
zhōu jùn
  • State and county;administrative district
州郡 [zhōu jùn]
  • [state and prefecture] 州和郡,均为古代行政区

  • 累官故不失州郡。--《资治通鉴》

  1. 曹魏兵制的变化与州郡领兵制

    Changes of System of Military Service in Cao-Wei Dynasty and Conscription System

  2. 许多州郡叛离罗马人。[美]州立学院管理委员会

    Many states revolted from the Romans . board of control

  3. 军镇与州郡构成了北魏的疆域。

    Jun Zhen and State County constituted the territory in Northern Wei .

  4. 既能做圣人,何必统治州郡?

    Why try to govern a country when you can become a saint ?

  5. 许多州郡叛离罗马人。

    Many states revolted from the Romans .

  6. 州郡学院院校研究&以亳州师范高等专科学校为个案

    Student teachers study at a training college . take Bozhou Teachers ' College as a Case

  7. 麻萨诸塞州灭火学院州郡民是国家直接统治的民户,户籍登录的主要对象是州郡民。

    Directly governed by the state , the county people were the major subjects of census register recordation .

  8. 从这些军镇和州郡的分布情况,我们就可以判断北魏的地域。

    From the distribution of Jun Zhen and state county , we can judge the region in Northern Wei .

  9. 在中国历史地理研究中,州郡之废置是一个相当重要的问题。

    In the research of the Geography of history , abolition and establishment of a county is quite an important issue .

  10. 然而,地方州郡兵应属于中、外军中的“外军”,故都督将军所统之兵含中央驻屯军和地方州郡兵。

    Through dialectical proof , this paper regards the local-stated soldiers belong to " outside soldiers " among the governmental and local-stated soldiers .

  11. 一位直言不讳的亚利桑那州郡治安官表示,他的副手们不会由于州法律被联邦法庭制止而停止逮捕可疑的非法移民。

    One outspoken Arizona sheriff says his deputies won 't stop arresting suspected illegal immigrants because previous state laws have been upheld by Federal courts .

  12. 撒旦尼亚系统:造物通常被划分成不同单元以进行管理,就像一个世界拥有国家,州郡,县和市。

    System of Satania : Creation is governed and divided into units for governance similar to how a world has countries , with states , counties and cities .

  13. 有的漕仓是军用仓储,甚至作军事据点;很多漕仓是州郡大仓和转运仓,也为可能发生的军事活动储备和调配军粮。

    Some were military warehouses , even military foothold . Many were warehouses of states and counties , or transportation warehouse , which stored and transported for military activity , too .