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  • 网络nose ring
鼻环 [bí huán]
  • [nose ring] 戴在鼻部的圆环状装饰物

  1. 你说什么羊羊你想要一个鼻环吗

    What 's that lamlam ? You want a nose ring ?

  2. 艾文:你看!她把我的鼻环扯了下来!啊!痛死了!

    Elvin : Look ! She pulled out my nose ring ! Owwww ! It hurts !

  3. EN19型号的钢是专门用于做鼻环的。

    EN19 steel is used exclusively for nose rings .

  4. Kat近日在Instagram上发了一张自己坐在汽车后座的照片,照片中她眼神性感,而且还是一头短发,鼻子上还有非常显眼的鼻环。

    Kat posted a photo to Instagram of her in the backseat of a car , giving the camera a sexy look and showing off her short haircut along with an even more interesting accessory choice : a septum nose piercing .

  5. 印度也有各种各样的美女,但是大多数人都有鼻环。

    India also have various beauties , but most women have gold nose screw .

  6. 这个农民给牛套上鼻环。

    The farmer ringed the bull .

  7. 弗兰克眼下已经理了发,刮掉了原本凌乱不堪的胡须而且还摘掉了两个鼻环。

    Frank got a haircut , shaved his straggly beard and also removed two nose rings .

  8. 几位农民拉着旄牛耕地,牛鼻子上拴着大大的鼻环。

    A few farmers trailed yaks , with plows attached to their animals by large nose rings .

  9. 先说说鼻环吧,它最先是在四千年前的中东地区被发现。

    Let 's start with nose piercings , they were first discovered 4000 years ago in the Middle East .

  10. 事实上,她承认:“通常我一点化妆品都不用,也不带鼻环。”

    Actually , she admits ," I don 't usually wear makeup at all & or a nose ring . "

  11. 乍一看,这些学生身上完全没有共同点:本科生踢拉着人字拖,穿着鼻环;研究生则衣着正式如同正准备参加面试。

    They appeared to have little in common : undergraduates in flip-flops and nose rings , graduate students in interview-ready attire .

  12. 鼻环、舌环、肚脐环的风行,让很多人在身上开始了进行打洞加环的重大工程。

    Bihuan , Central tongue , navel ring popular , many people began to burrows on the part of major projects in Canada .

  13. 他是个大块头的家伙,浑身是毛和纹饰,还戴着鼻环。

    He was a big , muscular , hairy guy with tattoos all over his body and a ring pierced through his nose .

  14. 我把他的鼻环扯下来,告诉他和他的同伙不要在纠缠这位妇女,否则得先跟我过招!

    Well , I tore the nose ring out of his nose , and told him that he and his gang had better stop bothering the woman or they would have to deal with me !