
  1. 因此,普通类高等学校显现出体育舞蹈教材的匮乏与滞后,体育舞蹈师资力量和水平的不足等等一系列的问题。

    Therefore , ordinary higher school sports dance teaching material appeared with lag , the lack of sports dance teachers strength and level the inadequacy of a series of problems .

  2. 现有的舞蹈美育教材体系,对于普及和推广舞蹈艺术常识有着一定的作用与价值。

    The modern Dance Aesthetic textbook system plays a certain role and creates value for the art of dance knowledge .

  3. 但是,在大学生舞蹈美育教材出版方面存在数量不多,教材适用性不强,传播效果不佳等问题。

    But the publication quantity is not enough , the use is not strong and the spread is not wide in students dance aesthetic education textbook .

  4. 第一章是关于青少年舞蹈美育教材出版物抽样调查的概述,包括考察教材出版的类型、出版的规模、出版的走势。

    The first chapter is an overview of the Youth Dance Aesthetic published materials sampling survey , the type of publication of study materials , section ⅱ, published by the scale , section ⅲ, published in the trend .

  5. 第三章是关于青少年舞蹈美育教材建设成就与不足的分析,包括成就与贡献、问题与影响、现状形成之成因。

    The third chapter is the analysis to the achievements and shortcomings of youth dance aesthetic textbook construction , the first section of the main achievements and contribution , section ⅱ, the main problem with the impact of Section ⅲ status quo formation causes .

  6. 大部分的高师院校都是借用专业艺术院校舞蹈表演专业的教材进行教学,没有能突出本身师范性的特点。

    Most advanced normal universities use specialty colleges ' textbook , without any characteristic of " normal ", for teaching .

  7. 同时,体育舞蹈教学大纲、教材的编制、辅助课程的开设、高校间的竞赛组织也是制约体育舞蹈运动发展的重要因素。

    Meanwhile other primary factors which influence the development of sport dance in universities are the compiling of teaching material , teaching outline , the set up of correlative courses , and organization of competitions between universities .

  8. 随着舞蹈美育的不断发展,舞蹈美育教材建设也逐渐兴起与繁荣起来。而对应当下时代的美育需求,舞蹈美育教材建设仍存在着问题与不足。

    The development of the Dance aesthetic promotes the rise of dance aesthetic publication materials construction and prosperity , but as for the corresponding demand , it still exists some problems and shortcomings .