
pī jiǎ
  • put on a suit of armour;wear armor
披甲 [pī jiǎ]
  • [wear armor] 穿上铠甲

  • 披甲持枪

披甲[pī jiǎ]
  1. 已经灭绝的长有很重披甲的鱼形无颚动物;古生代的生物。

    Extinct fishlike jawless vertebrate having a heavily armored body ; of the Paleozoic .

  2. 骑士们佩剑披甲准备战斗。

    The Knights girded themselves for battle .

  3. 在过去,骑士在战斗中戴盔披甲。

    In the past , knights , used to wear suits of armour in battle .

  4. 机械鲨鱼披甲上阵,挑战性更强!

    Mechanical sharks armored battle more challenging !

  5. 全身披甲带棘,尾扇发达,绿中有紫,色彩斑澜。

    Body with armored spine , well-developed tail fan , there are green , purple , color Banlan .

  6. 顶盔披甲,持矛把盾交锋以为乐。

    A soldier dons helmet and armour , takes up spear and shield , and rushes gladly into battle .

  7. 手动[手操作]位置在那个时候,那些浪迹天涯的教徒惯常披甲戴盔,手持打仗的兵器进行操练。

    Manual position It was a period when the religious exiles were accustomed to buckle on their armor , and practise the handling of their weapons of war .

  8. 他生于乱世,虽是文人出身,但为了国家的兴衰披甲上阵力挽狂澜,其思想随着自身与社会的变化而不断变化。

    He was born in troubled times , although scholars origin , but to the rise and fall of nations armored battle turn back the powers of darkness , his ideas as their own and social change .