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  1. 他说:朋友,我看你是从依阿华州来的。

    4 : Friend , I see you come from Iowa .

  2. 她是瑞士人,从说意大利语的提契诺州来。

    She 's a Swiss from the Italian-speaking Canton of ticino .

  3. 我在找一个人,一个从得克萨斯州来的银行家。

    I was searching for a man , a banker from texas .

  4. 他说,他的目标就是把绿色生意吸引到这个州来。

    He says his goal is to draw green businesses to the state .

  5. 她是我从肯德基州来的朋友。

    She 's a friend of mine from kentucky .

  6. 你是从德克萨斯州来的?还是犹他州?

    You 're from Texas or Utah , someplace dried-out and barren , right ?

  7. 来看它的有从爱荷华州来的家庭,还有参加考察旅行的小孩。

    And a little family from lowa and little kids on their eighth-grade field trip .

  8. 我们和一个乔洽亚州来的歌手躲在山洞里。

    We ` re hidin ` up in a cave with a singer from georgia .

  9. 珍:你好,还有你。这是我的一个老朋友,阿拉巴马州来的。

    J : Hi * hey you . This is an old friend from Alabama .

  10. 比你说“黑金,德克萨斯州来了”还快。

    Faster than you can say ," black gold , Texas tea ," afghanistan signed .

  11. 我想这也是为什么我从那遥远的密西西比州来这的原因。

    I suppose that 's why I came all the way up here from mississippi .

  12. 他们从纽约州来,购置了土地,那时乡村正值初创。

    They came from New York State and took up land when the country was new .

  13. 在电视节目露了几次面之后,他和伊利诺伊州来的政治人士吃了第二次早餐。

    After several TV appearances , he had a second breakfast with other politicians from Illinois .

  14. 您可以进一步选择其他时间或州来分析交易的分布。

    You can drill down to choose other times or states to analyze the distribution of transactions .

  15. 我是从俄亥俄州来的。我老家的很多人都喜欢听乡村音乐。

    I 'm from Ohio . A lot of people in my hometown listen to country music .

  16. 杰西卡:我是杰西卡,顺便说一句,嗨,你是亚力桑那州来的,对吗?

    Jessica : I 'm Jessica , by the way . Hey , you 're from Arizona , right ?

  17. 我从宾夕法尼亚州来。我们非常激动,能够进行这样的选举。

    I am from Pennsylvania and we are so psyched [ excited ] to be able to run this campaign .

  18. 公园的员工警告这对从马萨诸塞州来的夫妇,想找到这些珠宝几乎是不可能的。

    Park employees warned the couple from Worcester , Mass . , that recovering the jewelry was all but impossible .

  19. 来自世界各地的超过一万名学生来到圣路易斯密苏里州来展示他们的工程能力。

    More than 10000 students from around the world came to St. Louis Missouri to show off their engineering abilities .

  20. 司机:这没什么。我也曾是一个初来乍到纽约的人。我从爱荷华州来的。

    Cabbie : It 's no problem . I was new in New York one time , too . I 'm from Iowa .

  21. 我们跟随一群从乔治亚州来的学生,他们在这段时间里会在“墓碑”之间学到一些历史知识。

    We tied along for a recent tour with a group of Georgia students who spent some time learning history among the gravestones .

  22. 各州都有各州的交通法规,外州来的开车者应该了解当地的法规。

    Each state has its own traffic laws , and a driver from another state is expected to know and understand the local laws .

  23. 《全美育儿指导》的作者佩恩说最终还是要靠各个州来保证家庭托儿所的安全。

    Payne , the author of national child-care guidelines , said ultimately it 's up to states to ensure safety at home-based day care .

  24. 法律职业方面的规定主要是州来制定的,每个州均其自己的执业准入要求。

    The regulation of the legal profession is primarily the concern of the state , each of which has its own requirement for admission to practice .

  25. 第七、如果大陪审团指控某人犯罪,则此人有权获得由陪审团审判的快速审判权,在这中间须由有关州来证明该案件超出了合理怀疑。

    If the Grand Jury indicts the individual , the individual has the right to a speedy trial by jury where the state would have to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt .

  26. 澳大利亚的百万富翁签证项目成功吸引了大批中国富豪,现在澳政府又向那些愿意将钞票和创业人才带到澳州来的美国富豪伸出了入籍的橄榄枝。

    Flush with the success of a millionaire visa program to attract wealthy Chinese , Australia is now promising citizenship to rich Americans who are willing to bring their cash and entrepreneurial talent Down Under .

  27. “哦,我有肺病,”惊里森登先说他从亚利桑纳州来,接着便顺带宣布说,“我到那儿过了两年,靠那儿的气候养病。”

    " Oh , I 'm a lunger ," Brissenden announced , offhand , a little later , having already stated that he came from Arizona . " I 've been down there a couple of years living on the climate . "

  28. 不久,我的其他室友包括阿根廷舞者、瑞士顺势疗法师、墨西哥秘书、五个孩子的澳洲母亲、年轻的孟加拉程序设计师、缅因州来的小儿科医师和菲律宾会计师。

    My other roommates , over time , would include an Argentinean dancer , a Swiss homeopath , a Mexican secretary , an Australian mother of five , a young Bangladeshi computer programmer , a pediatrician from Maine and a Filipino accountant .

  29. 世界一家我离开座位,四处张望,迷失在混音中。音乐巨匠艾里克克莱普顿,妄求者,以及泰迪潘德格拉斯点燃了空气,我冲向米琪——跟我一起从马萨诸塞州来的朋友。

    I abandoned my seat and wandered around the complex listening to musical giants the likes of Eric Clapton , The Pretenders , and Teddy Pendergrass soaking up the atmosphere when I ran in to my friend Miki , one of several friends who had traveled with me from Massachusetts .

  30. 1977年的感恩节,格雷格·卡尔霍恩搭便车从科罗拉多州来拜访他们,布伦南把怀孕的事情告诉了他。她说:“之前史蒂夫和我复合了,现在我怀孕了,但我们的关系又开始时断时续,我不知道该怎么办。”

    When Greg Calhoun hitchhiked from Colorado to visit them on Thanksgiving 1977 , Brennan told him the news : " Steve and I got back together , and now I 'm pregnant , but now we are on again and off again , and I don 't know what to do . "