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  1. 马铃薯片&马丁氏培养基用于手癣病源菌的分离培养

    Separate Culture and Preliminary Determination of Potato-Martin Substratum Used for Pathogenic Bacteria of Tinea Manuum

  2. 丁氏以漆黑流畅的轮廓线条钩勒雕像,分隔虚实空间。

    The smooth , solid black lines render the status in silhouette and segregate the virtual and real space .

  3. 明清建筑艺术国之瑰宝山东龙口丁氏故宅

    National Building Art Treasure of Ming and Qing Dynasties & Former Residence of Ding Family , Longkou City , Shandong Province

  4. 就在研究古代中国经典作品的同时,丁氏开始对古印玺,甚至是更远古的甲骨文、青铜铭文、篆书产生兴趣。

    While delved into the ancient Chinese classical works , T'ing became intrigued by the ancient imperial seals and oracle-bone inscriptions , bronze epigraphs and seal calligraphy .

  5. 丁氏的“仁学”思想摆脱宋明儒家的“心性”之学,建立儒学的伦理本位,具有强烈的时代和地域特征。

    Ding Ruo-yong 's Benevolence thought broke away from mind nature of Song-Ming Dynasties Confucianism , established Confucian ethics selfishness , and had strong era and district characteristics .

  6. 丁氏王朝(公元968&980年)是越南第一个独立的封建王朝和封建国家,这是越南早期封建社会的重大转折;

    The Ding dynasty ( 968-980 ) was the first independent feudal dynasty and state . It was an important turn of the early feudal society of Viet Nam .

  7. 丁氏在红色块上以刮痕或刻线清晰地钩出图形符号,让底层的灰蓝色调浮现出来,藉现代油画把原始文化释放出来。

    On the red blocks are some scratched and scribed outlines of symbols , which , by allowing the bice beneath to rise before our eyes , liberate the primitive culture through modern oils .