
  1. 朝鲜计划在今日与下周三之间从舞水瑞里(musudanri)发射场发射一枚洲际弹道导弹,朝鲜政府称,火箭将携带一颗通讯卫星进入太空。

    North Korea plans to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile which Pyongyang says will carry a communications satellite into space from musudanri between today and Wednesday .

  2. 在2006年,当间谍卫星侦察到舞水端里发射场的相关活动后,美国曾经启动过其防御系统。

    The US switched on the system in 2006 after spy satellites detected activity at Musudan-ri .

  3. 今年1月中旬,外国军事和情报官员通过卫星照片首先发现了舞水端里的发射准备活动。

    Outside military and intelligence officials in mid-January first observed preparations at that site , called Musudan-ri , via satellite photography .

  4. 本月早些时候的媒体报道称,朝鲜已经将舞水端导弹从发射地点转移。

    Officials and media reports earlier this month said North Korea had moved the Musudan missiles away from the firing locations .

  5. 不愿透露姓名的华盛顿国防官员星期一晚间说,平壤最近把两枚舞水端导弹从东海的一个发射场移走。

    Speaking anonymously late Monday , Washington defense officials said Pyongyang recently moved the two Musudan missiles from a launch site on the country 's east coast .

  6. 这是杀手之舞,水之舞,行动敏捷,出其不意。

    This is the bravo 's dance , the water dance , swift and sudden .