
  1. 纽约州将在星期二举行预选。

    New York holds its primary election on Tuesday .

  2. 今年3月,阿拉巴马州将迎接大约三万名游客来到塞尔玛,纪念民权游行50周年,该游行促成了1965年的《投票权法案》(VotingRightsAct)。

    Alabama is ready to welcome an estimated 30000 visitors to Selma in March for the 50th anniversary of the civil rights marches that led to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 .

  3. 俄勒冈和南部的肯塔基州将在未来一周举行初选。

    Oregon and the Southern state of Kentucky vote the following week .

  4. 墨西哥官员警告说,德克萨斯变成州将引发战争。

    Mexican officials had warned that Texas statehood would lead to war .

  5. 北达科他州将经历一个暴风雨的夜晚。

    And it 's gonna be a blizzard night in North Dakota .

  6. 当时只有27个州将他的名字列在了候选人名单上。

    His name was registered on the ballot in only 27 states .

  7. 在3月有5个州将进行选举。

    Five state elections will be held in march .

  8. 南部和西部六州将分别得到一个席位。

    Six states in the South and West will each gain one seat .

  9. 这个州将决出33个党代表的名额。

    Thirty-three delegates are at stake in that contest .

  10. 和伊利诺伊州将举行活动,再现刘易斯和克拉克到达圣路易市的场景。

    And Illinois will recreate the arrival of Lewis and Clark in Saint Louis .

  11. 排名第一的俄亥俄州将和第二名的路易斯安那州对决。

    Ohio State , rated number one , will play number two Louisiana State .

  12. 罗德岛州将成为该地区唯一一个没有此类法律的州。

    Rhode Island would be the only state in the region without such a law .

  13. 总统安德鲁杰克逊也担心,兼并得克萨斯州将导致战争与墨西哥。

    President Andrew Jackson also worried that annexing Texas would lead to war with Mexico .

  14. 但是在2005年,亚利桑那州将走私移民定为触犯州法律。

    But in 2005 , Arizona also made it a state crime to smuggle immigrants .

  15. 爱荷华州将是仅有的将同性恋婚姻合法化的三个州之一。

    Iowa will now become one of only three states where gay marriage is legal .

  16. 今天,加利福尼亚州将最低工资由每小时8美元提至每小时9美元。

    California raises its minimum wage today from 8 dollars to 9 dollars an hour .

  17. 每个州将包括10至20所高中。

    They will involve ten to twenty high schools in each of the eight states .

  18. 分析员警告大多数州将在接下几年面临巨大的预算间距。

    Analysts caution that most states will face large budget gaps in the next few years .

  19. 预计降幅最大的几个州将是内华达州、明尼苏达州、加州和亚利桑那州。

    Some of the biggest declines are expected in Nevada , Minnesota , California and Arizona .

  20. 美国佐治亚州将对总统选举选票进行全州范围的手工重新计票。

    In the U.S. , Georgia will conduct a statewide hand recount of presidential election ballots .

  21. 官员预计肯塔基州将于东部时间6:24进行。

    Officials expect the Kentucky Derby will take place as scheduled at 6:24 pm Eastern time .

  22. 今天,德克萨斯州将对一夫多妻制宗派一名成员进行审判。

    Trial is set to get underway in Texas today for a member of polygamist sect .

  23. 在路易斯安那州将11岁以下的孩子从父母身边带走是违法的。

    In Louisiana , it 's illegal for children under 11 to be taken from their parents .

  24. 加州州长加文·纽森宣布,该州将放宽部分重新开放的标准。

    California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced that the state is relaxing some of its reopening criteria .

  25. 州将在来的若干年失去联邦的激励资金并且将努力缩小巨大的预算间距。

    States will lose federal stimulus money in coming years and will struggle to close large budget gaps .

  26. 一些州将失去众议员席位,而另一些州将获得众议员席位。

    Some states will lose members of the House of Representatives , and other states will gain them .

  27. 11月,美国有23个州将让海外投票者通过电子邮件接收或投递选票。

    In November 23 American States will allow voters overseas to receive or return their ballots via e-mail .

  28. 今年,北卡罗来纳州将实施一项新法案,以削减失业救济金并增加营业税。

    A new law takes effect this year in North Carolina that cuts unemployment benefit and raises business taxes .

  29. 专家们认为,俄亥俄和维吉尼亚州将是决定今年大选的两个州。

    Ohio and Virginia are two of the states where analysts believe this year 's election may be decided .

  30. 这就意味着许多美国保守州将不再禁止同性结婚,或是否认同性伴侣的婚姻权益。

    This means that conservative US states can no longer prevent same-sex marriages or deny same-sex married couples marital benefits .