
yùn shū chuán
  • Transport vessel;cargo ship
  1. 甲板运输船主要是指甲板上运输干、杂、散装货物的自航货船。

    Deck cargo ship is self-navigated and mainly transports dry , mixed , bulk cargo on deck .

  2. 本文提出了海洋运输船线型设计中改造型船法的最佳型船选择方法。

    In this paper , a method of selecting the optimum parent ship for ocean cargo ship lines design is presented .

  3. 薄膜式LNG运输船温度场研究

    Study on temperature field for membrane type LNG carriers

  4. 中国首艘LNG运输船岸站试气及消耗气量计算

    Gas trial and related gas quantity calculation for the first LNG ship of China

  5. 随着世界对能源需求的加剧,导致LNG运输船出现了向大型化发展的趋势。

    With the increasing demand of energy the development of LNG Carrier is towards large-scale .

  6. LNG运输船船型浅析薄膜型InSb霍尔器件

    Investigation of Ship Form for LNG Carrier DEVELOPMENT OF InSb THIN FILM HALL ELEMENTS

  7. 首先,分析了小型LNG运输船的运输形式和发展现状,总结了小型LNG运输船的特点。

    Firstly , it analyzes the development status and transportation form and summarizes the characteristics of the small LNG ship .

  8. 因此研究LNG运输船的总纵极限承载能力对保证海运安全有着非常现实的意义。

    So it is very interesting for the safety of shipping to perform the ultimate capacity research of LNG Carrier .

  9. 随着LNG产业链的不断扩大和深入,对LNG运输船航运提出了一些新的要求。

    With the continuous expansion of the LNG industry chain , we ask for some new requirements on the shipping of LNG carriers .

  10. 气相输运平衡制备不同组份LiNbO3晶体甲烷运输船沼气运输船

    Preparation of LiNbO_3 with Different Composition Using Vapour Transport Equilibration Technique ; methane carrier

  11. 在国内排水型登陆运输船领域内,首次获得了Fr>0.5速度范围内的剩余阻力系数Cr的分布曲线。

    This results in first creation of distribution curve of residual resistance coefficient Cr in the Fr > 0 . 5 speed range in the design of displacement type landing transport ship in China .

  12. 通过对LNG运输船温度场的分析,为我国独立研制或改进LNG船液货舱热维护系统打下了良好的基础。

    By analyzing LNG ship 's temperature field , it will lay a good foundation for our country to develop and improve LNG ship 's heat maintenance system independently .

  13. 本文介绍LNG国际贸易、接收站建设、LNG运输船、接卸港口工程的选址及设计、分销输运方式。

    This paper introduces LNG international trade , LNG terminal construction , LNG carriers , site selection and design for ports and jetties , the pattern of LNG retailing transportation .

  14. 37m围网冰鲜运输船的改装设计

    Retrofitting design of the 77 m seine-freezing fish transport ship

  15. 1500t散装水泥运输船管道设计

    Design of the Pipeline of 1 500 t Bulk Cement Carrier

  16. 这对评估LNG运输船船体结构的真正安全余量,对充分合理地利用材料、减轻船体结构重量、降低成本、增加装载能力都具有重要地实用价值,更能够提高LNG运输船的经济性。

    It helps to figure out the real safety margin , rationally and fully utilize the material , lighten the dead weight of ship , reduce the cost and increase the load capacity of ship .

  17. 6月,韩国船厂在让位给中国竞争对手两年后,重新摘得造船市场最大份额的桂冠,韩国企业聚焦于液化天然气(lng)运输船等需求保持强劲的船型。

    In June , South Korean yards regained the top spot in market share two years after losing it to China by focusing on LNG carriers , among others , for which demand remains strong .

  18. 通过对一艘双壳LPG运输船的有限元分析,将此程序在实际工程中进行了应用,本程序有助于对船体结构强度进行快速有效地预测。

    Through finite element analysis of a LPG carrier with double hull , this program is carried out in practical application . This program can help provide quickly and efficiently forecast to the hull structure strength .

  19. 介绍了LNG国际贸易、接收站建设、LNG运输船、接卸港口工程的选址及设计、分销输运方式,讨论了关于《液化天然气码头设计规程》(试行)的修订意见。

    This paper introduces LNG international trade , LNG terminal construction , LNG carriers , site selection and design for ports and jetties , the pattern of LNG retailing transportation and the comments for revising the Design Specification for Liquefied Natural Gas Port and Jetty ( Tentative ) .

  20. 淡水河谷(Vale)周五达成了扩充其超大型铁矿石运输船船队的协议,此前这家巴西矿商与中国最大航运公司达成了妥协,使此类船舶有可能获准靠泊中国港口。

    Brazilian miner Vale reached a deal on Friday to expand its fleet of extremely large ships for carrying iron ore , following a truce with China 's largest shipping company that raised the prospect of the vessels being allowed to dock at Chinese ports .

  21. 针对汽车运输船(PCC)船侧非贯通横舱壁周围裂纹损伤这一突出问题,通过有限元数值方法对一具有代表性的实船损伤实例进行了分析;

    The crack damage around the transverse partial bulkheads of the hold in a pure car carrier ( PCC ), as one of the major problems in PCC , is investigated . Typical crack damage in an actual PCC is numerically analyzed with the finite element method .

  22. 介绍了1500t散装水泥运输船的水泥管道输送原理,给出了该船上压缩空气管、流化空气管和水泥装卸管的管径、风压、流量等参数的计算和选用方法。

    The paper introduced the theory of piping transportation of the 1 500 deadweight ton bulk cement barge , and provided the numeration and selection method of main parameters , such as pipe diameter , wind pressure , flux , etc.

  23. 这家瑞典公司的S60L轿车将先用卡车运到上海港口,再装载到汽车运输船上横跨太平洋,最终在洛杉矶卸载。

    The Swedish company 's S60L sedans will be transported by truck to Shanghai 's port , loaded on to car carriers for shipment across the Pacific , and finally rolled off in Los Angeles .

  24. 对可装4300辆的汽车运输船(PCTC)带浮筒下水过程的动力学采用牛顿第二定律进行计算,对计算方法的选取以及影响计算结果的因素进行分析;

    The Newtonian second law is applied to calculate the hydrodynamic characteristics of the process of the 4 300 cars carrier launching with pontoon . This paper discusses about the computing methods and the factors influencing the numerical results .

  25. 高速登陆运输船内蜗尾船型阻力试验研究

    Research on inward cochlea-channeled stern form of high-speed landing transport ship

  26. 小型运输船船型经济性论证分析

    Justification and Analysis on the Economical Efficiency of Small Transport Vessels

  27. 母舰已经向运输船开火了。

    I 've just opened fire on the transport , sir .

  28. 左图为满载出品商品的远洋集装箱运输船驶往世界各地;

    The picture left shows container carrier setting off with merchandise ;

  29. 甲烷运输船沼气运输船卡车装运着一车砂子。

    Methane carrier The lorry was carrying a load of sand .

  30. 当地政府要求所有运输船返回港口。

    Local authorities have urged all shipping boats to return to harbor .