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pī fā
  • disheveled hair;unadorned naturally hanging hair
披发 [pī fà]
  • (1) [with dishevelled hair]∶头发披散

  • 披发当风

  • (2) [a shock of hair]∶散开的头发

  • 长长的披发

  1. 而满洲贵族的入主中原则是“披发左衽”(剃头改制),“亡天下”了;

    Manchu nobility and entered China principle is " disheveled hair left overlapping part of Chinese gown "( barber restructuring )," the world perish ";

  2. 只管已干涸,落叶仍披发出好闻的喷香味。

    Although their juices had run dry , the leaves still exuded a pleasant aroma .

  3. 胜利的美术教育是我校的亮点,校园处处披发着艺术美。笔者的性命审美教育设法主意由此得到启示,并在教授教养工作中,以校本课程的形式入行了实践。

    The success of fine arts education is the highlight of my school , which inspire me the idea about life & aesthetic education , and it is practiced by the form of school-based curriculum in teaching .