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dīng shuì
  • poll tax
丁税 [dīng shuì]
  • [poll tax] 人头税

  1. 世上的君王,向谁徵收关税丁税。是向自己的儿子呢,是向外人呢。

    From whom do the kings of the earth collect duty and taxes & from their own sons or from others ?

  2. 到了迦百农,有收丁税的人来见彼得说,你们的先生不纳丁税吗。

    And when they were come to Capernaum , they that received tribute money came to Peter , and said , Doth not your master pay tribute ?

  3. 免丁钱是一种创行于南宋绍兴中期的身丁税,课征对象为寺观僧道,仅盛行于南宋时期。

    Exempting from poll taxation was a kind of tax policy that prevailed only in middle period of Southern Song Dynasty , and levied tax on Buddhist monks and Taoist priests .