
  1. 皮质酮对吗啡急性精神运动兴奋性及行为敏感化的影响

    Effect of Corticosterone on Morphine-induced Psychomotor Effect and Its Sensitization

  2. 结论:皮质酮增强吗啡的精神运动兴奋性但不影响行为敏感化现象。

    Conclusion : Corticosterone increased the morphine-induced acute psychomotor activity but did not modify the behavioral sensitization induced by repeated morphine injection .

  3. 结果:皮质酮/吗啡组表现出明显的精神运动兴奋性(盐水组7175±676,皮质酮/吗啡组10365±503,P<0·05)。

    Results : The corticosterone / morphine group showed significant morphine-induced acute psychomotor effect comparing with the saline group ( saline group 7175 ± 676 , corticosterone / morphine group 10365 ± 503 , P < 0.05 ) .

  4. 目的观察A型肉毒毒素局部注射后远隔部位F波改变,揭示对脊髓运动神经元兴奋性的影响,探讨机制。

    Objective To evaluate the remote F-wave and excitability of the spinal motoneurons changes after local intramuscular administration of botulinum toxin type A.

  5. 不协调精神运动性兴奋的症状特征及护理

    Symptomatic Features and Nursing Care of Patients With Incoordination Psychomotor Excitement

  6. 成长中的儿童会在剧烈运动中兴奋得发抖。

    The growing child can thrill with the exhilaration of strenuous sports .

  7. 我们可能对运动感到兴奋吗?

    Is it Possible to Get Excited About Exercise ?

  8. 离体运动神经元兴奋性突触后电位的参数分析

    Parameter analyses of excitatory postsynaptic potentials recorded in neonate rat motoneurons in vitro

  9. 痉挛患者的运动神经元兴奋性突触电位的短暂上升期

    Exercise . Excitatory synaptic potentials in spastic human motoneurons have a short rise-time

  10. 这是一次卓越的经历,为如此多运动功绩兴奋异常!

    This is an excellent experience we are intoxicated by so many sport successes !

  11. 终末期肾病患者运动神经兴奋性的改变

    Altered motor nerve excitability in end-stage kidney disease

  12. 红霉素对兔消化间期胆囊运动的兴奋作用

    Effects of erythromycin on the motility of gallbladder in the interdigestive period in rabbits

  13. 提示,利多卡因对胃电和胃运动的兴奋效应是对胃平滑肌的直接作用,与神经无关。

    This report suggests that lidocaine has the direct action on the gastric smooth muscles .

  14. 氯硝西泮治疗精神运动性兴奋与氟哌啶醇的比较

    Clonazepam vs haloperidol in treating psychomotor agitation

  15. 让她对我的音乐和运动感到兴奋是很困难的。

    It 's a little difficult for her to get excited about my music and sports .

  16. 小脑梗死后运动皮质兴奋性

    Motor cortex excitability after cerebellar infarction

  17. 德巴金合并利培酮可作为治疗伴精神运动性兴奋的精神分裂症病人的较好方法。

    ConclusionThe combination of Risperidone with Depakine can be a better therapy for schizophrenia accompanied by psychomotor excitement symptoms .

  18. 结果:睾酮与倍克-拉范森躁狂量表的情绪项目、情感高涨因子和精神运动性兴奋因子有显著正相关性。

    Results : The study found a significant positive correlation between testosterone serum level and mood item / elation factor / psychomotor excitation factor .

  19. 结论髓鞘内甘丙肽可能通过减低运动神经兴奋性而产生抑制屈肌运动效应,从而有利防止骨骼肌运动过度。

    Conclusion The inhibitory effect of intrathecal galanin on flexor contractions is probably due to reduction in the excitability of motoneuron and might prevent muscles from over-movement .

  20. 结论:降低脑梗死后脊髓运动神经元兴奋性可能是电针治疗脑卒中后偏瘫肢体痉挛的内在机制之一。

    Conclusion : This study demonstrates that the degraded excitability of dynamoneure may be one of the important internal mechanisms for electric acupuncture cure hemiparalysis of spasmodic limbs after cerebral infarction .

  21. F波由运动神经元逆向兴奋引起,故有可能间接评价运动神经元的功能状态。

    F waves result from the back fire of the motoneuron activation , which may indirectly reflect the functional state of the motoneurons .

  22. 目的:研究以强直症状为主的帕金森病(PD)患者脊髓α运动神经元的兴奋性是否增高。

    Aim : To explore whether the spinal motor neuron excitability is higher in Parkinson 's disease ( PD ) patients with predominant rigidity .

  23. 言语产生可增加手运动皮层的兴奋性。

    Speech production increased the excitability of hand motor cortex .

  24. 整体市场令人有西进运动时的兴奋。

    The whole market has a Wild West feel .

  25. 他从攀岩运动中得到兴奋、刺激的感受。

    He gets his thrills from rock-climbing .

  26. 采用机械诱发反射来评估脊髓损伤患者背部肌肉运动神经元的兴奋性

    Motor neurone excitability in back muscles assessed using mechanically evoked reflexes in spinal cord injured patients

  27. 你让我们真的感到从电视观看奥运会和其他体育运动时的兴奋,

    And you have made us feel the excitement of watching the Olympics and indeed other sports on televison .

  28. 目的:探讨面神经麻痹面肌运动点的兴奋性与运动终板次级突触间隙的关系。

    Objective : Our purpose was to study the relationship between the excitability of facial muscular motor point and the secondary synaptic space of motor terminal plate in facial paralysis .

  29. 你将会发现参加这项运动是很令人兴奋的。

    You will find it exciting to join in the game .

  30. 结论:正常伴肌收缩时,磁刺激很可能先兴奋肌肉运动神经末梢致肌肉运动,间接兴奋肌肉Ia纤维或(和)肌肉深部感受器;

    It was showed that under normal contraction , the motor nerve terminals of the muscle were initially excited by magnetic stimulation and the Ia fiber and / or the receptors of the muscle were indirectly excited .