
  • 网络Elymus dahuricus;Lyme grass;elymus rectisetus
  1. 研究了披碱草与野大麦BC1F2、BC1F3、BC1F4代的主要农艺及分子细胞遗传学特性。

    The main agronomic traits and cytology of BC1F2 , BC1F3 , BC1F4 between Elymus dahuricus , Hordeum brevisubulatum were studied .

  2. 利用微卫星分子标记研究我国16份披碱草遗传多样性

    Study of the genetic diversity of sixteen accessions of Elymus dahuricus with microsatellite molecular markers

  3. NaCl和Na2CO3胁迫对肥披碱草种子萌发影响的比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Effects of NaCl and Na_2CO_3 on Germination of Elymus dahuricus Turcz

  4. 野生垂穗披碱草种质遗传多样性的SRAP研究

    Genetic diversity of wild Elymus nutans germplasm detected by SRAP markers

  5. 研究了垂穗披碱草(Elymusnutans)在不同光照强度、不同土壤养分和不同密度下的生长和繁殖特性。

    Elymus nutans growth and reproduction were studied at different light intensities , different soil nutrient conditions and different population densities .

  6. 披碱草(Elymusdahuricus)作为我国北方草原重要的优良牧草,在发展草地畜牧业生产和改善环境等方面发挥着重要作用。

    Elymus dahuricus , as an important forage grass in northern China rangeland , plays important role in grassland livestock production and environmental protection .

  7. 本文通过对高寒山区耐寒性强的垂穗披碱草(Elymusnutans)保护酶活性在生长季中变化以及生理指标测定分析,探讨了该牧草适应低温生长的耐寒机制。

    Changes in the activity profiles of protective enzyme in Elymus nutans growing at alpine native grassland were studied and its mechanisms adapted to low temperature were investigated .

  8. 鲁梅克斯Rumexacetosa、披碱草Elymusdahuricus高感白粉病和黑粉病,大面积栽培需要加强病害防治或更新抗病品种。

    Rumex acetosa 、 Elymus dahuricus were high susceptible to powdery mildew and smut , for cultivation in big areas , attention should be paid to disease control or renewal of varieties .

  9. 资源获得性和种内竞争对垂穗披碱草生长繁殖的影响

    Influences of Resource Availability and Intraspecific Competition on Elymus nutans Growth and Reproduction

  10. 紫花苜蓿与垂穗披碱草混播防治褐斑病试验

    Control of brown spot by mixed cultivation of Medicago sativa and Elymus nutans

  11. 高山草甸垂穗披碱草人工草地群落特征及稳定性研究

    The Community Characteristics and Stability of the Elymus nutans Artificial Grassland in Alpine Meadow

  12. 种群密度与施肥对垂穗披碱草刈割后补偿作用的影响

    The impacts of population density and Fertilization on compensatory responses of Elymus nutans to mowing

  13. 披碱草野生种质材料芽期耐盐性研究

    Study salt tolerance of Elymus germplasm

  14. 长期低温作用下垂穗披碱草保护酶活性变化及其牧草生态适应性

    Changes in Activities of Protective Enzyme of Elymus nutans under Low Temperatures and Its Ecological Adaptability

  15. 本文探索了不同品种披碱草种子在不同温度中的萌发表现。

    This paper investigates the behaviour of seed germination of different cultivars of E.nutansand at different temperatures .

  16. 由此表明,内生真菌侵染能够在一定程度上提高垂穗披碱草的竞争能力。

    Therefore , endophytic fungi infection could partly improve the competitive ability of E. nutans . 4 .

  17. 资源可利用性的提高促进了其生长、繁殖和贮藏能力的发展,从而提高了垂穗披碱草适合度的收益;

    And reproduction performance , vegetative growth performance and storage performance were all obvious enhancement with resource availability improvement .

  18. 细叶亚菊是海北地区垂穗披碱草人工草场上主要入侵杂草之一。

    Ajania tenuifolia is one of the main species of invasion weeds on artificial Elymus nutans grassland in Haibei .

  19. 地上植物量显著高于原生植被,达到了垂穗披碱草人工草地水平;

    The aboveground phytomass was higher than native vegetation and could reach the level of Elymus nutans artificial grassland ;

  20. 披碱草生长发育节律较慢,生育期124d,生长天数193d;

    Elymus dahuricus developed slowly , growing and developing period was 124 days , growing period was 193 days .

  21. 但是,对于垂穗披碱草无论是种子萌发阶段还是幼苗的生长阶段都没有发生显著的抑制作用。

    However , there was no significant effect both for seed germination stage and seedling growth stage of Elymus nutans .

  22. 唐古特大黄药材提取物对小麦和垂穗披碱草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of Extracts from Root of Rheum tanguticum on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Triticum aestivum and Elymus nutans

  23. AM真菌对黄帚橐吾种内竞争、黄帚橐吾与垂穗披碱草种间竞争的影响

    Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Intraspecific Competition of Ligularia Virgaurea and Interspecific Competition between Ligularia Virgaurea and Elymus Nutans

  24. 披碱草是禾本科披碱草属多年生优质牧草,具有极强的抗旱、耐盐碱能力。

    The E. dahuricus belonging to Elymus of Gramineae , is a perennial pasture tolerating to drought and high salt stresses .

  25. 土壤养分的缺乏促使资源向垂穗披碱草贮藏器官的转移,而鹅绒委陵菜则没有出现这种转移。光照条件是制约两种克隆植物繁殖(包括有性繁殖和克隆生长)的主要限制因子。

    Light was the main limited factor that restrained reproduction ( including sexual reproduction and clonal growth ) of the two clonal plants .

  26. 江河源区披碱草和星星草混播草地土壤物理性状对牦牛放牧强度的响应

    Study on responses of soil physical character to stocking rate of yaks on mixed sown pastures of perennial grasses in Yangtze and Yellow Rivers source region

  27. 试验结果表明:气流冲击式转筒干燥技术可较好的应用于披碱草种子的干燥,干燥后的披碱草种子达到了国家一级种子标准;

    Experimental results showed that air-impingement rotary drying technology was better for Elymus dahuricus seeds drying and the drying results reached national first-class seed quality standard .

  28. 川西北高原野生垂穗披碱草遗传多样性研究一个高大丛生的多年生禾草属(例如欧滨麦或披碱草属(野麦属)的几种禾草种的任一种)。

    Genetic Diversity of Elymus Nutans in the Northwestern Plateau of Sichuan Province ; tall tufted perennial grasses ( such as lyme grass or wild rye ) .

  29. 封育对黑土滩垂穗披碱草栽培草地群落结构和特征的影响围栏封育对昭苏马场春秋草地地上植物量的影响

    Impact of enclosure on community characters of sowed Elymus nutans grassland in " black soil Land " Effects of enclosing spring-autumn grassland on aboveground biomass at Zhaosu horse ranch

  30. 结果表明:以遗传距离系数0.78为尺度把40个披碱草居群分为两大类,第1类主要包括垂穗组披碱草种类,第2类大多数包括穗直立的披碱草种类。

    The results showed that 40 populations could be divided into two groups at 0.78 coefficient of genetic distance . One group mainly consisted of the materials of erect ears , the other nutant ears .