路运输服务企业的员工满意度,达到提高服务质量的目的,是道路运输服务业亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , the use of scientific and effective ways of incentive measures to improve employee satisfaction of road transport service enterprises and improve the quality of service objective is important for road transport service industry .

  3. 加入WTO后发展我国外贸运输服务业的对策

    The Way of Developing Foreign Trade Transport Service in a Post-WTO China

  4. 民航运输服务业质量审核要点探讨

    Discussions About Quality Verifying of Civil Air Transportation Service Trade

  5. 汽车租赁业是现代交通运输服务业的重要组成部分。

    Car rental industry constitutes an indispensable part of modern transportation service sector .

  6. 我国航空运输服务业的市场结构及价格竞争策略分析

    An Analysis of Market Structure and Price Competition Strategy of Chinese Aviation Transportation Service Industry

  7. 我国民航运输服务业,这个老牌国有垄断行业,已经开始了它政府管制体制的改革步伐。

    Civil aviation transport service , the old brand state-owned monopoly industry , have begun its government regulation reform paces already .

  8. 本论文理论结合实际,力图对民航运输服务业的政府管制体制变迁得出一个具有一定说服力的经济解释。

    This thesis theory combine reality , try hard and draw to civil aviation government regulation of transport service a convincing economy explain .

  9. 结果显示,无论是从产业内贸易单因素考虑还是引入其他影响因素,产业内贸易对我国运输服务业国际竞争力的提升都具有促进作用。

    The result shows that the development of intra-industry trade can promote the upgrade of transport services ' international competitiveness , whether considering intra-industry factor alone or introducing other influencing factors .

  10. 论文的最后就如何促进产业内贸易以提高我国运输服务业国际竞争力提出了相关的对策建议。

    Countermeasures and suggestions on how to improve intra-industry trade are put forward at the end of this paper , so as to enhance the international competitiveness of Chinese transport services .

  11. 航空公司是高资本,高风险,技术密集型的运输服务业,作为飞机的承运人,担负着把好安全关口的最后一关和承担着航空安全的直接责任。

    The airline is high risk capital , the transportation services , technology - intensive industries , as the carrier , take the plane to a safe level last close and assume the responsibility of aviation safety directly .

  12. 与此同时,本文引入了运输服务业的产业内贸易指数和显示性竞争优势指数,运用一元回归和多元回归的方法,从定量角度分析了我国运输服务业产业内贸易对其国际竞争力的影响。

    Meanwhile , through introducing the transport services ' intra-industry index and revealed competitive advantage index , the quantitative analysis is carried out to analysis the influence of transport services ' intra-industry trade to its international competitiveness , using simple regression and multiple regression .

  13. 陆路运输辅助服务业

    Supporting services to land transport

  14. 银行、保险、证券、分销、通讯、旅游、运输等服务业领域吸纳的外资,以前所未有的速度大幅增长。

    Unprecedented substantial growth have also been identified in FDI inflow into such service sectors as banking , insurance , distribution , communication , tourism and transportation .

  15. 近几十年来,智能体系统成为国际机器人学和人工智能领域研究的一个热点,越来越多的被广泛应用到工业、交通运输、服务业、航天和国防等各个领域。

    During recent decades , the agent system has become a hot topic of the international robotics and artificial intelligence research , more and more widely applied to various fields of industry , transport , services , aerospace and defense .

  16. 三是国际资本流动的产业重点由制造业转向服务业,通讯服务、银行、保险、房地产、旅游、运输物流服务业等已成为国际投资的新热点。

    Third , the content of international capital current is turning from the manufacturing industries to the service industries , information services , banks , insurances , estates , traveling and transaction service industries , as become international investment booming point .

  17. 民航运输业作为服务业的一个重要组成部分正以两倍于GDP增长的速度在发展。

    Aviation is one of the most important parts of the service industry , which is developing at twice the speed of GDP .

  18. 运输及杂项服务业统计组〔政府统计处〕

    Transport and Miscellaneous Services Section [ Census and Statistics Department ]

  19. 乡镇企业以商贸、运输、饮食服务业为主。

    Township enterprises in trade , transport , catering services .

  20. 商品流通和交通运输是武汉服务业的两大传统主体,这种状态一直延续至今。

    The circulation of commodities and transportation traditionally has been two major services in Wuhan .

  21. 公路运输业已经成为服务范围最广、运输组织最灵活的交通运输服务业。

    The road transport industry has become the most extensive range and the most flexible transport in transportation service industry .

  22. 交通运输为物品流通和人员流动提供基本条件,服务属性十分突出,国民经济和社会发展十一五规划明确把交通运输定位为服务业,并作为服务业中优先发展的领域。

    Transportation provides the basic conditions for the goods circulation and mobility of people , so its service attributes is very prominent , " The eleventh Five-Year Economic and Social Development Plan " clearly positions transportation as service industry which is in the area of priority development .