
pī jiān fà
  • longhair
披肩发[pī jiān fà]
  1. 窗户透进的阳光将她棕褐的披肩发“染”成了金色。

    Sunlight from the window gilded her shoulder-length blonde hair .

  2. 她有一双蓝色的眼睛以及一头金黄色的披肩发。

    She had blue eyes , and yellow hair that curled on to her shoulders .

  3. 往常她都是头顶一堆发饰,现在就是一个简单的中分披肩发。

    In place of her often over the top hair pieces was a simple centre parting .

  4. 德国少女的发式多为短发或披肩发,烫发的妇女大半都是已婚者。

    German girl 's hair more than short hair or long hair for hair , perm most women are married .

  5. 他的外貌通过所带的眼镜类型和提供长度的披肩发来获得平衡。

    His look is balanced with the type of glasses he wears and his locks flowing down over his shoulders to provide lengthening of his look .

  6. 披肩长发适合您的脸型。赫斯渥的脸拉长了。

    A shoulder-length style will suit your face .

  7. 披肩长发适合您的脸型。我军长驱直入,所向披靡。

    A shoulder-length style will suit your face . Our army drove straight in , carrying everything before it .

  8. 在一次舞会上,我认识了漂亮的她,她身穿白色连衣裙,一头披肩长发。

    On a dancing party , I knew beautiful of she , she wears a white one-piece dress , a head of shawl grows hair .

  9. 她剪掉六英寸左右的头发,又替我打层次,还弄了个长长的刘海,变成颜色深红、有点弹性的披肩长发。

    She cut off about 6 inches and gave me some layer and long bangs . My hair is now shoulder-length , king of bouncy , and a deep , rich red .

  10. 我注意到一个身长欣长留着一头披肩长发的小姐,长的特别的美,她扫了我一眼,大概哪天晚上我穿的有点寒酸。

    I noticed a single welcomes long-haired girl wearing a head shawl , long special beauty so I look at her , tonight , I probably begin to wear a bit more modest .