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pī jiān
  • shawl;cape;wraps;tippet;cappa;opera cape
披肩 [pī jiān]
  • (1) [cape]∶用织物或毛皮制成的各种不同长度的无袖外衣

  • (2) [tippet]∶裘皮或布制的披在肩上的服饰

披肩[pī jiān]
  1. 科珀斯克里斯蒂来电里金斯交给我一份为期重量飞棒与绿色挂钩波普尔的披肩。

    Corpus Christi Caller-Riggins handed me a three-weight fly rod with a green popper tied to its tippet .

  2. 她的鬈发披肩。

    Her hair fell over her shoulders in a mass of curls .

  3. 她披了一件披肩。

    She wore a shawl about her shoulders .

  4. 这条披肩是纯毛的。

    This scarf is 100 % wool .

  5. 她在外套上披着一件披肩。

    She was wearing a cape over her dress .

  6. 披肩同斗篷相似,但通常更短些。

    A cape is similar to a cloak , but it is usually shorter .

  7. 采购产品纱,织物,披肩,纺织品废物,刺绣品和刺绣,软件设计

    Yarn , Fabrics , Shawls , Textile Waste , Embroidery and Embroiders , Software Design .

  8. Sybil帮妈妈把黑色披肩拿来

    Sybil , be a dear and fetch my black evening shawl .

  9. 主要成衣款式包括了羊绒与真丝混纺的披肩、真丝缎的贴身背心以及休闲款裤子(品牌名字TheRow暗指伦敦萨维尔街(SavileRow)定制成衣业)。

    Ready-to-wear staples include cashmere and silk-blend capes , silk-satin camisoles and loosely tailored trousers ( the label 's name alludes to the tailoring of Savile Row ) .

  10. 拿破仑三世的妻子Eugenie皇后是当时首个羊毛披肩的爱好者,因为羊毛披肩不会掩盖Worth给她设计的华丽长礼服,又能帮助她抵挡寒冷。

    Empress Eugenie , the wife of Napoleon III was among the first to favour shawls to protect her against chill , without obscuring the beauty of the gowns designed for her by Worth .

  11. 我们穿过一座巨大的花岗岩雕塑,肩上披着红色的披肩,迎风飘展,膝盖前面香烟袅袅——陈说,这就是风狮爷(windliongod),全金门共有70座,先人树此目的是让金门免遭台湾海峡狂风之肆虐。

    We passed a large granite statue , flowing red cape around its shoulders , incense burning in its lap - a wind lion god , said Chen , one of 70 erected to protect the island from the violent winds that rip through the strait .

  12. 带上我的披肩,这是Superduck的工作!

    Bring my cape ! This is a job for Superduck !

  13. 据媒体PageSix报道,32岁的措科身穿蕾丝礼服,搭配披肩,礼服由雷姆-阿克拉(ReemAcra)设计。而27岁的库克则穿着经典的黑色西装。

    Cuoco , 32 , wore a lacy gown with a matching cape . Her ensemble was designed by Reem Acra . Cook , 27 , kept it classic with a traditional black tuxedo , according to Page Six .

  14. blonde:金黄色或淡黄色的dress:礼服furry:毛皮的,似毛皮的我不觉得,金色头发,黄色礼服,黑羽毛披肩里面只有一个SerenaVanDerWoodsen啊是啊,不,今晚不是。

    Dan : I don 't think so . blonde hair , yellow dress , black furry thing ? there is only one Serena Van Der Woodsen . - Serena : Yeah , no , not tonight . -

  15. 20个女孩穿着羽毛披肩在台上手舞足蹈。

    Twenty girls in feather boas prancing around like circus ponies .

  16. 有配这件夹克的披肩吗?

    Do you have the stole that goes with this jacket ?

  17. 我送给她一条编织的披肩作圣诞礼物。

    I gave her a knitted shawl as a Christmas gift .

  18. 你穿着黑衣服还有披肩

    But you 're all in black . You have a cape

  19. 我还需要买披肩去参加全国荣誉协会!

    I still need to buy my stole for National Honor Society !

  20. 披上披肩吧,外面天凉。

    Slip a shawl over your shoulder , it 's cool outside .

  21. 德尔撕多挥舞着红披肩逗得那头牲畜猛冲过来。

    Waving a red cape , Delgado provoked the animal to charge .

  22. 窗户透进的阳光将她棕褐的披肩发“染”成了金色。

    Sunlight from the window gilded her shoulder-length blonde hair .

  23. 我的披肩卷在脚边,像只被打伤的狗。

    And my cape rolled like a hurt dog at my feet .

  24. 我没有披肩,现在雨中很冷。

    I had no cape and it was cold in the rain .

  25. 她该卖透明的被单还是毛发蓬松的披肩?

    Should she sell sheer sheets or should she sell shaggy shawls ?

  26. 羊毛改性丝光的羊绒型披肩和围巾新产品开发

    The development of mercerized cashmere - like shawl and scarf

  27. “刚刚有人踩到我的披肩!”她说。

    Someone just stepped on my cape ! She said .

  28. 解读纳西民族文化的密码&女性羊皮披肩

    Decode the Culture of Naxi Nationality & Female Sheepskin Cape

  29. 羊绒/大豆蛋白纤维披肩在人力织机上的生产

    Woven of cashmere soybean fiber blended cape on manpower loom

  30. 让我把这披肩折起来围在你的身上。

    Let me double over the shawl and put it round you .