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  1. 作为亚州部的商务行政经理,我协助我的领导做行政工作。

    As Business Manager in the Asia Sales Business Unit , I support my team leader for administrative work .

  2. 她花了两年时间在佛罗里达州南部做研究,拍摄纪录片。

    She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary

  3. 怀特先生在佐治亚州南部教一年级。

    Mr White teaches first grade in south Georgia .

  4. 自从20世纪40年代以来,加利福尼亚州南部一直有雾霾出名。

    Since the 1940s , southern California has had a reputation for smog .

  5. 一周六天,我祖父把邮件带给乔治亚州东北部红山上下的人们。

    Six days a week , up and down the red hills of northeast Georgia , my grandfather brought the mail to the folks there .

  6. 纽约州教育部通过提供双语言课程让这些学生能学习得更好。

    New York 's Department of Education makes learning better for these students by providing dual-languageprograms .

  7. 这次,在美国犹他州南部发现的遗址再次表明,霸王龙是在同一地点死亡的。

    This one in southern Utah again shows that tyrannosaurs died in the same place .

  8. 欧内斯特?费尔提是伊利诺斯州南部哈丁县县属学校的负责人

    Ernest Felty , head of Hardin County schools in southern Illinois , has 10 home-schooled pupils .

  9. 知情人告诉US,这位27岁的女演员和她26岁的职业网球爱人,计划12月31日在加利福尼亚州南部举办婚礼。

    Insiders tell Us that the actress , 27 , and her tennis pro beau , 26 , plan to tie the knot on Dec. 31 in Southern California .

  10. 这样可爱的一幕拍摄于周二,地点是在弗洛里达州东南部城市德尔雷比奇的DaughterofZion小学。

    The charming moment took place at Daughter of Zion Junior School in Delray Beach , Florida on Tuesday .

  11. 他们住在宾夕法尼亚州西南部的一个叫做八十四(Eighty-Four)的村子里。

    They lived in a village called Eighty-Four , in southwestern Pennsylvania .

  12. 这位CEO不打算守在中国这条沉船上,而正计划将他的机床搬到在佛罗里达州南部新买的一家制造厂里。

    Instead of continuing down the Chinese rabbit hole , the CEO is working on a plan to transport his machine tools to a newly purchased manufacturing plant in South Florida .

  13. 如华盛顿州西北部的MountRainier国家公园,就提供很多不同的徒步路线。

    Mount Rainier National Park in the northwestern state of Washington is a good example of a park that provides many different trails .

  14. 在1833年,美国第23届总统BenjaminHarrison在俄亥俄州本德南部出生!

    On this date : In1833 , Benjamin Harrison , the23rd president of the United States , was born in North Bend , Ohio .

  15. 在位于俄亥俄州中北部的曼斯菲尔德,旅游部门五年前创建了一个叫“肖申克之路”(ShawshankTrail)的旅游线路,以充分利用该地区最大的旅游资源。

    In Mansfield in north-central Ohio , tourism officials five years ago established a tour to capitalize on what had become the area 's biggest draw .

  16. 宾夕法尼亚州中南部的PeachBottom核电站的保安在“待命室”内睡觉的录像在美国核管理委员会得知这一秘密消息的几个月后曝光。在此之前,美国核管理委员会已于九月份宣布将展开一项特别调查。

    It wasn 't until a videotape of guards sleeping in a " ready room " at the Peach Bottom plant in south-central Pennsylvania surfaced several months after it got the tip that the NRC announced in September a special investigation .

  17. BillWonch,本文作者之一,是Nebraska州劳工部的兼职讲师和软件架构师。

    Bill Wonch , one of the writer 's of this article , is an adjunct instructor and software architect for the Nebraska Workforce Development , Department of Labor .

  18. Franklin市卫生专员SusanTilgner表示,如果你现在要求Franklin县卫生局不管理郊区的餐馆,那么将来你就靠州卫生部了。

    If you call the Franklin County Board of Health to rat out a suburban restaurant today , it will refer you to the state Health Department , Franklin County Health Commissioner Susan Tilgner said .

  19. 联邦公路管理局继续执行其VE的营销努力,州交通部的工作,主要是通过AASHTO标准VE工作队,以促进过程中使用。

    FHWA has continued its VE marketing efforts , working with state DOTs , primarily through the AASHTO VE task force , to promote use of the process .

  20. 1997年AASHTO标准与虚拟环境会议开始,联邦公路管理局已颁发“杰出成就奖”,以州交通部的特殊成就的运用和推广价值的工程。

    Starting with the1997 AASHTO VE conference , FHWA has presented " outstanding achievement " awards to state DOTs for exceptional accomplishments in applying and promoting value engineering .

  21. 993年于红河州偏北部海拔1000~1500m造林困难的贫瘠干热地带进行混交造林试验。

    In 1993 , the mixed planting test of Pinus massoniana was done in infertile , dry and hot areas with the elevation of 1 000 ~ 1 500 m located at north of Honghe prefecture .

  22. 78年以来,Zippo公司一直以制造防风打火机而闻名于世,这种点烟用的打火机以黄铜和锋为原材料制作而成,其工厂位于宾夕法尼亚州西北部一座人口8400人的小镇。

    For 78 years , Zippo Manufacturing Co. has been known for its windproof cigarette lighters , which are fashioned from brass and chrome at a factory in this northwestern Pennsylvania town of 8 , 400 people .

  23. 纽约州税务部。

    A : To the New York State Department of Taxation .

  24. 位于加利福尼亚州中北部;加利福尼亚州首府。

    A city in north central California ; capital of California .

  25. 美国西维吉尼亚州西北部一城市,位于俄亥俄河沿岸。

    A city in northwestern West Virginia on the Ohio river .

  26. 收藏佛罗里达州南部的历史、化和考古学。

    Collect the history , culture and archaeology of Southern Florida .

  27. 美国康涅狄格州西南部城市;耶鲁大学所在地。

    A city in southwestern Connecticut ; site of Yale University .

  28. 今天上午,两辆货运火车在密苏里州东南部相撞。

    Two freight train , collided in southeastern Missouri this morning .

  29. 但是卡诺琳娜州南部的选民不会这么容易动心。

    But voters in South Carolina will be harder to sway .

  30. 卡罗莱纳州南部的一条河流,向东南流入大西洋。

    A river in South Carolina that flows southeast to the Atlantic .