
  • 网络Secretariat for Transport and Public Works
  1. 他们特别将矛头指向了澳门前运输工务司司长欧文龙(AoMan-long)腐败案,欧文龙去年12月因涉嫌受贿而被捕。

    In particular , they point to the case against Ao Man-long , the former secretary for transport and works arrested last December on bribery charges .

  2. 导致澳门前运输工务司司长下台的腐败案,进一步加剧了公众的不满。

    Discontent was intensified by a corruption case that brought down the territory 's public works secretary .

  3. 澳门前运输工务司司长欧文龙在2008年的一起重大腐败案件中被认定有罪,并因在项目审批中受贿被判处29年监禁,目前正在服刑。

    Mr. Ao , Macau 's former secretary for transportation and public works , was convicted in a landmark corruption case in 2008 and is serving a 29-year prison sentence for accepting bribes to approve projects .