
wǔ bù
  • dance steps;step;dance
舞步[wǔ bù]
  1. 找个舞伴来练习这些新舞步。

    Find a partner and practise these new dance steps .

  2. 约翰有丰富的创造力——总能编出新的舞步和连续舞步。

    John was full of invention ─ always making up new dance steps and sequences .

  3. 他们给这个舞蹈增加了许多复杂的舞步。

    They added a lot of fancy footwork to the dance .

  4. 福金没有改变传统芭蕾舞的舞步,而是另辟蹊径对这些舞步加以运用。

    Fokine did not change the steps of classical ballet ; instead he found new ways of using them .

  5. 她会跳各种舞步。

    She knows all the steps .

  6. 他创作了一种新的舞步。

    He originated a new style of dancing .

  7. 他们的芭蕾舞老师对她不耐烦了:“凯伦,你应该记住基本舞步。”

    Their ballet teacher became impatient with her , Karen , you should remember the basic steps .

  8. 由于对舞步一无所知,她只好盲目地模仿着同学的动作。

    As she had no idea about the dance steps , she had to follow her classmates blindly .

  9. 上述例子都可以说是经典舞步的模仿版本

    The above examples are all slightly parodied versions of classical dance steps .

  10. 很好奇盛装舞步比赛的赛马是如何被运到海外的。

    Curious how dressage horses are transported overseas .

  11. 观看表演的大熊小熊们看着他那优美的舞姿,竟惊诧得目瞪口呆。又都想模仿他的波兰舞步,可一个个都心有余而力不足。

    His brothers , who were watching the performance , were astonished at his grace , and tried to imitate his ballet steps .

  12. 跳了一整夜舞/踏着古老的舞步(b威廉巴特勒耶茨)

    We foot it all the night / weaving olden dances ( bWilliam Butler Yeats )

  13. 舞步错了你就得到一个X

    Do the wrong moves and you get an " X. "

  14. 苏格兰踢踏舞既可以单独进行,也可以在一个小的“set”中群体进行。在群体舞蹈中,较慢和较快的舞步会通过简单的舞蹈排列结合起来。

    Scottish step-dancing is a traditional Scottish form of hard-shoe dancing which can be danced solo , or in a small'set'where steps in slow and quick time are combined with simple dance patterns .

  15. PSY在MV中精心设计了一套舞步。

    PSY even choreographed the routines in the clip .

  16. 近日,美国天后碧昂斯新单曲《Countdown》MV曝光,而有著名编舞家德·吉尔斯梅克可指控碧昂斯抄袭自己的舞步。

    A leading choreographer has accused Beyonc é of " stealing " dance moves , after the American singer launched her latest music video .

  17. 网友们称梅姨略带尴尬的舞步与球星PeterCrouch经典的“机器人”动作如出一辙。

    The Prime Minister 's toe-curling moves as she watched a display of traditional singing and dancing sparked comparisons with footballer Peter Crouch 's famous ' robot ' .

  18. 歌曲MV中最吸引人眼球的是PSY独特的舞步,他在视频中大秀搞笑的骑马舞步,还拿毛巾当道具。

    What 's catching the eyes in Gangnam style is PSY 's unique dance moves , funny horse riding scenes and dancing in a towel .

  19. 手上戴着皮手套,Avril领着一群原宿少女跳着精心设计过的舞步。

    With leather gloves adorning her hands , Avril leads a pack of harajuku girls in a choreographed dance routine .

  20. 当然,他们不能真地跳起来。可是Parsons提供了一块板子。在上面他们能迈出一些舞步。

    Of course , they couldn 't actually tango , but he did provide a board on which they could do some of the steps .

  21. 甚至有几位惯常保守的韩国总统候选人也在模仿PSY的舞步,以吸引选民。

    Even a few of South Korea 's normally staid presidential candidates are imitating Psy 's moves in an appeal to voters .

  22. 跳舞垫上灯光闪耀,指示你移动舞步,并根据你的步速进行评分&就像一台家庭DDR跳舞机!

    It lights up to teach dance moves , and scores you based on how quickly you step – like a DDR machine for the home !

  23. Zumba的主题不是实际的舞步,而是如何跳舞。

    The main theme of Zumba is not the actual steps , but how they are danced .

  24. 修女CeciliaAdorni在一个成年人照料中心向年长的居民教授她奇特的波尔卡舞步。

    Sister Cecilia Adorni teaches her fancy polka steps to elderly residents at an adult daycare center .

  25. 如果您正在寻找一匹障碍马或舞步马,位于荷兰的VDL种马场则是您不可错过的地方。

    The VDL Stud in Holland is the place to be if you are looking for a show jumper or dressage horse .

  26. 很多人都看过Chuck,Berry表演,我也经常看,就在一两年前,我在圣路易斯,看到他弹着吉他,做着舞步,有点像一只狗在走路。

    Chuck Berry , one can see even I , every so often in the facility of Saint Louis I saw him a year or two ago , playing guitar and doing something approximating a dog walk .

  27. 他2001年发行第一张专辑《来自精神病世界的PSY》时,因为独特的装扮、直白的歌词和搞笑的舞步,获得了奇葩歌手的外号。

    When his debut album PSY * From the Psycho World ! was released in 2001 , he was nicknamed Bizarre Singer because of his unusual dress , candid lyrics and comical dance movies .

  28. 起初我还不太适应被许多陌生的眼睛注视着,但后来在NIN教练动感舞步的感染下,我渐渐完全沉浸于运动的喜悦之中了。

    At first I wasn 't too comfortable being watched by so many strangers , but then infected by the NIN coaches dance steps , I gradually lost myself in the work out .

  29. 看看LaMilongadelosConsagrados(门票55比索,最低消费一杯酒水)里的专注舞者吧,这里的舞池挤满了老年人,努力配合着音乐踏出舞步,音乐虽然是用电脑播放,听上去却带有一种留声机的质感。

    Check out the dedicated dancers at La Milonga de los Consagrados ( 55 pesos to enter , one-drink minimum ) , where the seniors keep the dance floor packed , working their moves to music , which , though played on a computer , sounds as if it 's coming from a Victrola .

  30. 日复一日它们沉默地踏着舞步,带给Tatooine光与暗的交替,带走那些脆弱的灵魂,并将之交与原力之手。

    Day after day they dance in silence , bringing to Tatooine light following darkness , bringing away those weak minds once it has haboured to rest in the bosom of the Force .