
  • 网络Beautiful color
  1. 因为她看到了世界上最美丽的色彩。

    It was the most beautiful color she has ever seen on the world .

  2. 蔚蓝的天空,在与大海的交融之际,是大自然中最美丽的色彩。

    Azure is the most beautiful color in nature especially when the sea is melting into the sky .

  3. 让双唇装饰上美丽的色彩。

    Lips are adorned with a sheer veil of brilliant color .

  4. 秋天的树叶有美丽的色彩。

    The leaves have beautiful colors in the fall .

  5. 这支“神笔”能帮助人们更好的欣赏大自然中五彩缤纷的颜色,有了它,艺术家们就能描绘出更斑斓、更美丽的色彩了。

    This superb device will help people to observe the changing colors of nature .

  6. 洛神凄美的爱情传说更使洛河笼罩在神秘而美丽的色彩中。

    Romantic love legends of the Luohe River hang over the river with mystery and beauty .

  7. 随着轻薄的液晶电视在之诞生,科技使生活更添美丽的色彩及轻便。

    With the inventing and developing for LCD TV , technology bring colors and handiness to our life .

  8. 有时万紫千红,有时银光闪闪,为庆祝节日的人们带来了无数美丽的色彩。

    Full sometimes , and sometimes shiny silver , to celebrate the festival has brought countless people and beautiful colors .

  9. 我打算继续创作、不断努力的去把画布-我的生命-用最美丽的色彩填满。这是我对2001年这新的一年所许下的然诺。

    I intend to keep creating and working hard to fill this canvas , which is my life , with as much beauty as I can .

  10. 有一个美丽的蓝宝石色彩基调。

    There a a beautiful sapphire colour tone .

  11. 由于阳光照射充足,颜色的饱和度很高,从而体现出最美丽绚烂的色彩。

    As light enough , all the color saturation is also very high , reflecting the most gorgeous colors side .

  12. 但是这些鸟获得了这些人的衷爱,他们喜欢其机灵聪明和为城区带来的美丽的热带色彩。

    But the birds have achieved a loyal following of fans who admire their cleverness and the splash of tropical color they bring to urban areas .

  13. 你们也将喜悦于所有的舒适之中,你们完全可以想像一下,被全然的美丽与壮观的色彩所围绕,其中的一些是从未在当前的地球见到过的。

    Yet you will enjoy all of the comforts you could possibly think of , surrounded by absolute beauty and spectacular colors some of which are presently unseen on Earth .

  14. 他手里拿着一把漂亮的弓,但是雨水已经把它弄坏了。涂在那些美丽箭上的色彩全都被雨淋得模糊不清了。

    In his hand he held a beautiful little bow-and-arrow set , but the bow had been ruined by the rain , and all the colors on the arrows had run together .

  15. 思念,是一张美丽的照片,用色彩记下美好的回忆;

    Missing , is a beautiful picture , takes down the happyrecollection with the color ;

  16. 各种鲜花,从在四月的第一朵玫瑰,到九月的第一朵翠菊,为这里美丽的风光带来了色彩与活力。

    Flowering plants , from the first rose in April to the first aster in September , add color , fragrance , and movement to the beautiful landscape .