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zhuàng dīng
  • able-bodied man;able-bodied man (subject to conscription)
壮丁 [zhuàng dīng]
  • [able-bodied man (subject to conscription)] 年壮的男子。指服劳役的民丁或到达当兵年龄的人

壮丁[zhuàng dīng]
  1. 我认为这些就是冈萨雷斯的所有壮丁了,先生。

    I figure this is just about every able-bodied man in gonzales , sir .

  2. 国民政府征兵制度的设计如兵役行政系统设计的缺陷,免缓役制度的宽泛,补充第一、征兵年次过多等或直接或间接地成为拉壮丁的制度根源。

    The design of the Conscription of the National Government such as conscription system defects , such as dualism , a broad system of free deferrable , added first principle , excessive conscription directly or indirectly becomes the root of pulling able-bodied man system .

  3. 但是戏剧俱乐部经常抓壮丁。

    But the drama club can always use an extra hand .

  4. 让每个士兵和壮丁佩带武器。

    I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms .

  5. 恭喜!听说你太太刚生了个壮丁。

    Congratulations ! I heard your wife just gave birth to a boy .

  6. 短短几分钟内逾200苏族壮丁和妇孺丧命

    Within minutes over 200 Sioux warriors , women and children are dead .

  7. 壮丁部队:转化一个无能的俘虏去做干粗活的低等海盗。

    Press Gang : Convert an unskilled captive to a pirate of rather inferior quality .

  8. 如果将剩下的法国壮丁,派去攻打这座由炮火和混凝土合成的铜墙铁壁,这是多么可怕啊!

    How frightful to hurl the remaining manhood of France against this wall of fire and concrete !

  9. 军户制本身以及清军、勾军被抓的壮丁和战争及勾军产生的大量逃兵,也都以不同形式成了某地的移民。

    Lifelong enlistment system and the soldiers arrested and escaped in the war or arresting activities in some way formed the local inhabitants .

  10. 很多失去亲人的家庭将挚爱的亲人葬在了同一个墓里,因为没有壮丁可以挖出分开的墓穴了。

    Many grieving families are burying their loved ones in the same grave because no male member is available to dig separate ones .

  11. 翁及丕贝色特的壮丁必丧身刀下,二城的人都要被掳去。

    The young men of Heliopolis , and of Bubastus shall fall by the sword , and they themselves shall go into captivity .

  12. 基层保甲的拉壮丁既是完成征兵任务的无奈之举;也是寻求私利的舞弊行为所致。

    Primary Bao-Jia acts both for completing the task of conscription and promising to find self-interest move in the movement of pulling young men .

  13. 因此,基层保甲在征兵过程中徇私舞弊、贪赃枉法,强拉壮丁之事层出不穷。

    Therefore , the primary Bao-Jia practice favouritism and commit irregularities pulling strong young men during the recruitment process which come out one after another .

  14. 就派米息雅的军长阿颇罗尼率领二万二千人,命他杀尽了年富力强的壮丁,把妇女与幼童出卖。

    Antiochus also sent Apollonius with an army of twenty-two thousand soldiers with orders to behead all the grown men and sell the women and children .

  15. 去时里长给有的壮丁裹头巾,他们回时已经白头还要去守边。

    When going in grow some v / arc able-bodied man to wrap babushka , when they are answered already hoary head defends a margin even .

  16. 战时的拉壮丁不仅使壮丁的素质下降,而且也加剧了壮丁入营后的逃亡。

    Pulling able-bodied man makes not only the sharp decline in the quality of young men , but also escapement of the able-bodied man after entering the camp .

  17. 这个倒霉的懦夫被作为外星人通缉,又被一队游击队抓了壮丁。

    The hapless milquetoast is wanted for being an " alien " and he is captured by a band of guerrillas who want to recruit him to their cause .

  18. 抗战时期国统区抓壮丁现象剖析《水浒传》中女性红杏出墙现象剖析

    On " Press-gang Able-bodied Men " in the Kuomintang Ruled Area during the Period of Anti-Japanese War The Analysis of the Phenomenon of Female Adultery in the Water Margin

  19. 李连杰在最后的洽谈中扮演皇帝,正是他下令家家都要出壮丁。

    Jet Li is in final talks to play the emperor of China , who orders the mobilization of troops via the conscription of one male from each household .

  20. 特别是对保护壮丁的斗争,显得非常无力与办法很少,应引起今后的严重注意。

    In the struggle to protect able-bodied men from being press-ganged , in particular , we seemed to be incompetent and dull-witted . This merits our close attention in the future .

  21. 亚伯兰听见他侄儿(原文是弟兄)被掳去,就率领他家里生养的精练壮丁三百一十八人,直追到但。

    And when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive , he armed his trained servants , born in his own house , three hundred and eighteen , and pursued them unto Dan .

  22. 别用催眠了,想戒烟就得去石南地上裸舞,然后用六个壮丁的汗水沐浴

    All right , y'know forget hypnosis . The way to quit smoking is you have to dance naked in a field of heather , and then bath in the sweat of six healthy young men .

  23. 由于被拉者多系农村的青壮劳力,严重影响了大后方的生产;由于应征壮丁的抵制和反抗,也加剧了大后方社会的动荡。

    As able-bodied man pulled are mostly main labors in rural areas , it seriously affects production of the rear area . The resistance of the able-bodied men , also intensifies social unrest of the rear area .