
  • 网络Psychological Development;psychological growth;mental development
  1. 因此可以说,初中学生心理成长过程中障碍性、发展性问题并存,体育游戏教学法对初中学生心理健康产生了积极的促进作用;

    In a word , impedimental and developing problems coexist in the course of students ' mental development . Sports games teaching method produced a positive effect on the promotion of junior middle school students ' mental health .

  2. 心理教育的核心是活动,学生的心理成长植根于活动,根据学生的心理特征组织相应的活动是开展心理教育的关键。

    The core of mental education is activity . Because the mental development of students planted on activity , to organize relevant activities according to the mental characters of students is the sticking point to unfold mental education .

  3. 青春期应该是生理和心理成长的年龄。

    Adolescence should be the age of physical and emotional development .

  4. 考试焦虑学生的箱庭作品能够再现他们的心理成长过程;

    Sandplay productions of high-test-anxiety-students represented the growing process of their psyche .

  5. 挫折感对个体心理成长发展有重要影响。

    Frustration have important impact on the psychological development of individual development .

  6. 心理成长的旅程&论雅可布森对心理发展阶段理论的发展

    The Trip of Mental Growth & On Jacobson 's Ego Psychology Theory

  7. 箱庭疗法促进了考试焦虑者心理成长。

    Development of these students ' psyche were improved through sandplay sessions .

  8. 本研究把家庭教养方式理解为,儿童心理成长的语境或心理成长的发展语境。

    This paper took family parenting pattern as children psychological developing context .

  9. 影响儿童青少年心理成长的因素分析

    Analysis on Factors Influencing Children and Teenagers ' Psychological Development

  10. 人类认知需要自身的心理成长过程。

    Human being 's cognition based on psychological development .

  11. 留守儿童一般在学校表现不佳,心理成长落后于他人。

    They tend to underperform in school and lag behind in emotional development .

  12. 青少年正处于心理成长、人格发展的人生关键时期。

    Adolescent are at a key life period of both mental and personality development .

  13. 强大专家团队支持,建立宝宝心理成长档案,并提供家庭养育指导。

    Mental growth file and child rearing guidance will be received by our expert group .

  14. 网络教师心理成长共同体是网络环境下由自然意愿及共同理念和理想而结合在一起的教师群体。

    Mental growth community of e-teachers is a group whose natural willing and common ideas are combined with their ideal .

  15. 在美国20世纪80年代,沙盘游戏治疗被引入了学校,由于它在学业发展、心理成长、心理诊断及治疗方面发挥了重要作用而被广泛接受。

    It was accepted widely for its important impact in academic development , psychological development , psychological diagnosis and therapy .

  16. 结论:认知疗法对人际关系敏感者干预效果好,有助于军人心理成长。

    CONCLUSION : Cognition therapy has better interventional effect on soldier with interpersonal sensitivity , and it is good for their mental health .

  17. 心理成长是心理咨询者个人成长的核心因素,与专业成长相辅相成,也是决定心理咨询效果的重要条件。

    Mental growth is the core of personal growth of a psychological counselor and is also a key factor to the effects of psychological counseling .

  18. 该研究采用问卷调查比较了父亲或母亲出国打工留在国内的留守儿童和非留守儿童的学习生活和心理成长状况。

    This paper compares study , life and mental growth between children whose parents go abroad for a job and those staying with their parents through questionnaire .

  19. 童话:儿童心理成长的精神家园&略论童话与儿童心理成长的关系

    Fairy Tales : Homeland for the Mind in the Course of Children 's Psychological Growth & on the Relation between Fairy Tales and Children 's Psychological Growth

  20. 即:以贫困大学生为主体,作用于贫困大学生心理成长需求的影响因素。

    The endogenous factors are the factors which are generated from the psychological status of the poverty-stricken college students and affect their psychological development at the same time .

  21. 互联网的普及给高校大学生心理成长带来了极大的冲击,也对传统的学生辅导员提出了严峻的挑战。

    The popularization of Internet has brought the great impact to university student 's psychological development , and has proposed the severe challenge to traditional student 's counselors too .

  22. 儿童时期是人一生中接受教育,身体生长发育,心理成长的关键时期,儿童在这一成长过程中的生理及心理发展具有其特殊性。

    Childhood to education , physical growth and development is a critical period of psychological growth . Physiological and psychological development of children in this growth process has its particularity .

  23. 而初中课堂由于学生正处于心理成长的过渡期,更呈现出复杂性,因此课堂管理成为初中教师在课堂中花费时间和精力较多的工作。

    Because junior middle school students is in a transition period for their mental growth , classroom management is more complex , and becomes the work teachers cost more time and effort .

  24. 同时,对青春校园电视剧中关于当代青少年的心理成长和教师角色定位进行讨论分析,从而起到积极的现实意义。

    In addition , the author will discuss the teenagers ' psychological maturation and the role of teachers in these school youth TV dramas , which is of positive and practical significance .

  25. 论文主要从精神分析和原型理论两个视角探讨米兰达世家中南方淑女情结的本质及其对主人公心理成长的重要影响。

    The thesis is intended to explore the nature of the Southern Belle complex that pervades " Miranda saga " and its impact on Miranda 's psychological development from psychoanalytic and archetypal perspectives .

  26. 紧接着文章辨证地阐述了偶像崇拜对青少年成长所产生的积极和消极影响,并进一步探讨了不同的偶像人物和崇拜内容对青少年心理成长所起的不同作用。

    Then the dialectical illustration shows the positive and negative influences of idolatry on the juvenile growing-up as well as the further discussion of diverse roles that different idols play in the juvenile psychology growing-up .

  27. 《青年艺术家的画像》是他的第一部重要的长篇小说,深刻地描述了青年艺术家斯蒂芬从幼稚到成熟的心理成长过程。

    A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is his first important long novel , which describes closely the psychological initiation process of the young artist Stephen from a baby to an adult .

  28. 小学阶段是学生成长的基础阶段,它为学生高一届阶段的学习打下扎实的基础,同时也是学生生理心理成长的关键时期。

    Primary school students the basic stage of growth , it is high for students next stage of learning to lay a solid foundation , but also physiological and psychological growth of students in the critical period .

  29. 通过成员汇报和网上测评统计结果表明,网络教师心理成长共同体对教师心理素质的提升具有重要作用,实践效果比较令人满意。

    The reports of group members and the testing statistical results from network show that mental growth community of e-teachers is of great importance for promoting teachers ' psychological quality . The practical effects are comparatively satisfactory .

  30. 第五、在教师的心理成长方面,大部分教师还是能够从逆境中成长起来,但职业倦怠的问题依旧没有因为新课程标准的出现而有所消减。

    Fifth , in terms of the psychological development of the teachers , most teachers can still grow up from adversity , but job burnout problem is still not the emergence of the new curriculum standard and waned .