首页 / 词典 / good

  • rake
  • make smooth with a rake;rake

  • harrow
  • harrow;draw a harrow over a field
  • 把土块弄碎的农具。

  • 用耙弄碎土块:这块地~两遍了。

  • 聚拢谷物或平土地用的用具:~子。齿~。

  • 用耙平整土地或聚拢谷物。


(碎土和平地的农具) harrow:

  • 圆盘耙

    disc harrow;

  • 钉齿耙

    spike-tooth harrow


(用耙弄碎土块) harrow; draw a harrow over a field:

  • 三犁三耙

    plough and harrow again and again;

  • 这块地好耙。

    This ground harrows well.


(耙子) rake:

  • 钉耙

    (iron-toothed) rake;

  • 木耙

    wooden rake


(用耙子平整土地或聚拢、散开柴草谷物等) make smooth with a rake; rake:

  • 把地耙平

    rake the soil level;

  • 把修剪掉的草耙出草坪

    rake the grass mowed down off the lawn

  1. 我看着那些人把叶子耙成堆。

    I watched the men rake leaves into heaps

  2. 把地上的废料耙在一起。

    Rake up the trash on the ground .

  3. 锹和耙的手柄较长,可发挥较好的杠杆作用。

    The spade and fork have longer shafts , providing better leverage .

  4. 她把炉灰从锅炉里面耙了出来。

    She raked out the ashes from the boiler .

  5. 用耙刨地使土壤透气。

    Aerate the soil by spiking with a fork .

  6. 将土耙松,把种子种在土里,然后轻轻地盖上土。

    Rake the soil , press the seed into it , then cover it lightly

  7. 这块地好耙。

    This ground harrows well .

  8. 在重新点火前先把煤渣耙出来

    Rake out the cinders before you start a new fire .

  9. 能轻易下耙的土壤

    soil that is easily penetrable with a fork

  10. 变频器、PLC在门式耙料机上的应用

    Application of frequency variator and PLC in gantry feed scraper

  11. φ30m耙式浓缩机效能提高的分析与改造

    Analysis and transform of φ 30 m rake thickener efficacy raising

  12. 水稻基肥(碳铵)机深施及机前全层湿润施用后,氮肥绝大部分进入土层,并迅速呈NH4+态被土壤颗粒吸附,随水流失进入稻田周围水体的N素比耙面肥处理减少60%-70%。

    After deep application and layers wetness , most of nitrogen became NH4 + and adsorbed by soil . Therefore N in surrounded water was 60 % ~ 70 % less than normal fertilization .

  13. 本文以PROFIBUS为总线协议,研制了一套耙吸挖泥船的挖泥集成控制系统。

    A kind of integrated control system for trailing suction dredges is presented by using PROFIBUS protocol in this paper .

  14. Mo-Nb贝氏体钢耙片挤压铸造

    Squeeze Cast of Disc Harrow Piece of Mo-Nb Bainite Steel

  15. 1929年,赫特和耙意识到这种疾病是由食管下括约肌(LES故障引起的)放宽。

    In1929 , Hurt and Rake realized that the disease was caused by a failure of the lower esophageal sphincter ( LES ) to relax .

  16. 耙茬和深松·耙茬使93.85%和95.04%的菌核分布于0~10cm土层中。

    93.85 % and 95.04 % of sclerotiums were in 0 ~ 10 ? cm layer respectively after harrowing and loosening - harrowing .

  17. 给出了挤压铸造Mo-Nb贝氏体钢耙片的化学成分、工艺参数和新型模具结构。

    The chemical components , technical parameter and a new type of mould structure are presented for squeeze casting disc harrow piece of Mo-Nb Bainite steel .

  18. 结果表明:收割后及时浅耕能将当年产生的杂草种子全部耙入0~10cm的土层中,通过配施除草剂,对杂草的防除效果较好;

    The result showed that timely tillage can put all weeds seed ( produced by this year ) into 0-10 cm soil layer , it benefit to weed control by utilizing herbicide .

  19. 采用高分子塑料减少耙径256m,使浓密机运行扭矩减少40%。

    Use of high molecule plastic reduces the rake diameter by 2.56m and the operating torque of thickener by 40 % .

  20. 挤压铸造的Mo-Nb贝氏体钢耙片不仅生产成本低,而且具有较高的硬度、韧性和较好的耐磨性。

    Not only the production cost of disc pieces of Mo-Nb bainite steel squeeze cast is low , but also the harrow has many characteristics such as greater hardness , toughness and better wear resistance .

  21. P-GaAs区在扩散长度一定时,结深存在优值,这一优值随耗尽区宽度的变化而产耙漂移,扩散长度一般要大于5~8倍结深;

    When Ln is constant , junction depth has an Optimum value which is drifting with the change of depletion width , generally Ln of p-GaAs layer should be 5-8 times later than junction depthl ;

  22. 发电厂重车调车机中变频器的应用设计了一种新型的平巷排矸调车机,用于耙斗装岩机后部的平巷调车,适用于1t矿车,一次可以调7辆矿车。

    Application of Transducer in Heavy Railway Wagon Scheduling Unit of Power Plant A new machine was designed for shunt behind a scraper loader in level roads . It 's suitable for 1t mining car , and 7 mining cars can be gathered at one time .

  23. 高抓取比耙剪式抓斗研究

    Research on grab of harrow - scissor type with good performance

  24. 每层四耙臂多膛炉的设计特点

    Design of Multiple-Hearth Roaster with 4 Rabble Arms in Each Story

  25. 园林工人翻耙苗圃,除掉杂草。

    The gardener raked over the bed and removed the weeds .

  26. 强力混合机叶轮轴上耙头及叶片安装角度的改进

    Improving the installing angles of harrow and blade in intensive mixer

  27. 耙吸挖泥船挖泥集成控制系统研制

    The Design of Integrated Control System for Trailing Suction Dredge s

  28. 耙吸挖泥船船型及其发展趋势

    The type and the development trend of the drag suction dredger

  29. 沉淀池刮泥机的刮泥耙设计

    Design of mud scraping rake for mud scraper of depositing reservoir

  30. 800m~3开体式耙吸挖泥船电气系统设计

    Electric system designed for 800 m 3 open drag suction dredger