
  1. 【分析】州河景观房价格高还是低?

    The analysis of the Suzhou River landscape Housing prices high or low ?

  2. 女友问我:“你现在知道人们为什么称这条河为威斯康辛的州河吗?”

    My girlfriend asked me : " Have you found the reason why people call the river the river of Wisconsin ?"

  3. 一个以前住在密苏里州河西部的达科它的喀多族人。婆罗洲西北部的苏丹国。

    A member of the Caddo people who formerly lived in the Dakotas west of the Missouri river . a sultanate in northwestern Borneo .

  4. 建立州河大桥空间力学模型,并且对全桥局部构造及建模过程作详细的说明。

    Establish space finite element model of this bridge , and give the detailed explanation of the entire bridge local structure and the process of establishing model .

  5. 运用轮库寻优算法编写程序,对州河流域三库进行联合调度,可有效地解决流域水资源优化利用问题。

    With this program to realize the optimum goal , we can conduct the three reservoirs of Zhou River valley , which can solve the problem that the water resources are losing in the basin effectively .

  6. 科罗拉多大峡谷U形透明玻璃悬空天桥是美国亚利桑那州科罗拉多河上的一处旅游景点。游客可站在高空中俯瞰大峡谷的风光,看着科罗拉多河在脚下奔流,过足“天行者”的瘾。

    Grand Canyon Skywalk is a tourist attraction along the Colorado River on the edge of the Grand Canyon in Arizona , U.S.A.

  7. 今夏,田纳西河流域管理局(TennesseeValleyAuthority)与核能承包商Babcock&Wilcox签署了一项协议,在田纳西州克林奇河上建造六个小型模块式反应堆,标志着这种设计首次被用于商业发电。

    This summer , the Tennessee Valley Authority signed an agreement with nuclear contractor Babcock & Wilcox to build six small , modular reactors on the Clinch River in Tennessee , marking the first such developments for commercial power generation .

  8. 惠灵位于西弗吉尼亚州俄亥俄河的锅柄状地带。

    Wheeling is located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia .

  9. 基于生态位理论的旅游地发展策略研究&以黔东南州巴拉河流域乡村旅游区为例

    Development Strategy of Tourist Destination Based on the Niche Theory

  10. 在伊利诺斯州坎河的冰塞绵延数英里。

    In the Kankakee River in Illinois , ice jam stretch for miles .

  11. 他被送到新泽西州汤姆斯河法拉格特海军上将军官学校学习。

    He was sent to Admiral Farragut Academy in Toms river , new jersey .

  12. 美国加利福尼亚州菲泽河流域开展的森林资源协作管理是一个典型的社区协作管理模式。

    Feather River coordinated resource management is a successful case , with the longest operating period in California .

  13. 小说集主要讲述的是生活在美国南部路易斯安那州藤河县居民的故事,这里的人有着不同的肤色和文化背景,多种族和文化交汇碰撞,反映了文化的多元性和复杂性。

    The twenty-three stories in this collection give account of the life of Cane River residents living in Louisiana , the southern state of America , where people have different skin colors and cultural backgrounds , and live in racial and cultural collision .

  14. 比尔·凯思(BillKeith),29岁,来自俄亥俄州的哈德逊河流域,在将别人都吸引到自己身边来,他有绝招。

    Bill Keith , 29 , from Hudson , OH , has a knack for charming everyone around him .

  15. 生活的色彩:绿色。在一个夜晚的会合,两只树蛙相见面对面在叶片顶上位于路易斯安那州的Atchafalaya河三角洲。

    Life in Color : Green In a nocturnal rendezvous , two green tree frogs meet face-to-face atop a leaf in Louisiana 's Atchafalaya River Delta .

  16. 德克萨斯州达拉斯三一河廊道设计导则

    Trinity River Corridor Design Guidelines , Dallas , TX

  17. 阿肯色州的阿肯色河流域的苏族人。

    A member of the Siouan people of the Arkansas river valley in Arkansas .

  18. 发源于怀俄明州中部的一条河流,在蒙大纳州汇入黄石河。

    A river that flows from central Wyoming to the Yellowstone River in southern Montana .

  19. 从前居住在密苏里州的密苏里河流域的苏族人。

    A member of the Siouan people formerly inhabiting the valley of the Missouri river in Missouri .

  20. 一天黄昏,在美国德克萨斯州埃克特詹姆斯河蝙蝠洞保护区,墨西哥游离尾蝠飞出洞穴。

    Mexican free-tailed bats spiral out of Eckert James River Bat Cave Preserve in Texas at dusk .

  21. 他所开发来替代热原检验的方法,由非营利团体授权美国麻州的查尔斯河实验室使用。

    Hartung 's alternative pyrogen assay is licensed by a nonprofit group to Charles River Laboratories in Massachusetts .

  22. 美国爱达荷州中部洛斯特河断层麦凯段晚第四纪断层陡坎与地震

    Late Quaternary scarps and earthquakes on the Mackay segment of the Lost River fault in central idaho , United States

  23. 曾经生活在北加利福尼亚州的彼得河流域,现在已经灭绝的北美印第安族人。

    A member of an extinct North American Indian people who lived in the pit River Valley in n california .

  24. 第七天,我们到了明尼苏达州,密西西比河的源头,也到了我的家,明尼阿波利斯市。

    On the seventh day we reached Minnesota , the top of the Mississippi , and my home , Minneapolis .

  25. 人们认为大多数的河流流入密苏里州和密西西比河,在那里和其他河流汇合注入海中。

    Most of it is thought to have ended up in the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers , from where it was transported into the sea .

  26. 那一年,九月的下午,我们五对夫妇各自慢悠悠地划着独木舟,沿着缅因州的萨科河顺流而下,沐浴在夏末的金色阳光之中,无比惬意。

    We paddled down Maine 's Saco River that September afternoon , five couples in canoes , basking in the summer 's last golden sunlight .

  27. 这些美丽的警报器,实际上发现在蒙托克和阿马甘西特,纽约以及在佛罗里达州的布鲁克斯维尔河游泳。

    These beautiful sirens were actually found swimming in Montauk and Amagansett , New York as well as in the Weeki Wachee River in Florida .

  28. 根据原来的飞行记录,航程历时四十分钟,从费城出发降落在新泽西州横跨特拉华河。

    According to the original records of the flight , the voyage lasted forty-sixminutes , from its departure in Philadelphia to its landing across the DelawareRiver in New Jersey .

  29. 昆州政府觉得,它有权增加州内达令河河段沿岸的灌溉量,来使本州的农业发展程度赶上其它州。

    The state government felt it had a right to promote irrigation along its stretch of the Darling to bring Queensland to the same level of agricultural development as the other states .

  30. 因为出生并生长于犹他州的熊河鸟类保护区附近,威廉斯天生与大自然亲密无间,这使得她一直致力于倡导保护和爱惜环境。

    Being born and raised near the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge in Utah , Williams shares an inborn intimacy with nature , which makes her devote herself to protecting the environment all through her life .