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  • 网络Ding Wenjiang;V.K.Ting
  1. 丁文江是中国近现代史上的一位奇人。

    Ding Wenjiang is a legend in modern history in China .

  2. 丁文江晚年的政治思想

    The political thinking of Ding Wenjiang in his later life

  3. 科玄论战性质新论&以科玄论战中的丁文江为中心的考察

    A New Explanation for the Nature of the Debate between Science and Metaphysics

  4. 丁文江研究述评

    Comment on the Study of DING Wen-jiang

  5. 丁文江对发展科学事业提出的诸多见解,至今仍有一定的借鉴价值。

    His interpretation on science and its development is still valuable to us at present .

  6. 第一部分:丁文江社会改造思想形成的背景。

    Part one : The background of Ting Wen-chiang 's ideology on the social reform .

  7. 作为近代中国著名的地质科学家,丁文江对科学有看独到的认识和理解。

    As a contemporary well-known Chinese geologist , Ding Wenjiang has a unique understanding of science .

  8. 丁文江等人以科学中的实验等方法为根据,一方面极力论证科学知识的合法性;

    They argued the validity of the scientific knowledge on the basis of the scientific experiment ;

  9. 强烈爱国之心和社会责任感,使丁文江对国家现代化发展的希冀远比一般人要强烈。

    Strong patriotism and social responsibility maked Ting have more hope by the modern social and political .

  10. 纵观五四新文化运动对于科学旗帜的高扬,我们不难发现丁文江这一人物于其中所起的支撑和传递旗帜的伟大作用。

    Ting , who not only lifted the scientific banner but passed it to the new generation as well .

  11. 本文首先考察了丁文江的青少年时代,回顾了他海外求学的历史经历和成长过程。

    First , the paper reviews Ding Wenjiang 's teenage times and his historical experience and growing process of pursuing knowledge .

  12. 本文以民国时期中国地质科学四大奠基人章鸿钊、丁文江、翁文灏、李四光为切入点来考察民国科学家人文关怀的特点。

    This text attempt to announce the characteristic of the humane care by studying the four major founders of China 's geology .

  13. 丁文江的社会改造思想体现了一位爱国科学家对近代中国前途命运的深切关怀。

    Ting Wen-chiang 's ideology of social reform reflects a patriotic scientist 's deep care for modern China 's future and fate .

  14. 该书是丁文江先生1930年在大方收集的第一部彝文文献。

    The book is the first one in old Yi language among the works collected by Ding Wenjiang in Dafang area in1930 .

  15. 安特生与丁文江的早期中外考古合作及其影响&读《中国之前的中国》

    Early Sino-foreign Archaeological Cooperation implemented by J.G.Andersson and Ding Wenjiang and it Influence : Remarks on the Book China before China ;

  16. 《努力周报》是胡适、丁文江等人在1922年5月所创办的一份旨在讨论社会问题的刊物。

    THE ENDEAVOR was established in 5 , 1922 by Hu Shih , Ding Wenjiang and so on , which aimed at discussing social problems .

  17. 留英七年,丁文江在英国度过了他思想的成熟期,形成了以科学为指导的世界观、思维方式和价值观。

    Spending 7 years in Britain , V.K.Ting formed a mature thinking and the guidance of a scientific world view , ways of thinking and values .

  18. 19世纪末,丁文江既受到传统儒家文化的熏陶,又深受当时西方的实证主义、自由主义和科学思潮的洗礼。

    At the end of the 19th century , Ting Wen-chiang was edified not only by the Confucian culture , but also by the western pragmatism , liberalism and scientific thoughts .

  19. 丁文江不仅是中国地质科学的主要奠基者,而且是近代科学救国思想的主要倡导者和实践者。

    Ding Wenjiang was not only the major founder of the Chinese geological science , but also the main advocator and practitioner of the thoughts of saving the country through science .

  20. 由于丁文江受自身阶级立场的局限,他在政治思想方面的一些错误观点是难免的,但是瑕不掩瑜,尊称他为中国地质学界的开山大师是恰当的。

    Due to the limitation of his class standpoint , it was inevitable for him to have some wrong ideas in the politics , but it is still proper to respect him as a great pioneer in China geology .