
Results : The characteristic of AWD was as follows : ( 1 ) The dysphoria ? asleep hardly and anxiety state were very common in depression , it occurred in 100 % ? 97 7 % and 86 0 % of 43 cases respectively ;
Depression usually with a strong covert is a persistent low mood state .
Depression is a common affective disorder , characterized by long lasting low mood .
Depression card is a group of prominent and persistent low mood as the main features of the clinical syndrome .
Depression , a kind of comprehensive disease with the characteristics of mental depression , is the greatest mental problems puzzling the criminals .
Objective : Depression usually refers to a depressed mood , mental retardation , language action to reduce the main features of the syndrome .
The depressive disorder is a kind of affective mental disease characterized by decreased emotions and moods significantly and longtime . It was caused by multiple social , biological , and psychological factors , whereas the pathogenesis of depressive syndromes remains to be determined .